I’m Fearlessly White Chapter 25 Part 9, Jesus and Mother Mary

Since it’s Christmas Day, I’m in my Mother Mary costume with little White baby Jesus. They are good role models for having more White healthy, holy, and heavenly offspring. My book’s chapters continue with “Jews Persecuted White Martyrs.” Below is my filmed interview with Pastor Eli James, Assembly of Christian Israelites (Whites.) https://archive.org/details/im-fearlessly-white-chapter-25-part-9\

Suicide of a Super Power: America

From my book’s chapter’s biographies. Tonight Pastor Eli James and I will be filming the alphabetical mega-chapter 25-part 8. “Jews Persecuted White Martyrs.” My autobiography has little about me but my research, compassion, and concern for other Whites.Tonight, If time allows, I’ll read about Republican Patrick Buchanan. He was part of my 30-day written, edited, and published […]