Hello! The 1st part of my autobiography and deceased veteran Michael’s biography is complete. The rest of the chapters are about others who have suffered as Whites, even Caucasian Christians. https://archive.org/details/im-fearlessly-white-chapter-23
Monthly Archives: September 2023
I’m Fearlessly White Chapter 22
This chapter focuses on my home birthing a White male baby and the doctor didn’t circumcise him. Below is the link for I’m Fearlessly White – 1,000 Years with the Jews. Chapter 22: “White Home Birthing Without Drugs and Circumcision.” https://archive.org/details/im-fearlessly-white-chapter-22 Also, it ends the book section of my autobiography and then goes into the […]
Polish Winged Hussar Costumed Soldiers Saved Europe
From my autobiographical book research, the costumed White-winged Hussar soldiers saved all of Europe from the Ottoman Empire. The Muslims had conquered the other countries and would walk in and take over Austria. There are three main religions. I’ve gone into detail about the Jews, but we also have the Muslims to deal with, not […]
Original 2004 Email: Polish Lost Twice as Many as Jews in the Holocaust?
The head of the Las Vegas College English Department told me in 2006, that all we have today is repetitive writing. I researched further: no new ideas since the 1970s – monopolized book publishing. She added my autobiography going out to the famous Chicago radio jockey, which had never happened before. Publish the emails.” Below […]
I’m Fearlessly White Chapter 21
Chapter 21, “Breaking Jew Chains to Forge White Freedom,” reveals my first college essay and speech on helping to save endangered White people. In 2006, the Las Vegas English 101 teacher said if we didn’t write something she hadn’t read, she wouldn’t give an “A” grade. She threatened to expel me, gave me an A, […]
My Anti-White / Anti-Christ Bill 2018
Anti-White / Anti-Christ Bill House of Representatives Committee: Billy Long Principal Author: Barbara Ann Nowak Bill No: Topic: Anti-White / Anti-Christ Law Title of Bill: Anti-White / Anti-Christ Law August 27, 2018, 4:45 p.m. My Original Anti-White / Anti-Christ Law to help save the White People and Caucasian Christianity Be It Enacted By the house […]
Poland’s Wiped Off the Map
Poland’s been wiped off the map as slaves to Jews often happened. This drawing shows a 1772 event. Sometimes the Jews had my ancestors in war with seven countries at a time. This drawing shows exactly that: seven countries and their Kings and Queens! Today, Jew Ukrainian Zelensky, (former clown who couldn’t find work) shoved […]
My Insurance: Chinese and Non-Whites
Jews own AARP, Association for the Advancement of Retired People (Most Whites are over 55 and qualify.) Jews also own or run the Chicago nursing homes where we get abused and maltreated. They even gouged the government’s Medicare or paid health care for seniors. Also, my Polish White immigrant friend, Irene Debowski, whose parents worked […]
White Polish Hussar Warrior Saved Europe from Muslims
Yes, we defend ourselves from our Jewish enemies, but also the Muslims had conquered all of Europe except for Austria in the 1600s. The Austrians called on the Polish Hussar warriors who made headpieces from White feathers in the angle of an upside hockey stick. The feather sounds as the men charged ahead scared the […]
Book: The Naked Communist
W. Cleon Skousen wrote a book that exposed the evil Jews towards Whites, especially Christians: The Naked Communist. A Jewish publisher conned Skousen and said they would publish it. Jews monopolize the entire White worldwide book publishing (as well as News, Movies, Magazines, and all sources.) After he signed the contract, they said they had […]