Sadly and shockingly is what our White women are singing! Don’t they know their womb is sacred? Who but me and a few others are preaching this to save our Race and Religion?
Monthly Archives: December 2023
I’m Fearlessly White Chapter 25 Part 9, Jesus and Mother Mary
Since it’s Christmas Day, I’m in my Mother Mary costume with little White baby Jesus. They are good role models for having more White healthy, holy, and heavenly offspring. My book’s chapters continue with “Jews Persecuted White Martyrs.” Below is my filmed interview with Pastor Eli James, Assembly of Christian Israelites (Whites.)\
Jew: Federal Bank Chairman- Drunken Gruenberg – White Mary Jo
In short. Drunken FDIC drunken chairman, Jew Gruenberg. His top role: He insures the money in our banks from bank failure! Yet in the Great Depression 1929, Jewish Stock Market crash, there was no hope. Our White people need healing and love from the jewish death drunken and drugged and war plague upon us. (Jews […]
Book “Great Takeaway” Jew Banking
Pastor Eli suggested I send it to my friends. We’ll talk about this before my 5 pm CST interview on Chapter 25 Part 9 “Jews Persecuted White Martyrs.”From my 20 years of research, writing, speaking, and White reasoning, I can back up the video’s assertions.
Jews Use “Hava Nagila” Song After Illegal Palestine Takeover.
On my movie chapter reading, I discussed how a jewess wore a Mel Gibson tee shirt, which was bloody, crowned with thorns. She had a big red “X” across it and called Jesus and Mel Gibson “Schmucks.” She was from Israel as was her movie maker with a large camera on his shoulder. I was […]
I’m Fearlessly White Chapter 25 Part 8
To begin with, the chapter “Jews Persecute White Martyrs” continues. Here’s the movie link, which also has pictures below.
Polish Dignitary Sprays jewish Burning Symbol
A White Polish government officially stands up to the Jews. Above all, Grzegorz Braun is a hero, not a coward. In addition, the rest of our fearful White humanity is terrorized.
In the Year, 2525 and now 2025: Jews Murdered Poland
When I played this song with lyrics, “In the Year 2525” it reminded me of the jewish takeover of Poland until now. Next year, 2025, it will be 1,000 years. And sure enough, Jews still control through their Communist effects and Jew Ukrainian tyrant Zelensky through interbreeding and replacing my Polish ancestors. It’s certainly the 1st […]
Suicide of a Super Power: America
From my book’s chapter’s biographies. Tonight Pastor Eli James and I will be filming the alphabetical mega-chapter 25-part 8. “Jews Persecuted White Martyrs.” My autobiography has little about me but my research, compassion, and concern for other Whites.Tonight, If time allows, I’ll read about Republican Patrick Buchanan. He was part of my 30-day written, edited, and published […]
Jesus Was Not a Jew
Jew Benjamin Freedman exposes his jewish kin.