Whites: Jesus, Elvis, Confederate Robert E. Lee! I’m going to do many posts on Jesus exposing the jews and calling them “Hypocrites,” the worst possible curse word in history. I read 16 books about Elvis and he saw Jesus appear to him in the clouds on his way from California to Vegas. But he also saw jew led Communist Russian Joseph Stalin, who was surrounded by jewesses. The women hated God and especially Jesus Christ. They thought up the false idea that their jew boys are the “Messiah” for Whites to worship, not Jesus.
Jesus, Elvis, who studied, prayed, and read – 1,000 books – and White Christian General Robert E. Lee. Elvis saw Jesus the clouds on his trip from California to Vegas. But he also saw the head of White Russian leader Joseph Stalin, led by jewesses. Those women wanted Jesus dead so their jewish sons would be called the collective “Messiah,” not Jesus Christ. I pray to God that He will help us save the knowledge of Jesus that we’ve studied and prayed for for 2,000 years.
Part 11 See my last blog for 1-10 One year after the wonderful Mayflower’s 1st Thanksgiving, the Red Indians massacred one of the settlements. Governor William Bradford was loving and strict about treating the Indians well. Yet, the savages went berserk. Truthfully, the American jungles were so violent, the White men had the White women, children, and two babies stay on the ship for 6 months. The Red Indians were savages. Their women were chopping and boiling the White Pilgrims perhaps still alive! Part 12. See my last blog for 1-10. It’s self-explanatory. The White woman was a cheap if not free sex victim for the world’s spermatozoa!
My deceased husband’s ancestors were the first to settle in America as a religious colony. Deceased Veteran’s ancestor who fled England’s religious persecution and founded the 1st American Religious colony.Part 3 White 1st Thanksgiving. Note the White suffering and sacrifice of the heroines and heroes. THIS is what our White children must learn. Our children must be separated from the other races, especially our males, or the USA will be a 3rd or 4th world country. It took the White heterosexual Christian male to develop what we have today for 400 years.White American ancestry. Vietnam Veteran, Purple Heart Hall of Honor, Michael Duncan, Sr., my deceased husband’s ancestors. Also, our children and offspring are from that line. Part 6. White Religious Freedom. The government persecuted the White religious who tried for 10 years to flee Europe for America. They obtained a ship during the worst ocean hurricane season from September to November. Amid the hurricane, the ship’s lower beam burst, and they may have been doomed to sink. After praying to God, the idea appeared to remove the printing press’s long screw and use it to mend the broken beam under the ship!Mayflower Compact for the 1st White Christian colony in America. White religious women on the Mayflower. My husband’s relatives. Stephen and ELIZABETH Hopkins. My White religious ancestors were passed on through my deceased Veteran’s line. Michael Jokobowski Duncan, White Christian America vs the yellow Communist God-hating Chinese bodies and Jews.Food List on the Mayflower
Matthew: I’m rereading page by page, plus extra resources. The Bible’s Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. I want to ascend to discover more about White Jesus, Greek or Roman.
White Texasn, LBJ’s father/grandfather, supported Jew Leo Frank who murdered Lil’ MaryPhaghan in 1913 (same year jew Samual Untermeyer started his USA Federal Reserve Bank, thenthe jew started World War I and II!) The murdered her on “Confederate Memorial Holiday.”
It insulted the Southern White men who tried to defend our country and not put coloreds and jews in charge. (think Today, Kamala-jew husband, under Biden top 12 choices, jews and jewess (who own the USA Treasury).
In that murder trial, jew Leo Frank’s jewish wife screamed at him and wouldn’t be buried next to him to suffer for eternity. When the White Governor was going to free the jew, the White men went in the prison and hung him as Jews did our finest German men, most religious, and smartest. Polish second most religious and smartest. In fact, it’s the only Christian European Country left. Read the book about Hitler and Pope Pius XII.
However, the jews always win. Always.They used the hanging as a tool to pass a bill in formerly White USA Congress and formed the A.D.L. the notorious Anti-Defamation League. No one dare, under penalty of death or gas lighting for eternity, would stand up to the jews. Deceased Polish Mama’s words, “Stand up to the jews you coward.”
