The Jews are really want to stop my book — discredit and stop me. Here’s the latest scoop.In 2019, I had sent my book Analysis of the Movie Trumbo, to all six of my Republicans. I had no Democrats in this red state.The Jew and Jewess work fast. My local Republican House of Rep was defeated. My […]
Monthly Archives: April 2022
My Free Audio Book: Republicans: “Analysis of the Movie Trumbo.”
I just discovered my book, Analysis of the Movie Trumbo, is free to read and also to listen to the audio! It might be a good idea to open it on your phone, put headphones on, and clean the house, polish the car, go for a walk after the rain to breathe better, or put your feet up on a recliner, […]
Free book: “Rise and Fall of the Jewish Gangster in America”
As I re-edit my book 38, 39, and 40th times, I came across my link to a free book by Alfred Fried, Rise and Fall of the Jewish Gangster in America.”You’ll see the Jewish gangsters wrongly blaming the Italians and the Jew’s crimes only increased not fell. See all of Biden and COVID’s top Jewish choices. […]
Germany 1923: 4.6 million = Loaf of Bread = Jew Bankers
Top three banking USA Positions: Federal Reserve System that Whites give all our money to, the House of Representatives, which spends it, and now the US Treasury cabinet position under White Biden = Jewish women. The last time I checked. I’m sure Jews became scared and changed one of them or even two. But watch […]
Jew Jon Stewart: Awarded White Mark Twain Award
Jews wars against Poland, Europe, and America, such as WWI, II, and the Vietnam War, Israeli wars, all for Jews and against White Christians. White Views vs Jew Awards While Whites say it’s bragging to talk about one’s accomplishments, Jews have trained Whites to give Jews awards. Or Jews give them to each other as in […]
Jews’ Beastiality German Stage Shows
As I studied Exodus in the Message Bible I read that men who had sex with beasts were killed. “Right after: “Don’t let a sorceress live.” 19 “Anyone who has sex with an animal gets the death penalty.” When I studied my husband’s ancestors, Mayflower Ship 1620, they had laws the same. If a (White Christian) […]
Holocaust: Jews Pull Exposé Book “St. Anne Frank”
Can you believe the Madame Trudeau wax museum made a waxed figure of pampered jewess, St. Anne Frank, who died of lice/typhus? Moreover, 42 Jew communities petitioned to have the book that exposed Anne Frank’s book as a hoax. I wrote in my manuscript — Jews unite and bring my work down, fact-by-fact. They are scared […]
Letter: Berlin Germany Judge Re: 93-year-old Ursula Haverbeck
Public Inquiries Letter to Judge: Ursula Haversack, 93, Prison with Mrs. Lisa Janich, Presiding Judge at the District Court of Berlin, Turmstr. 91, 10559 Berlin, Ursula Haverbeck (93) Ursula Haverbeck leaves prison in April 2022 to one year in camp for “Holocaust denial”. Dear Ms. Janich, I ask them, 1. Are you aware that the […]
Executions: Hitler vs Bogdan Chmielnicki vs Jews
As I studied the Bible and prayed, I began to think of Martin Luther and Protestantism.I went down a rabbit hole and came up with a jewish website and their hatred anti-White/ Anti-Christ accusations. Today, Jews put laws into effect against Whites. Sadly, the most recent is Tennessee (all 50 states will follow. We’re hypnotized […]
Biden’s Laughing Black Choice: “Sentencing Commission” “Protested Confederates”
Did you know when the USA first started that we Whites hardly needed a Supreme Court? It was a mere closet of an office. As in Poland, Jews turned the USA into the most lawless country on earth and took over the host people.Jews will likely use their “Sentencing Commission” against us, as they did […]