Karaoke Dream Last Night

My karaoke costumed dream last night. I like to remember dreams, although I don’t believe in them necessarily. Sleep and dreams are good and our mind solves problems, or like karaoke, lets off steam & good for stress; good for motivation. Japanese and Chinese who have had historically great technology economies, adore karaoke. Yellow Philipinos and yellow Koreans the same. Yet yellows are smarter

than us, but Jews are our Masters, and Jews consider karaoke a threat to their ‘entertainment’ dynasty, which they have held a firm grip on since 1927 when the stole white Thomas Alva Edison’s movie invention and then Jews made movie “The Jazz Singer” first movie ever, which had a Jewish actor with painted black face to race-break the White audience. You have had a steady diet of that for 80 years. No it would be 75 years! I know, let’s have a big world wide celebration, in all 167 countries. Even countries that don’t have electricity. Let the entire world, all races, religions, including Muslims, who will probably jump for joy, show them exactly how Jews brainwashed our Whites, even White Christians for Jewish takeover & how Jews would use blacks as a weapon against us. Jews created the current black image we have as they created Obama out of thin air as Jews create their “Monopoly” paper money off Jew Ben Bernancke’s non-stop printing press 24/7 just like Jews control over us. Yes, let the entire world see “The Jazz Singer” on this 75th anniversary. You know, I study songs in karaoke. As you can see from my writing, my last 10 years has really been about writing, ancestry, autobiographical realization. Karaoke is a small part of my life. I suppose I could have made a business out of it with my vast business and typing skills, good telephone customer service. One guy at the VIP section at Jilly’s bar on Rush in Chicago asked me what I did for a living. He told me that I should be making $250,000.00 a year minimum on my “people’s skill” for I’m so natural with people. But I don’t have “connections” “college” or “Kykes” to rely on. (Well, Jews you gave me and my Polish people the name of “dumb Polaks” which is the worse possible name to give a human since one’s intelligence is the most precious thing one can display of God’s talents, along with proper spirituality, and that doesn’t mean race-breaking. But in all the karaoke songs, artists, genres I studied, that’s about 8000 in 8 languages, 246 self-made/designed costumes…..from the year 1927 thru 1942, there is only “1” singing star for that long period: Jew: Al Jolson from movie “The Jazz Singer”. I’m surprised Whites are taking this so easy, for surely they are not reading my blog or facebook. Let the world and Whites especially see how White people were conned, genocided, indebted, enslaved for Jewish and now yellow Communist power for Jews have always been inernational traders.
Anyway, my karaoke dream last night was unusual and colorful. I had packed my luggage for 4 costumes for karaoke. I had the large red one and big black one. When I got to karaoke, it was in a large movie-type auditorium, like the movie I went to “2016” which I agreed with for I knew those negative things about black Obama, but Jews made sure, even with Hindu foreign producer of movie, that inserted in movie was the strong branding like a sizzling cattle iron on our poor overworked brains… the message of “poor Jews of Israel.” Jews never miss an opportunity and Jews know if they let up, we just might wake up to what they have done to us. Well, back to dream. The crowd was forming in this auditorium, and I supposed the performing would be on stage by the movie screen. I saw the lady who used to run karaoke & gave her my slips. But she then disappeared, and I saw her no more. I had a dilemma. I used to call them “Barbie Doll’s Dilemma’s” when I wrote Chicago DJ’s. I was going to change my legal name to “Barbie Doll,” but right before I went to court, I looked up creator of Barbie Doll and she’s Jewish. I then realized this Jew would put an image of a woman as furs, diamonds, etc. and make Ken just her prize on her arm, and even divorce him. I wrote that we should gather up all the Barbie Doll’s and burn them for they are no good for our White girls as images. I talked to a white lady once at legal firm in Chicago for I went under name of “Barbie Patton.” She loved Barbie Dolls and said her daughter had 100. But they had a problem. For once the little white daughter would want to change the doll’s clothes and remove them, the clothes could not be put back on. She hence had 100 naked Barbie Doll’s. Why? Jews want business that keeps coming back. Like a mental patient, that is a revolving door, or prisoner. Pills and doctors, make-up, hair products, advertising, newspapers, mags. Instead of having 1 doll, the white mother ends up buying 100 so even Jewess have these ‘business’ practices. Whites will have to learn to do business honestly. We can no longer chase the big house dream, for Jews got all those from their top positions, as well as all the non-White doctors being imported here like caviar of different races. Or blacks, browns, women, who get special Jew laws from our Masters to get PHD’s, $$$, thru Affirmative Action which was the Jewish signed death certificate.
