More: Queen Marie Antoinette, Jews, Gold, French Revolution

I had written on my blog the names of the 2 Jews who were Masterminds of the conspiracy of the “necklace” that brought down Marie Antoinette, #15 of 16 Austrian children of Empress, and Emperor. I didn’t come across it yet. But in searching I came across this article. I’m reading the entire thing for we in the USA are repeating this process of what happened to 1. Rome, 2. France, and now the USA. Only we are in the middle of it, hence we don’t realize it is happening.
I wrote before of my husband’s Lithuanian ancestry. His cousin clearly told me when I went to study “his” side for my White sons, that my husband’s grandmother was a “princess’ in Lithuania, with castle, jewels, the works. But she married an “artist,” and he gambled away everything, so this “royal couple,” was sent to “beg” to be able to live in the servant quarters and then become the “cleaning woman” and “janitor” for the castle, now owned by the entity that “won” it in a gambling game.
But here is an exact replica of the same thing that happened in France.  (Website: for reference and if you want to compare today in USA and world to France it is a carbon copy. Surely the same happened to Rome.  I’m studying this entire page. It is priceless.) The “creditors” are the Jews of France.  Look how the “palace” was turned into a “propaganda machine” and as you will read at the website above, it was important to bring down the morals, as well as inflaming the country with phony debt. “This” is why the Jews are loaded in America. Yes, they made trillions on Whites in America, but they enslaved White Europeans like this and all that loot they raped from our kingdoms, treasuries, private individuals, just keeps collecting “interest.”

“By 1780 d’Orleans’ entire income of 800,000 livres, thanks to his reckless gambling and extravagance, was mortgaged to the moneylenders.

In 1781, in return for accommodation, he signed papers handing over his palace, estates, and house the Palais Royal, to his creditors, with powers to form there a centre of politics, printing, pamphleteering, gambling, lectures, brothels, wine-shops, theatres, art galleries, athletics, and any other uses, which subsequently took the form of every variety of public debauchery.

In fact, Egalite’s financial masters used his name and property to install a colossal organism for publicity and corruption, which appealed to every lowest instinct in human nature; and deluged the enormous crowds so gathered with the filthy, defamatory and revolutionary output of its printing presses and debating clubs.”

(Debating clubs. Isn’t it odd that Jews would install “debating” clubs and “freedom of speech,” equal rights, and freedom to “assemble” and once the Jews accomplished their horrific acts of deception, robbery, rape, and occult to Satan, these “rights” somehow disappeared. Jews did that in America to give themselves an unlimited checkbook, plant non-Whites throughout every county and city, especially thugs, to threaten us if we make one wrong move, or say one word.)

Also took notes that for Jews to instill Revolution, they “inflict” paralysis.  That is exactly what has happened to our White Race.  Totally paralyzed.

And the “paralysis” state consists of:

1. Secrecy

2. Debt, loss of “publicity” control. (totally what we have now)

3. Existence of alien influence in a “doomed” state.  “Aliens” run America, from Jew aliens and their Polish Israeli Mafia, to “Illegal Aliens,” to Black Aliens, and especially now yellow “Chinese aliens.” It is odd that yellow Chinese were also “banned” from this country. What did our forefathers of White descent know, as China now practically owns this country and the minds that use their products, like Jap cars.

I read that in 1780 Jews owned most gold and silver stock.  Wealth ceased to be “wealth” and this “wealth” turned into “debt.”

Jews “thrive” on our White chaos and the crime inflicted on us. That is why it will never stop but continually to snowball. They have already managed this in France, so they are “immune” to our suffering. Perhaps like the Marquis de Sade, they are sadists and enjoy torturing, terrorizing, and confusing us, even driving us mad or insane. Even if there was a cure for insanity, they surely would withhold it to keep up the confusion and chaos as we run in circles unable to get help anywhere.

Here’s more from the above website on Marie Antoinette. She didn’t see a “danger” in Free Masonry for in France all was “open,” as the Jews have deluded us to believe.

