As Jews used the White Roman Italian soldiers and leaders to torture Jesus to see his blood flowing out of his head from the crown of thorns pounded in his skull, to the bloody whiplashes on his back, to the nails of his hands and feet, to the blood pouring out of his heart pierced […]
Monthly Archives: December 2016
"The Jews of Sing Sing" Prison. 7,000 Jewish criminals in USA 160 years. My autobiography goes back 1,000 years exposing Jew crimes and atrocities, big time.
Here’s a new book on the Jew’s crimes. Just in time for finishing my autobiography which dates their crimes back to year 1025 in my Poland. The Jews of Sing Sing (now in paperback) by Ron Arons January 2016 | $17.95 | Paperback | ISBN: 978-1-56980-153-6 Sing-Sing prison opened in 1828, and since then, more […]
One of 15 White German female food tasters for Hitler; British might poison him
Here’s a great article from a woman’s point of view, which all of mine is, since it will be the White woman who bears the best future White children. I was the Perfect Hitler woman and so was Mama who had 12 children. 8 would have gotten her the highest medal in the land if […]
"Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told" 6 hours
Watched the full 6 hour documentary:
White Race Pioneer – Thomas Goodstorm, Author "Hellstorm – The Death of Nazi Germany"
Jewess Carrie Fisher Dies; Jew Star Wars Princess (on a Pedestal)
Jew bought White Race Walt Disney films bought Lucasfilm for all the (Jew) rights taken away from White Rights, as Jews bought Disney after they bankrupted him once. The star of Star Wars Carrie Fisher was Princess Leah. Certainly she served as a dig against the White Race for all people who grew up near […]
White Race Pioneer – Andrew Anglin, Daily Stormer
I especially like the article of exposing the cult religion of adoring Jewess Anne Frank. He makes an interesting note. As I have written before, there is a World War III going on in the White Race, and it is the “White woman” who must change. My entire life I’ve been victimized by them and […]
Finally, the Truth about the Jewess Anne Frank Diary Hoax
Daily Stormer December 26, 2016 No one cares about Anne Frank and her masturbation fantasy journal written by her pervert father anymore. In fact, people are bloody angry about this nonsense. JP Updates: A pre-school in Montreuil, Paris named for Anne Frank was vandalized over the weekend with swastikas and other anti-Semitic and anti-Roma graffiti. […]
White Race Pioneer – Mike King The Bad War, not the Good War: World War II
The White Race "Night Before Christmas" ‘TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS by Mike King: ‘Twas the night before Future Christmas When all through the land Not a Commie-Pinko is stirring The Reds had been banned Central Banking abolished Gold and silver restored Wall Street is tamed Their ox has been gored Taxes are light With budgets in balance Freed of […]