Jews Killed Jesus, NOT the Romans #3

Here’s the spontaneous set of 8 videos Pastor Eli and I recorded that weren’t in my autobiography. Spirit-God must have sent the information and inspiration since we didn’t plan this. Part 1 was my regular autobiography show. Toward the end, Chapter 26 unfolded eight videos that we hadn’t planned but were planned by God.

Jews Killed Jesus, NOT the Romans #2

Here’s the spontaneous set of 8 videos Pastor Eli and I recorded that weren’t in my autobiography. Spirit-God must have sent the information and inspiration since we didn’t plan this. Part 1 was my regular autobiography show. Toward the end, Chapter 26 unfolded eight videos that we hadn’t planned but were planned by God.

Whites Born Guilty?

Born Guilty? Jews branded with commands (laws) White babies since the White womb and sperm: Racist, Anti-Semite, White Supremacist, Fascist, Sexist, Homophobe, Colonizer, Nazi, Hater, Bigot, Islamophobe, Xenophobe. It’s Fear to the extreme. Metaphysically speaking, guilt is the source of all sin, disease, and death. Keeps Whites paralyzed and fighting each other, while all other races and religions work for their own racial success and survival.White Jason Kohne: “Born Guilty: Liable for Compensation Subject to Retaliation”

Jews branded White babies even in the womb: Racist, Anti-Semite, White Supremacist, Fascist, Sexist, Homophobe, Colonizer, Nazi, Hater, Bigot, Islamophobe, Xenophobe. It’s Fear to the extreme. Metaphysically speaking, guilt is the source of all sin, disease, and death.

Whites: Love One Another!

I’ve loved, loved, loved all for my whole life. In 1997, though, I singled out Whites when I was hired to hire only Whites in Chicago at #1 Caterer to the Stars, George Jewell’s from the English palace. Although #1 he said the government padlocked his business for tax non-payment. He said the temporary agencies only sent him blacks/browns/White homos (Jew victims). He said he’d “develop” the Whites, so it’s not as if we’re Supremacists but perhaps lowest on the totem pole as a race for survival.

While all the other races/religions work together as one unit, Whites are divided into 700,000,000 people fighting each other. (Jews did the same to Poland 1025-1945. I read in a Poland’s maps and pictures book, used, how terrible it was that Jews had my ancestor’s inner fighting. Husband/wife, male/female, siblings, parents/children, families/other Polish White families, neighbors, tribe members/other tribes, all 7 Polish White tribes fighting 7 other nations! 24/7, 365, 1,000 years. Never in history, was there a country of slavery as Jews inflicted on my ancestors, even on my family and veteran husband in South Chicago. 
Now, after Jews came here (united as one organic unit like evil ants) in 1875, all Whites, even Whites around the world, divided and conquered. Our best weapon against the Jews is to unite as one and get along.
But even if others don’t believe in God/good or religion, Jesus’ words summed up, “Love one another,” as St. Paul wrote below, is much needed. We need to lead the way into harmony amongst ourselves and those Whites we deal with.
Also, Willis Carto, White leader, who made $5,000,000 a year said that it isn’t the Jews who are our worst problem. It’s Whites fighting among ourselves. But Henry Ford said, “Knowing is the cure.” 
VERSE OF THE DAY1 Thessalonians 5:11 (New International Version)Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

White Latvia 1940 War Horror: Jew Communism, Graphic

As I’m working on another blog, I came across how the Jew Communists. It’s what Jews did to Poland 1025-1945, and now in all White countries!

This was the hidden intent of the mostly Jewish manipulators.

“Do not believe in God. Do not believe in yourself. Do not believe in good or evil! Rise against everything and yourself, for then shall you leave the fortune of equality. For then shall you be easily dominated and enslaved… Therefore, will you become like animals for your spirit shall be broken.””

While the Europeans had to endure the communist cynicism forced upon them, while people were set against one another, while churchgoers were persecuted and gravestones desecrated in the name of communism’s proclaimed “religious freedom”, the Jews continued to practice undisturbed their religion and traditions, for this particular “freedom” did not apply to them.