The name “Mendelssohn” below is Jewish and the name of the most sinister and wicked company I ever worked for. Even the girl whose place I took warned me that the bosses were “Satanic.” I sort of laughed inside, thinking she just meant a “mean” boss, but as the Swedish CFO told me, “This company is only 10 people yet we have hired and fired or forced to quit, so many really top notch girls, we could have filled a forest preserve.” And my immediate supervisor literally apologized to me right before I moved to Vegas saying that she had to be mean to keep her job there, but what she did to me was unforgiveable and wanted my forgiveness before I left Chicago.”  Donco Paper Supply Company, 737 N. Michigan Avenue.  The other name must be the other Jew I couldn’t find from earlier writings.

“Marie Antoinette herself was one of the chief targets for this typically Jewish form of attack. No lie or abuse was too vile to level at her. More intelligent, alert, and vigorous than the weak and indolent Louis, Marie Antoinette presented a considerable obstacle to the revolution. She had, more-over, received many warnings regarding freemasonry from her sister in Austria; and no doubt was by this time more awake to its significance than when she had written to her sister some years previously:

“I believe that as far as France is concerned, you worry too much about freemasonry. Here it is far from having the significance that it may have elsewhere in Europe. Here everything is open and one knows all. Then where could the danger be? One might well be worried if it were a question of a political secret society. But on the contrary the government lets it spread, and it is only that which it seems, an association the objects of which are union and charity.

One dines, one sings, one talks, which has given the King occasion to say that people who drink and sing are not suspect of organizing plots. Nor is it a society of atheists, for we are told God is on the lips of all. They are very charitable. They bring up the children of their poor and dead members. They endow their daughters. What harm is there in all that?”

What harm indeed if these blameless pretensions masked no darker designs? Doubtless the agents of Weishaupt and Mendelssohn reported on to them the contents of the Queen’s letter; and we can imagine them shaking with laughter, and rubbing their hands in satisfaction; hands that were itching to destroy the very life of France and her Queen; and which at the appropriate hour would give the signal that would convert secret conspiracy into the “massacres of September” and the blood baths of the guillotine.”

(Isn’t this odd that the prices of grain are going up in USA? Jews know that they are suspect and have to work fast. They will “never” relinquish the World Power they have achieved for it would be death for them to live without it.)

In order to further the campaign of calumny against the Queen, an elaborate hoax was arranged at the time, when the financiers and grain speculators were deliberately creating conditions of poverty and hunger in Paris.  (Yes, “deliberately creating poverty and hunger as my Daddy’s ancestors died in Poland, 50,000 a year, while Jews walked in golden glittery robes.)

A diamond necklace valued at nearly a quarter of a million was ordered at the Court jewellers in the Queen’s name by an agent of the Jacobins. The unfortunate Queen knew nothing of this affair until the necklace was brought round to her for acceptance, when she naturally disclaimed anything to do with the matter, pointing out that she would consider it wrong to order such a thing when France was in so bad a financial way.

The printing presses of the Palais Royal, (remember how the Jews “won” this from the royalty and turned it into a propaganda machine to destroy France) however, turned full blast on to the subject; and every kind of criticism leveled at the Queen.

“A further scandal was then engineered for the presses. (We can see clearly as I have written endlessly how Jews “create and engineer” news, they do “Not” report it!) Some prostitute from the Palais Royal was engaged to disguise herself as the Queen; and by the forged letter the Cardinal Prince de Rohan was induced to meet the supposed Queen about midnight at the Palais Royal, supposing he was being asked for advice and help by the Queen on the subject of the necklace.

This event, needless to say, was immediately reported to the printing presses and pamphleteers, who started a further campaign containing the foulest innuendoes that could be imagined concerning the whole affair. The moving spirit behind the scene was Cagliostro, alias Joseph Balsamo, a Jew from Palermo, a doctor of the cabalistic art, and a member of the Illuminati, into which he was initiated at Frankfurt by Weishaupt in 1774.

(I keep shaking my head in disbelief. This is too much for a human mind unacquainted with crime to handle this.)

“When the necklace had finally served its purpose, it was sent over to London, where most of the stones were retained by the Jew Eliason. Attacks of a similar nature were directed against many other decent people, who resisted the influence of the Jacobin clubs. After eight years of this work the process of paralysis by mastery of publicity was complete.”

