Whites: Jesus, Elvis, Confederate Robert E. Lee! I’m going to do many posts on Jesus exposing the jews and calling them “Hypocrites,” the worst possible curse word in history. I read 16 books about Elvis and he saw Jesus appear to him in the clouds on his way from California to Vegas. But he also […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
White Mayflower Ancestors Continued
Husband’s White Ancestors: 1st in America
White Jesus Saving Endangered White Species
Good Lord: Protect Us From the Jews
Whites Only:
List of White Countries.
Jew Tortured, Raped, Put in Oven-White Lil’ Mary Phaghan
White Texasn, LBJ’s father/grandfather, supported Jew Leo Frank who murdered Lil’ MaryPhaghan in 1913 (same year jew Samual Untermeyer started his USA Federal Reserve Bank, thenthe jew started World War I and II!) The murdered her on “Confederate Memorial Holiday.” It insulted the Southern White men who tried to defend our country and not put […]
I found this Unz Report quote in my papers: https://forward.com/schmooze/386270/jews-witches-and-sorcery-the-remarkable-tradition-that-is-still-practiced-t/
Romeo-Juliet or Michael-Barbara?
Jesus vs Jews: John Chapter 8
Hello,I came across some notes on Gospel author John Chapter 8, the most powerful in the Bible about Jesus and the Jews.Humbly thanks for being there in a time where the Jewess killed Jesus all over again, Europe, America, and World Wide Whites. The non-Whites are in religion for the jobs and $$$ and robbing […]