I’m Fearlessly White-Final Chapter 27-5

Hello White Folks,

It’s time to rejoice, cheer, be grateful, and get to work on helping to save the Endangered White People. Even and especially Caucasian Christianity, which the Jews destroyed to declare themselves, our “messiah.”

I’m utterly grateful to Pastor Eli James, Assembly of Christian Israelite, who called and volunteered to interview me about my book. Over 60 episodes against all odds. I’m grateful to God that my 23-year research has been film published on the worldwide Here’s the final link: Thanks from the bottom of my heart as we travel onward to the heights of White Love. We need all the help we can get!

Pictures below:

White Kingdom of Heaven here on earth! If the First Pilgrims (Saints and Professors) had it, we can too. However, we’ve come a long way and can improve it. What would be the Kingdom of Heaven to You! It starts with our daily, hourly, and sometimes moment-by-moment thoughts and actions. I discovered long ago that our “feelings” are not “facts!” Heaven: paradise, bliss, happiness, ecstasy, joy, blissfulness, blessedness. I’m “glad” now for a closure to the past except to learn from it. But looking forward to the next minute, hour, day, eternity!
Jesus is surrounded by good angels above as he resurrects from the dead. Figuratively speaking, Whites must now resurrect. Mama said, when I was a little girl, “They are spiritually dead!” Something happened to the White people before, during, and after World War II. I understand the lack of spirituality and religion since it was intentionally wiped out or distorted in our minds. It’s easy for jews to control the population. Especially with “fear” tactics. My ideas are for the opposite, “love!” Religion must now try to meet the needs of our White people. We must do our part. I’ve given plenty of ideas in the final two sub-chapters. In this picture, the soldiers guarding Jesus’ tomb are jewish! You can see their deathlike terror and unbelief in their eyes and bodies. They were knocked over by Jesus’ spirit as heavy stone guarding his so-called beaten corpse resurrected. With joy, I “try to see, feel, and think God, good, in my heart and mind. If we dwell only on the human scene, it can only be mortal. But if we raise our motives, thoughts our feelings will correspond. Nothing human is perfect and perfectionism is hard to deal with.
Barbara Ann Nowak & Michael Jokobowski Duncan. We’re Polish but his father was Scottish. My book, “I’m Fearlessly White – 1,000 Years with the Jews” was his biography. Since I put his life in chronological order to write his story, I had to do the same for mine. It’s the hardest act a person has to do. It started in 2001 when I won a spirituality contest, “If you were to write your autobiography what would be the title and why.” It was right after the American 9/11 tragedy and I was in a state of heightened emotion. I never wrote. Yet I managed 300 words and won the contest. An Italian leather journal. Yet, after I received it, I couldn’t write a word. I’d stare at the blank pages. Then, a good (God) thought came to me, “Go to CompUSA.” It was across the street from my Chicago downtown skyscraper. I wasn’t looking for anything but was led to an eMachine, Hewlett Packard, forerunner computer. (I’ve been on computers since 1st-year of high school.) I began writing my historical emails to the famous Chicago radio DJ. Now, my writing is completed, although hopefully will be edited.