“In every respect therefore by 1789, when the financiers forced the King to summon the Estates General, the first portion of their plans for revolution (i.e. paralysis) were accomplished. It now only remained to strike the blow or series of blows, which were to rob France of her throne, her church, her constitution, her nobles, her clergy, her gentry, her bourgeoisie, her traditions, and her culture; leaving in their place, when the guillotine’s work was done, citizen hewers of wood and drawers of water under an alien financial dictatorship.”  (yet, they forgot to add “robbing and raping” their French White women of refinement, culture, and good upbringing and good breeding.)

(I remember clearly when I worked for the Jew I mentioned above his manager told me when “someone in a different state made a mistake, but erroneously blamed me, “I will have your head on a platter!” This is not a joke or poor choice of words.  This is what the did to poor Marie Antoinette.  Can you imagine being her and your day to day life gets crazier and crazier until the Jews wanted her pretty head on a platter or one of these “sticks!”)

It mentioned “Versailles” and that was where the Germans got such a horrendous raw deal after World War I that set them up for Jews to buy up Germany, pennies on a dollar.  Treaty of Versailles.

And Jews talk about an exaggerated Holocaust, look at the mental and physical cruelty, and chopping off White King and Queen’s head. Hitler “never” was cruel to Jews like this. Never.

Phillipe Egalite, Duc d’Orleans, was used to prepare the ground for the revolution; to protect with his name and influence the infancy of the revolutionary club; to popularize freemasonry and the Palais Royal; and to sponsor such acts as the march of the women to Versailles.

The “women” on this occasion were mostly men in disguise. d’Orleans was under the impression that the King and Queen would be assassinated by this mob, and himself proclaimed a democratic King. The real planners of the march, however, had other schemes in view.

One main objective was to secure the removal of the royal family to Paris, where they would be clear of protection from the army, and under the power of the Commune or Paris County Council in which the Jacobins were supreme.

They continued to make use of Egalite right up to the time of the vote on the King’s life, when he crowned his sordid career by leading the open vote in voting for the death of his cousin. His masters thereafter had no further use for his services; and he very shortly followed his cousin to the guillotine amidst the execrations of all classes.

So the Jews not only guillotined the elite people of France, but probably “poisoned” also:

Mirabeau played a similar role to that of Egalite. He had intended that the revolution should cease with the setting up of Louis as a democratic monarch with himself as chief adviser. He had no desire to see violence done to the King. On the contrary, in the last days before he died mysteriously by poison, he exerted all his efforts to get the King removed from Paris, and placed in charge of loyal generals still commanding his army.”

He was the last of the moderates and monarchists to dominate the Jacobin club of Paris; that bloodthirsty focus of revolution, which had materialized out of the secret clubs of the Orient Masons and Illuminati. It was Mirabeau’s voice, loud and resonant, that kept in check the growing rage of the murderous fanatics who swarmed therein.

There is no doubt that he perceived at last the true nature and strength of the beast, which he had worked so long and so industriously to unchain. In his last attempt to save the royal family by getting them out of Paris, he actually succeeded in shouting down all opposition in the Jacobin club. That evening he died by a sudden and violent illness; and, as the author of The Diamond Necklace writes:

“Louis was not ignorant that Mirabeau had been poisoned.”

Thus, like Phillipe Egalite, and later Danton and Robes Pierre, Mirabeau too was removed from the stage when his role had been played. We are reminded of the passage in Number 15 of the Protocols of Zion:

“We execute masons in such wise that none save the brotherhood can ever have a suspicion of it.”

And again:

“In this way we shall proceed with those goy masons who know too much.”

As Mr E. Scudder writes in his Life of Mirabeau:

“He died at a moment when the revolution might still have been checked.”

The wild figures of Danton, Marat, Robes Pierre, and the fanatics of the Jacobin club now dominated the scene.

In September of 1792 were perpetrated the terrible “September massacres”; 8,000 persons being murdered in the prisons of Paris alone, and many more over the country.

It should be noted here, that these victims were arrested and held till the time of the massacre in the prisons by one Manuel, Procurer of the Commune. Sir Walter Scott evidently understood much concerning the influences which were at work behind the scenes. In his Life of Napoleon, Vol. 2, he writes on page 30:

“The demand of the Communaute de Paris,* now the Sanhedrin of the Jacobins, was, of course, for blood.”