Back to dream.. so I’m in movie-like auditorium but have a “dilemma.” But I had a sinking feeling. I had not written myself a note for the sequence of the 4 costumed karaoke songs I was going to do. I went to find the lady who I gave the slip to, but she was gone. I then looked at the equipment and there was another woman there sitting. She was new and couldn’t help me. I looked on the table where the equipment was for the karaoke slips that were filled out were lying there. But, to my utter astonishment, when I went to pick up the karaoke slip, it crumbled in my hand for it was written on a dried old autumn leaf as the colored ones of October. I looked harder and found some real slips, but when I picked them up to see if I could find mine, it was wet as if drinks fell on them, and the ink was dissolved.
I didn’t know what to do. I remember I had a tu tu skirt on for my Pink Ballerina costume and it was so wide I couldn’t walk thru the narrow movie seat rows. I went back to my luggage with costumes and began to drag them behind me as I’ve done for 15 years and headed for bathroom to change into something, but then awoke.
Here’s karaoke song: “Last Night I Dreamed,” by Fiestas. When I was growing up in early 1960’s Jews were giving blacks best songs often; this was my favorite song:
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    Last Night I Dreamed by The Fiestas
    Last Night I Dreamed by The Fiestas
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  4. My karaoke costumed dream last night. I like to remember dreams, although I don’t believe in them necessarily. Sleep and dreams are good and our mind solves problems, or like karaoke, lets off steam & good for stress; good for motivation. Japanese and Chinese who have had historically great technology economies, adore karaoke. Yellow Philipinos and yellow Koreans the same. Yet yellows are smarter

    than us, but Jews are our Masters, and Jews consider karaoke a threat to their ‘entertainment’ dynasty, which they have held a firm grip on since 1927 when the stole white Thomas Alva Edison’s movie invention and then Jews made movie “The Jazz Singer” first movie ever, which had a Jewish actor with painted black face to race-break the White audience. You have had a steady diet of that for 80 years. No it would be 75 years! I know, let’s have a big world wide celebration, in all 167 countries. Even countries that don’t have electricity. Let the entire world, all races, religions, including Muslims, who will probably jump for joy, show them exactly how Jews brainwashed our Whites, even White Christians for Jewish takeover & how Jews would use blacks as a weapon against us. Jews created the current black image we have as they created Obama out of thin air as Jews create their “Monopoly” paper money off Jew Ben Bernancke’s non-stop printing press 24/7 just like Jews control over us. Yes, let the entire world see “The Jazz Singer” on this 75th anniversary. You know, I study songs in karaoke. As you can see from my writing, my last 10 years has really been about writing, ancestry, autobiographical realization. Karaoke is a small part of my life. I suppose I could have made a business out of it with my vast business and typing skills, good telephone customer service. One guy at the VIP section at Jilly’s bar on Rush in Chicago asked me what I did for a living. He told me that I should be making $250,000.00 a year minimum on my “people’s skill” for I’m so natural with people. But I don’t have “connections” “college” or “Kykes” to rely on. (Well, Jews you gave me and my Polish people the name of “dumb Polaks” which is the worse possible name to give a human since one’s intelligence is the most precious thing one can display of God’s talents, along with proper spirituality, and that doesn’t mean race-breaking. But in all the karaoke songs, artists, genres I studied, that’s about 8000 in 8 languages, 246 self-made/designed costumes…..from the year 1927 thru 1942, there is only “1” singing star for that long period: Jew: Al Jolson from movie “The Jazz Singer”. I’m surprised Whites are taking this so easy, for surely they are not reading my blog or facebook. Let the world and Whites especially see how White people were conned, genocided, indebted, enslaved for Jewish and now yellow Communist power for Jews have always been inernational traders.