You read my name right: Barbara “Patton” like the murdered most famous General George Patton. He said he wanted the US to enter Germany, but the “higher ups” said the Jew-led Communist Russians should take over Germany. Their people were the most religious, 60/40 Protestants/Catholics. Smartest. Polish 2nd. Jews destroyed Germany’s religious ideas as well as kept the White race purebred. Even dogs and cats enjoyed it, as did all the other races. On April 15, 1993 (tax day), Roadway Express, a #1 transportation company, awarded me my Certificate of Completion for “Quality Action Team Leader Training.” Then, I led a team at a satellite. Roadway gave me an unlimited checkbook to implement my ideas. I came up with 25 but only needed $$$ for one. The QAT teams were invited by American Dr. Deming but rejected and found their way to Japan, then China #1. What I learned in business I applied to my 2-part brainstorming ideas to help save the Endangered White People! The sky is not the limit!
I wrote a parody of the Beatles’ “Paperback Writer.” The words fit almost perfectly to what I experienced as a White untrained and prohibited author. It’s dated April 13, 2023 on Pastor Eli James the moderator for my book, and I sang a duet! What fun! “Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book?” When an author wants to submit a Query to see if the party is interested in helping with the book, the letter should start with that heading. Beatles: “It took me years to write.” Barb: “It took me 23 years to write!” Beatles: “Based on a a novel by a man named Lear,” Barb: “Based on my life about a gal named Barb and so I need a job so I want to be a Paperback writer!” University PhD said Whites can’t write anymore.” They stopped teaching grammar 30 years ago! King “Lear” was a “tragedy” about an English King. He divided his kingdom to his three daughters. It’s deep and depressing and later changed. Sounds like my autobiography.   Lear opts to become homeless and destitute, goes insane, and the French King married to Cordelia invades Britain to restore order and Lear’s rule. (There’s an 1892 New York Jew Yiddish version (not Bible Hebrew) on Beatles: “It’s a dirty story of a dirty man.” Barb: “It’s a dirty story of a large White clan.” Beatles: “And his clinging wife doesn’t understand.” Barb: “And at the whole world doesn’t understand.” Beatles, “And his son is working for the Daily Mail (News), Barb: “All I work on is daily emails.) Beatles: “Its a steady job but he wants to be a . . .. Paperback Writer!” Beatles: “It’s a 1,000 pages give or take a few.” The writer is revealing a secret. The jewish book monopoly doesn’t want books over 40 pages. Barb: Mine is 1284 to date up to 1983! Volume 1. Should I lower my IQ or teach our White Youngers (and all) how to read and write and respect! Beatles: “I’ll be writing more in a week or two. I could make it “longer” if you like the style.” Truth: if the Jews don’t want the 40 pages, 1,000 pages, he mocks when he says he’ll make it longer! Beatles: “I can change it ’round and I want to be a Paperback writer.” He’s willing to do anything to get published.
I’ve seen this sign in Chicago bathrooms. Did any one care or read? I made sure with both my baby boys I didn’t drink, smoke, drug, drink alcohol, ate healthy, and studied and prayed God’s metaphysics as Jesus did. Prevention before the disease starts is a bonus toward attaining our true perfect healthy loving nature we already include. Also, when I was pregnant with my first baby, the medical was giving White pregnant women a dangerous drug to stop common morning sickness. Although it is a difficult illness. I didn’t take the drug since I was already into healthy living. Many of the women who did take the prescription had deformed babies.