[*The Paris County Council, equivalent to the L.C.C. in London.] Again, on page 56 he writes:

“The power of the Jacobins was irresistible in Paris, where Robes Pierre, Danton and Marat shared the high places in the synagogue.”

Writing of the Commune, Sir Walter Scott states in the same work:

“The principal leaders of the Commune seem to have been foreigners.”

Some of the names of these “foreigners” are worthy of note:

There was Chlodero de Laclos, manager of the Palais Royal, said to be of Spanish origin. There was Manuel, the Procurer of the Commune, already mentioned. He it was who started the attack upon royalty in the Convention, which culminated with the execution of Louis and Marie Antoinette.

There was David the painter, a leading member of the Committee of Public Security, which “tried” the victims. His voice was always raised calling for death. Sir Walter Scott writes that this fiend used to preface his “bloody work of the day with the professional phrase, ‘let us grind enough of the Red’.” David it was who inaugurated the Cult of the Supreme being; and organized

“the conducting of this heathen mummery, which was substituted for every external sign of rational devotion.” (Sir Walter Scott, Life of Napoleon, Vol. 2.)

There were Reubel and Gohir, two of the five “Directors,” who with a Council of Elders became the government after the fall of Robes Pierre, being known as the Directoire.

The terms “Directors” and “Elders” are, of course, characteristically Jewish.

(Note the “Cult of the Supreme Being” whereby Jews became “Jewish Supremacists” as they are today.

One other observation should be made here; it is that this important work by Sir Walter Scott in 9 volumes, revealing so much of the real truth, is practically unknown, is never reprinted with his other works, and is almost unobtainable.

Those familiar with Jewish technique will appreciate the full significance of this fact; and the added importance it lends to Sir Walter Scott’s evidence regarding the powers behind the French Revolution.

To return to the scene in Paris. Robes Pierre now remains alone, and apparently master of the scenes; but this again was only appearance. Let us turn to the Life of Robes Pierre, by one G. Renier, who writes as though Jewish secrets were at his disposal. He writes:

“From April to July 1794 (the fall of Robes Pierre) the terror was at its height. It was never the dictatorship of a single man, least of all Robes Pierre. Some 20 men (the Committees of Public Safety and of General Security) shared the power.”
(Note how the JEWS ARE THE TERRORISTS, even though we keep hearing, Muslim terrorists, perhaps 100,000 times. We are not only “our” thoughts, but the “general” thought.)

To quote Mr. Renier again:

“On the 28th July, 1794,” “Robes Pierre made a long speech before the Convention . . . a philippic against ultra-terrorists. . . uttering vague general accusations.

‘I dare not name them at this moment and in this place. I cannot bring myself entirely to tear asunder the veil that covers this profound mystery of iniquity. But I can affirm most positively that among the authors of this plot are the agents of that system of corruption and extravagance, the most powerful of all the means invented by foreigners for the undoing of the Republic; I mean the impure apostles of atheism, and the immorality that is at its base’.”

Mr Renier continues with all a Jew’s satisfaction:

“Had he not spoken these words he might still have triumphed!”

In this smug sentence Mr Renier unwittingly dots the i’s and crosses the t’s, which Robes Pierre had left uncompleted. Robes Pierre’s allusion to the “corrupting and secret foreigners” was getting altogether too near the mark; a little more and the full truth would be out.

At 2 a.m. that night Robes Pierre was shot in the jaw and early on the following day dragged to the guillotine.

Again let us recall Protocol 15:

“In this way we shall proceed with goy masons who know too much.”
“Note: In a somewhat similar manner Abraham Lincoln was shot and killed by the Jew Booth on the evening of his pronouncement to his cabinet that he intended in future to finance U.S. loans on a debt free basis similar to the debt free money known as “Greenbacks,” with which he had financed the Civil War.” Well, there is more in Chapter 3, but my eyes are watering and can barely see, I’m tired.
The next chapter goes into the “Russian Revolution.” I’m going to sleep and will read in a.m. I may not comment, but just send you this.

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