I like to send things I hear right away for I like our people to have it “first” on their blogs etc. If you heard already please forgive. Is this a Civil War and USA is the North, Mexico is the South, and they are going to close in on Arizona, and they will […]
Monthly Archives: June 2010
Whose the Terrorist? Christian White Gentile Woman or Jewish Woman?
As I go to get on a plane today, I am always aware that when I go to sit down I hear over the loud speaker: “Code Orange!” Meaning terrorist in the building. I learned that when I was sitting with the people from Dr. Duke’s conference in Memphis and when one guy started to […]
Doctors Drugging Infants?????
Jews Head Military in USA
If you haven’t read my email on How Jews destroyed Poland, I would recommend it higher than all my (15,000 pages of) emails for it is the culmination of study into world history. And listen to the radio show with it. I heard we are getting a new General (Patraeus) to head the military in our […]
Polish Prince
Since the blacks have had the world protesting for their black cause, I have had to find on my own even without schools or even Polish friends and family, my history of Polish White slavery which no one can talk about. As in the movie “Katyn” an entire nation was silenced, as we are surely […]
Finally! How Jews Destroyed Poland
If you know of someone in the media or scholastic field, perhaps they would be interested in this. Finally, after searching for many historical truths, I heard a radio show today on the Jews and the Fall of Poland. I had “reasoned” this out being of Polish ancestry, but could find very little of […]
Immigration Problems in England
Attached is a video from Stormfront.org. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h2XBZz88VE&feature=player_embedded]
Con'd Quotes from Hitler on the White Race
I started putting some of the quotes on yesterday’s emails. Just trying to give the Cliff Notes version. I used to do this with my sex books and those probably were more read. They are from the book “The Triumph of Reason,” the Thinking Man’s Guide to Adolf Hitler by Michael Walsh […]
Raum Emanuel the Jew: Quitting, Fired or Mayor of Chicago?
As you know, I’ve been writing of Raum “Emanuel” as being the “Messiah or Savior” of the Jewish Race, for “Emanuel” means “Messiah.” And haven’t the Jews been waiting for their Messiah 4,000 years and killed Jesus so they could keep waiting indefinitely. Nice blackkmail for Jewish women and kids to get all this Jewish […]
Male Crying; White men being Raped
You may not want to look at this, but I will include it in my blob anyway. I was looking up a subject about “Daddy” and came across this video. When I was reading the “chat” below as I do not just “look” at videos I study the words and reason. I found that this […]