Christmas Target Ad: No White couples, family, children (ILLEGAL GENOCIDAL)

I will analyze below:

BTW, Walmart & all other ads the same. Whites should boycott all stores until we are represented because otherwise it’s not only illegal, it’s Jewish genocide of the host people. Think Poland.
Need I say more how Jews and their imps have used Jesus’ birth date as a way to elevate and anoint all other races and genocide the white person, couple, family, children, ancestors, and descendants. The sadder part is that the Jews will set up Jerusalem as their “Messiah” Temple and also the worldwide Supreme Court. 
Note the red haired girl with a yellow man. (Breeder as the Jews, blacks, Muslims killed 50,000,000 European youth in a 700-year period. The ones the terrible trio kept were women for breeders or castrated white males for slaves.) This clever ad (I repeat Jews control marketing and advertising. Sister Josephine Executive Secretary for Jewish Foote, Kohn (cohen) and Belden (Jewish psychologist name for head of the “MIND” clinic in Chicago. It’s said when Whites have to relinquish their “minds” to Jews as well as all the “images” we see such as this picture) This is where our genocide comes in. Jews rattle off statistics of who does the most buying. Whites are saturated. And we should leave all our belongings to our descendants and pay attention to our intelligence, spirituality, race, finances, countries, and our unity to heal the thousands of years of abuse on us. Whether our own that we didn’t realize or by outsiders. Unless I consciously reject this ad and say “No!” I don’t believe it, it will register in my sub-conscious. I can then say “Yes” to a white person, couple, family, friend, stranger, other, or self. And I believe Jesus was White since the towns he visited it were White Greek and Roman. 

  1. Mexican female model. (They have their babies as young as 14 in Vegas. They get White men to screw them so when they go to “welfare” office (which denied me medical after the beating and crippling in 2013) the welfare people ask what race the mother is: Black, Brown, 1/2 Brown/1/2 White, 1/2 black/half White. When they rejected me the paper said they will give all the illegals (babies $1,000,000) as much as they needed, but I could die. Once Mexicans take over Whites have lost everything they worked for 400 years and it will never come back but spread like a cancerous disease wildly. Lawlessness as in Poland. 
  2. Jews make “hair” a god or goddess. Why? Sell Jew shampoo. In Amway sales I learned to concentrate on recruiting people not the products. Soap sells over and over like cigarettes, sugar, booze, gambling, etc. Jews made us “believe” Black hair flying in the wind is “God.” Who cares if hair flies in the wind? It blocks my vision and it’s safe or practical. Jews have driven us insane but that can be healed. Jesus healed insanity. See the healing on “Legion” who lived naked in the tombs on an island, cut himself, lived in chains.  (Watch your mind at what you “believe” Whites are very prone to believe anything if they don’t have a God or highest to focus on) 
  3. The Blacks and brown man are together touching each other. Then comes the Black family. Again, the woman has a Brillo pad on her head and the Black man holds her. White Christians believe it’s their duty from God to help genocide us and preserve the black family. Africa: 46.9 babies. Poland (former host or slave to Jews before America) 1.2, 196 lowest of 196 countries.) The kids have ripped up jeans. Jews again and Whites adore and imitate Jew Black singers, dancers, football, TV Oprah, Government Obama-inaton. 
  4. Red headed girl which is a rare beauiy, with her yellow communist. She leans into him. Her hair touches him. 
  5. Here’s where Jewess Gloria Steinem, JAPP, Jewess American Princess on a Pedestal, should be crusading against this ad. But she and her organized Jewe$$e$$ passed Feminism for “their” rights since they were excluded from services. The White blonde woman is a sex object. Sweden should sue. The silver background gives the “illusion” that she’s lying down with her eye clothes and sexy. Whatever your sexual thoughts and feelings are more than likely not yours but Jewish “mind” control of our body and our breeding. 
  6. Next three pictures have Black / White. Is there anything in here to save the White endangered species, America, or Christianity, Christ Jesus on this Holy day. While all the Whites are partying and eating up, does a single one care about Jesus’ teachings, healings, our civilized evolution. Or do we want to go back to pre-historic illiterate barbarian days as Jews did to Poland for 1000 years. 
  7. All ads I see are the same. I’ll try to overcome this by not looking at ads whatsoever. It’s the same in person with 1/2 breed White (blonde) couples with blacks, browns, yellows, or even alone with no one. Remember almost all trucking (I worked and leader in TQM at #1 trucking company) is done through April through November. All Christmas merchandise. This is Power and our country. It’s simply a commercial day without substance for our survival. I will study the bible and read references and try to pray. But also need to do practical things for my book. I feel like a Jewess that works on this day and she doesn’t bow to the concept of Jewess who put her as heiress to the world’s fortune.