To continue, Lil’ Mary Phaghan, supported her widowed mother & 5 children and worked for the jew. I have stories about working for jews and jewesses since they all moved from Germany into their USA capital, Chicago.
Also, Mary went to pick up her meager check at the jews’ factory. On a Saturday, no one there. Jew worked with his janitor (Jews and Blacks even Muslims working against Whites, even Christians, for 800+ years.)
To begin, the Jew first assaulted Mary with an object in her vagina. Knocked her against the pencil-making machine. Then with the help of the janitor dragged her corpse (or 1/2 dead body) and put her in the burning fiery furnace. They took her out. They wanted to make her look “black.” I’d post the picture but then the jew would block me on this site.
Next, on the Leo Frank trial was the future governor! That governor was the one who acquitted him later.
Recently, Mary’s great niece wrote a book denying any jewish murder. How did that happen? A young jewish girl befriended Mary’s great niece since early school. The jewess girl became White Mary’s best and “only” friend throughout life!!!! Oh yes, jews are the masters and mistresses of deceit.
Similarly, the only person who was always with Elvis was a jewess!!! Hiding in the background so “never noticed.” Even when Jesus confronted the devils, they said, “Just leave us alone. We won’t bother anybody.” and he ordered them to jump over the mountain and die.
I snapped a picture of the YouTube song with lyrics (YouTube) Vernon Dalhart’s “Little Mary Phaghan.” You can see how the Holy Spirit works within me for your benefit.
In the picture, you know that murderer jew Leo Frank writes the New York Times (1913) owner, jew Adolf Och, who swindled the newspaper away from White Christian men about 1896. Jewish Joseph Pulitzer also owned a newspaper, New York World, which slandered White American men and women! I just found this video & pix! Hadn’t I written all of the above and written ‘short,’ I would never have seen that gem song evidence against the jew Leo Frank.
In the picture, see the “National Pencil Company, “Atlanta, Georgia.” Sexual predator was jew Leo Frank, a pencil factory owner, and rapist (Lil’ Mary was 13 years old supporting her mama’s five children and her. Her check at the jew company was $1.20. He got off Scot-free by White governor who earlier was a lawyer on the the jew’s trial working with jews. Note date November 20, 1914. One year into the jewess World War II. You see, she has been and will be supported for eternity for herself and offspring. Quite an evil, hypnotic scam against a former White Christian society. So the murderer is thanking the jew, New York Times for wonderful, encouraging, and “deep interest” in sticking up for the jewish murderer. Yet, there was another Jew, Joseph Pulitzer, New York World, who also worked against White Americans in the news, criticizing and destroying our famous, even most White, religious leaders and people.
Be leary of this video. It was jew Leo Frank who tortured, murdered, and mutil ated (charred) Lil, Mary Phaghan
Michael was an agonizing victim of suicide or murder, a White Veteran. His last words: “There’s no help for the White man.” I discovered all our wars come from those who named themselves: jew (bankers) from my ancestral Poland: 1,000 years until now in the USA!In the English Shakespeare Tragedy, “Romeo and Juliet” they suicided. My deceased husband, Michael “Duncan” as the Shakespeare Play, “King Duncan in Macbeth” suicided or was murdered. I was born to a White Polish slave family to jews in South Chicago. The jew and jewesses enslaved our ancestors for 1,000 years! Yearly starved to death, 50,000 a year. I suffered that same starvation in our hardworking White family of 15! See my queenofkaraoke.com for my “love” for free for my White kin. Also my resume on front page!
Hello, I came across some notes on Gospel author John Chapter 8, the most powerful in the Bible about Jesus and the Jews. Humbly thanks for being there in a time where the Jewess killed Jesus all over again, Europe, America, and World Wide Whites. The non-Whites are in religion for the jobs and $$$ and robbing our White men and women for marriage. That divides and conquers our White male/female, which must be restored for our survival.