Monthly Archives: February 2022
Free “Birth Trauma & the Dark Side of Medicine”
Jeanice’s book had been out for many years but Amazon just banned her. I made her email acquaintance last month since we both had a home delivery baby. Everyone on my list has been banned or punished. It’s aimed to discredit my historical information about the Secret Jewish Empire of Polish-American White Slaves – 1,000 Years […]
We’ve Reached the End of White Christian America
Jew Larry Davids Urinates on Jesus’ face!
As I go through my footnotes edit. 39th time. Jewess YouTube removed many more each time I edit. Jew “comedian” urinated on the eyes of a picture of Jesus in the bathroom. It was jewish humor as if “Jesus was crying!!!!” Our suffering makes Jews laugh as my folks, ancestors, husband’s, and my agony. Should we all […]
HERPES-MURDER! Jew Rabbi Sucks Baby’s Circumcision Blood
My home delivery baby was “Not” circumcised. I suffered in agony for 10 hours of the worst labor, which is back excruciating pain on the spine. Nonetheless, I said in my heart, “One baby boy in America will be born without drugs and amputation!” Jewish rabbies (I mean rabbis but they are the same) are the lowest of the low. Although it […]
Jew Jabs & Healing
Hateful Jewess Silverman: “I’d Kill Jesus Christ Again”
It’s heartbreaking to write this, but the Jewish Talmud, claims they keep Jesus burning in hell in hot excrement and sperm! And Whites worship them.
Jesus Attacked the Jews Again
Please put these Jesus attack Jews videos on BitChute. I can’t get in and don’t know how. I’ll study that more after my book is finished.Why did Jesus do so? Even in Jesus’ day, the Jews gouged the poor and sick, like my family, veteran husband, and me. The #1 anti-Semite, Jesus Christ, really let […]
Poland: Paradise of the Jews
Should I Remove: Gospel of Thomas, Jesus Killed His Teacher
Hello folks. Again, I don’t condone violence, but the Jewish and Jewess Film moguls have given us a steady diet of it both in Hollywood, TV, and real White wars. At least 120,000,000 dead from the latter. Again, should I remove the link from my book. Jesus killed his teacher. Also a playmate but resurrected […]