I’m Fearlessly White Chapter 26 Part 1

“Uncovering More Jewish Criminality.” That’s in addition to the first 24 Chapters. Chapter 25 had 13 video episodes how Jews persecuted White Martyrs, myself including. Here’s Eurofolk radio, Pastor Eli, and my book interview. The pictures I inserted but not on my book, below: https://archive.org/details/im-fearlessly-white-chapter-26-part-1 The Rider on the White Horse (New Living Translation) 11 “Then […]

Jared Kushner and 666

Autobiography: jew devil # 666 It was common in Poland, where 92% of the jews lived, starting 969, for Jews to marry into royalty or the highest. Also, in the USA, it’s no coincidence, but diabolical planning that a jew married President Kennedy’s daughter, Caroline. Also, President Clinton’s daughter, Chelsea, and now President Trump’s, Ivanka. […]