Jew and Other Races Want to Abolish and Kill the White Race: Abolitionist

And the government punished the Whites at Charlottesville, and rewarded the Jew Mayor, Black Vice-Mayor but giving into their Supremacist will. No one stops the Jews and other races who are destroying not only the White Species, but the entire Europe and America continents.
How come no government or Jew shut down this Jew’s website or even Harvard for allowing talk of genociding the White Species. Even the college Communist Bill Clinton who encouraged the White student body to cheer and laugh when Clinton said it’s great the White Race is dying! Say that about the Jews. Say that about Reds, Blacks, Yellow, Browns, Hindus, Muslims. Only the White Race is the epitome of mockery and hate of the world. But . . . it was the same the Jews did to my Poland. Seven of Poland’s neighbors hated her so much, they all went to war with her at the same time for different reasons. Jews now made especially our White man look so evil, or stupid, or crazy, or drunk, or worthless, weak, while making themselves and all the other races look like gods we have to look up to like worms in the grass looking up at a statue of Israeli Prime Minister. Does anyone take their statues down?
There was a term abolitionist, meaning abolish black slavery (and the Jews just left the last part out, the Jews made up: from the evil White Southern man.) Truth is: Jews brought the slaves here, and the only ones at the auction block. A black man brought the first black slave (worker) to America. All Jews owned slaves: Few white men owned slaves. Red men owned slaves. But the entire blame went to make the White man and women feel “guilty” or “sinful,” which is the non-Whites weapon and abuse of Christianity. They have to guilt or sin but rewarded.
From the Jew’s website on abolishing the White Race. The 92% of the world can get away with as much hatred against us as they want. For all the good we have done to develop and help other countries, it’s sinister against us. Hopefully in our hour of White need, the other races will go along with us. No one ever talked of abolishing the Jew race: not even Adolf Hitler. No matter how badly Jews made Adolf Hitler a monster or caricature of evil, this Jew is 1,000 times worse, and was still teaching at Harvard.
Even Mexicans hate us and curse and defame us with words like “Gringo.” See if a White professor could teach nigger, kyke, spic, chink, jap, injun. No just the White plays the fool and thinks they do it out of love for God. Something’s gotta give. I’d never allow this in my home; I wouldn’t allow this behavior against the White Species in our country.
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Jews are 40% of USA billionaires and only 2% of country, but they assault the White man who kindly went to two wars for their rights and gave the Jews our country without knowing it.
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Why doesn’t Jewess Barbara Spector learn to be Multi-cultural and mix all the Jews up with all the other races so there’s no more “Cohen” Messiah class, or Jews all so in-bred they are related with 5 cousins. “That’s RRRRRRACIST!”
If I came from my Poland a Jewess, I’d be famous and rich too. But I came to the USA honest, loving, poor from a family of 15 White slaves for Jews. And the Jews talk about “equality.” Well, I’d like to turn the tide on them and become “equal” to the Jews and become a multi-billionaire! There not forcing me to become “equal” to Blacks, Browns, Reds, when even the Muslims, Yellows, Hindus and especially Jews have takeover America and the best paying White jobs at the top!
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Orwell also said if one can’t change history don’t write. Also, to write for 40 years from now, which I believe is what I’ve done. But then I was 40 years ahead of my time, comeback of breastfeeding, organic gardening, thinking “Pedigreed” or “pure-raced” as I raised Pedigreed German Shepherds. If dogs have that right, shouldn’t White humans, the highest of God’s creation have even a higher right? Leader in Quality Evolution, Queen of Karaoke, my first autobiographical writings and emails which went out to a Chicago DJ, was the first time an autobiography ever went out as such. Everything we have today is repetition. But that’s because we were hypnotized by Jews with slogans, words, and pictures, over and over and over again.
When I see these I have to reverse them in my thinking. The White male does deserve to live. Will live forever and is immortal. Jews have been the cancer to our White Species as they were to my Polish for 1,000 years.
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Take care of Blacks for 400 years, give them the best of food, save them from cannibalism and starvation in Africa, give them homes, Christianity, free everything, give them our entire country as we gave Barack Hussein, and “this” is how they treat us.
She didn’t get expelled or even tried for treason. If they attack the White male they attack the White USA country. She’s from Virginia. We just tried to assemble, and look what they did to all of us. No one shut down these people. It’s collective world hatred against Whites.
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Barack Hussein #1 Racist: He was a Community Organizer in my South Chicago neighborhood, but only for Blacks and non-Whites. He never had a job other than that. He was totally unfit to be responsible for such a gigantic country as exists. We can see why we decline.  Jewish block-busters made sure they deluged the entire South Side of Chicago with drugged up blacks like today, and chased the Whites out. We have to stop living in constant fear. I know now what happened to my Polish people.
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