I’m Fearlessly White Chapter 24-3 Jewish Assassinated White Leaders.

Jews assassinated White leaders since John the Baptist’s day, Jesus’ cousin, through their mind assassination of President Trump. Note White Biden’s top 12 choices were Jews, Jewish Vice-President’s son-in-law, and Jew Schumer who now controls the entire United State Senate. Even our Supreme Court has no White Protestant males. Jews assassinated the White man and […]

My White Business Skills

In 1992, I worked at the #1 Roadway Transportation Company. I volunteered as a Union employee. I studied the White Dr. Deming Total Quality Management theory. TQM. My supervisor, Mike Lamphere, former US Marine, asked me to lead a TQM meeting. The company gave me an unlimited checkbook. Yet, my ideas were reasoned from my […]

Recent Holocaust Exactitude Revisionists Imprisoned

From Jim Rizoli: POLITICAL PRISONERSBrad LoveEdmonton Remand Centre,18415 127 St. NW,Edmonton, AB T6V 1B1CANADA(again) Alfred SchaeferBaumannstr. 8183233 BernauGermany(6 months for telling how high his dog jumps while in prison)Leslie Bory, Political PrisonerMaplehurst Correctional Centre661 Martin St.Milton, ON L9T 2Y3 CANADA James Allchurch  A5903EYB2 HMP Parc Heol Hopcyn, John  Bridgend, CF35 6APWALES, UK NEW (10-year prison for MusicDENIED APPEAL;TRANSFERRED):   Philip […]