Mother’s Day: Elizabeth Dilling

From My Book: I’m not able to send Chapter 10 yet since my fairly new computer’s memory is full already.

But here’s a short Mother’s Day present from Elizabeth Dilling.

  • Elizabeth Dilling, USA – Publisher and leader of the “Mother’s Crusade” exposed the connection between Communism and the Jews. She traveled to the Soviet Union between 1917 and 1922 and said American revolutionary mercenaries seized their country. She saw the anti-Christian attitude. The Jew-led Communists left the White Russians lying in the streets, starved to death, and cannibalistic dead mothers and babies with half-eaten bodies. Organized “The Paul Reveres.” She listed 1,300 individuals and organizations known to be working out a Communist Revolution in America. 

In 1936, Dilling published The Roosevelt Red Record. She wrote about her mistake-free research, “The book is more accurate down to the pettiest detail than Ivory Soap is pure.” She published The Octopus under the pen name Rev. Frank Woodruff Johnson. Dilling exposed that Jew Talmudists forced the Iron Curtain over Poland and other countries, silencing and enslaving them after White World War II. [I] The Plot Against Christianity.
