I’ve tried to communicate with Poland, my ancestral country, about my discovery of the 1,000-year-old Secret Jewish Empire of White Polish Christian slaves — the worst in history — silenced and censored! But perhaps that’s finally ended after all my phone calls to their university presses, radio stations, and newspapers in Poland and in Chicago […]
Monthly Archives: December 2020
Christmas: White Woman’s Song to the Jews!
David Westerlund surprised me this morning with this YouTube. It’s the White women’s song to the Jew gods and goddesses we worship today. (Think Janet Yellen who was awarded a Democrat Cabinet position and the entire US treasury! She already had the Federal Reserve Bank that took in all our money. What do you suppose […]
Christmas Jesus, Martin Luther Songs, Artist Hitler & Jew Villains
Merry Christmas! I made my Christmas breakfast, rib-eye stir fry with mushrooms, onions, celery, garlic, and a small plate of rutabagas (healthy) with maple syrup and a piece of Sour Dough Bread from discount German store, Aldi’s. During clean up I began to sing to myself, Luther’s Cradle Song – Away in a Manger, attributed […]
Democrats Award Jewess Head of US Treasury!
Merry Christmas friends,Thanks to Australian Jay Nauss from Australia sent me the link below about Biden’s five Jewish appointments. It must be nice to have come from Poland a Jewess criminal and not their honest White slave as my ancestors and me.Earlier, Jewess Janet Yellen was the head of the Federal Reserve Banking System, which takes […]
Jews Banned “Merry Making”
As I looked for something else on my blog I came across this 2012 blog. I keep my computer on dark mode so I can see white letters. Note Jew “elders” banned wedding celebrations, and costumes (masquerades). It’s no wonder people are terrified of my 260 costumes and call me “crazy.” But then the USA called […]
Dresden Germany 200,000 Firebomb victims sing from their graves & ashes
I’m listening to Christmas songs to sing in karaoke as I’ve done for many years. I have 35 costumes I’ve sewed and designed. I also realize the importance of the religious nature of Christmas that’s most important to me. I was sewing hems on a long white jeans outfit to sing a Christmas song, but looked […]
What are these words and symbol: White Suffering German man
I included this in my upcoming book not only since I’m a Holocaust Exactitude Revisionist, but it comes from my heart since I saved a disabled Veteran’s life perhaps like the German man below. What is judeniflaven. I see on his arm is the Jewish dollar sign, Jewish Star of David, and the Jewish Communism Hammer […]
President Trump: Dancing & Singing Prevents Alzheimer’s
Gaslighting: When a Person (people) Drive You Insane
Thanks for article on “Gaslighting.” I worked for a Jewish rich company above Neiman Marcus in Chicago. Wanda, from Alabama who was leaving trained me. When everyone went to lunch she warned me to get out of there. They were Satanic! Her words. I then suffered 3 years of gaslighting.I gave Brother Nicky a place […]
Jew US Attorney General Wm Barr: Federal Law to protect the Jewess!
Only Jewesses get special privileges by their Jew males who put Federal Laws to make the USA Kingdom of Heaven, Paradise, and Golden Age, (as Jews called Poland for 1,000 years) even better for the Jewish women. A Black woman slapped three Jewesses. For no reason. Try to figure that one out! I will call my Congressmen and they […]