    Anyway, my karaoke dream last night was unusual and colorful. I had packed my luggage for 4 costumes for karaoke. I had the large red one and big black one. When I got to karaoke, it was in a large movie-type auditorium, like the movie I went to “2016” which I agreed with for I knew those negative things about black Obama, but Jews made sure, even with Hindu foreign producer of movie, that inserted in movie was the strong branding like a sizzling cattle iron on our poor overworked brains… the message of “poor Jews of Israel.” Jews never miss an opportunity and Jews know if they let up, we just might wake up to what they have done to us. Well, back to dream. The crowd was forming in this auditorium, and I supposed the performing would be on stage by the movie screen. I saw the lady who used to run karaoke & gave her my slips. But she then disappeared, and I saw her no more. I had a dilemma. I used to call them “Barbie Doll’s Dilemma’s” when I wrote Chicago DJ’s. I was going to change my legal name to “Barbie Doll,” but right before I went to court, I looked up creator of Barbie Doll and she’s Jewish. I then realized this Jew would put an image of a woman as furs, diamonds, etc. and make Ken just her prize on her arm, and even divorce him. I wrote that we should gather up all the Barbie Doll’s and burn them for they are no good for our White girls as images. I talked to a white lady once at legal firm in Chicago for I went under name of “Barbie Patton.” She loved Barbie Dolls and said her daughter had 100. But they had a problem. For once the little white daughter would want to change the doll’s clothes and remove them, the clothes could not be put back on. She hence had 100 naked Barbie Doll’s. Why? Jews want business that keeps coming back. Like a mental patient, that is a revolving door, or prisoner. Pills and doctors, make-up, hair products, advertising, newspapers, mags. Instead of having 1 doll, the white mother ends up buying 100 so even Jewess have these ‘business’ practices. Whites will have to learn to do business honestly. We can no longer chase the big house dream, for Jews got all those from their top positions, as well as all the non-White doctors being imported here like caviar of different races. Or blacks, browns, women, who get special Jew laws from our Masters to get PHD’s, $$$, thru Affirmative Action which was the Jewish signed death certificate.
    Back to dream.. so I’m in movie-like auditorium but have a “dilemma.” But I had a sinking feeling. I had not written myself a note for the sequence of the 4 costumed karaoke songs I was going to do. I went to find the lady who I gave the slip to, but she was gone. I then looked at the equipment and there was another woman there sitting. She was new and couldn’t help me. I looked on the table where the equipment was for the karaoke slips that were filled out were lying there. But, to my utter astonishment, when I went to pick up the karaoke slip, it crumbled in my hand for it was written on a dried old autumn leaf as the colored ones of October. I looked harder and found some real slips, but when I picked them up to see if I could find mine, it was wet as if drinks fell on them, and the ink was dissolved.
    I didn’t know what to do. I remember I had a tu tu skirt on for my Pink Ballerina costume and it was so wide I couldn’t walk thru the narrow movie seat rows. I went back to my luggage with costumes and began to drag them behind me as I’ve done for 15 years and headed for bathroom to change into something, but then awoke.
    Here’s karaoke song: “Last Night I Dreamed,” by Fiestas. When I was growing up in early 1960’s Jews were giving blacks best songs often; this was my favorite song
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  7. Romney Voting: Any white who holds back from voting for Romney for any reason, is by default, doing exactly what the Jews want: splitting up White conservative votes. If Whites don’t come out at 100% & vote for Romney, it shows that the blacks have a higher IQ than us for they could unite, vote based on color of skin, to put their own ahead of Whites, nice fancy house, airplanes, trendy vacations,See More
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