I’m Fearlessly White: Jewess Murdered Me!

To begin, I share my ideas to help save the White people, especially Caucasian Christianity.

Next, here’s my interview with Pastor Eli who kindly offered to interview my autobiographical research for the last 15 months.

On August 19, 2013, a jewess lunged, grabbed, beat, crippled and murdered me in front of the jew MGM Mandalay Bay Las Vegas Casino, House of Blues. I wore this White Gown and Crown for my invention, “Costumed Karaoke.” I’ll have a separate video on the entire episode coming up in a few weeks. However, this particular picture was right by Chicago Cubs Park. I bought the gown at the Salvation Army a few blocks from my Magnificent Mile skyscraper condo. It’s Anna Nicole Smith’s gown to the 89-year-old billionaire. Her constant companion: jewish Howard K. “Stern.” Jews rule us with the most powerful weapon on earth: the mind! He made a horrible video of her spaced out on drugs and made her look like the lowest creature in the solar system. I read her Will. Her jew live-in lawyer put in it no one could contest his Executor role! Anyway, on a supremely positive note, I’m in a White diamond-like crown and the biggest White dress God led me to. It’s even bigger. I have the largest hoop bendable underskirt made to make it flare out. Why the jewess hated and killed me I’ll never know. My prayer to God brought me back to Life. More in a few upcoming episodes.
The day the jewess lunged, grabbed, beat, crippled, and murdered me I was about to perform a loving costumed karaoke tribute to White Prince William, Princess Kate Middleton, and their new Baby “George.” I’ll have a special video on that horrific jewess crime against me. I thought of the man, “George” Jewell from England who worked in the palace, emigrated to Chicago, and developed the #1 catering company to the stars. He hired me to hire only Whites in 1997. The government had padlocked his food warehouse and offices for tax non-payment. He said the temporary agencies only sent him black and mexican tuxedo staff, and they ruined his company. He hired me as the Human Resource Director of Human Development and secretly hired only Whites at the local universities. Recently, I traveled back to his company and I must have helped save it. It’s still in business. The song I sang before I died the next morning, “Don’t You Want My ‘White’ Baby?” by Human League. I realized the rock band’s name, “Human League” is perhaps prophetic. There are baseball and hockey “leagues”. Now we can have worldwide White “Human Leagues!” See video with lyrics, “Don’t You Want Me Baby,” Or “Don’t You Want My White Baby!” I have a book chapter, “I Was the Unwanted White Baby!”
Autobiographically speaking, I mentioned that when I sang the song, “Kashmir” by Led Zeppelin, I had out-of-body experiences on stage. Around 2012. Years ago, White German Ferdinand von Zeppelin invented the flying aircraft. I’d perform on the Vegas Mandalay Bay House of Blues Stage, RockStar, RockBand karaoke. It was one of the longest songs I’ve done, 8 1/2 minutes. Polish Christian Lil’ Wally Trilogy 11 1/2. When I sang “Kashmir,” as I got to the word “Mama,” I automatically threw my head back and left the planet without a rocket ship! The band members disappeared, their instruments, the people, stage, my body, and all that was left was my “feeling,” “singing,” the band’s musical invisible notes, and audiences heightened anticipation scent. Also, I sang the lyric, “Father” and I thought of his weeping as Mama beat him for killing her unborn baby by kicking her in her pregnant stomach. After World War II, the USA economy collapsed and we became White Polish slaves to South Chicago jews and jewesses who starved us and addicted us. As in Poland: 1025-1945, under jewish 100% control, war/alcohol & its side effects, and starvation deaths were our only products. The good “Kashmir” lyrics, I add “White,” “To sit with ELDERs of a gentle Race.” All other races/religions respect their elders! “But not a word could I relate.” It’s obvious I can’t relate to others since I’m not jewish media brainwashed but write from my life and reasoning. “Oh, ‘ White baby,’ I been blind Oh, yeah, White mama, there ain’t no denyin’ Oh, ooh yes, I been blind Mama, mama, ain’t no denyin’, no denyin’ All I see turns to brown (non-Whites 92% of the world! our White babies down from 33% to 3% since World War II. Also end of Christianity and Jesus Christ. “As the sun burns the ground And my eyes fill with sand (I changed to my eyes filled with tears) As I scan this (all White lands now overrun and interbred) wasted land Try to find, try to find the way I feel. I still have feelings.
Preview, I’ll be singing “Final Countdown” by “Europe!”

New jew HR 6090 Law against White (Christians)

To simply sum up my ideas:

  • 92% of Jews are from my ancestral Poland, the only lawless country in history! They hated my people so much they enslaved us in war/alcohol, 24/7, 365, 1,000 years. 2025: 1,000th anniversary of worst history. That’s hate & they are doing it here. All laws were “for” the jews and “against” White Catholics / Christians. Jews murdered Jesus a second time. On August 19, 2013, a jewess lunged at me, grabbed and held me, beat, crippled, and killed me in front of a Las Vegas Jew MGM Mandalay Bay audience! I died the next day, but my mind still worked so I prayed, “God is my Live!” and lived! Video later.
  • Whites expelled Jews 1,030 times. 
  • 1700s: Scotland rejected Jews. To counteract, jews used their alcohol weapon. Turned the judges, authors, etc. into alcoholics. Then passed the “Enlightenment period.” Must love all the world’s people but hate yourself if you’re White! (Not anymore we love, value, and appreciate ourselves and each other. It’s our greatest weapon.
  • Jews pass 1961 Affirmative Action hating White males. 1963 killed President Kennedy. 1964 his brother Edward passed Civil Rights Act “against Whites. Synagogue Rabbis drafted it! 1965 jews passed Immigration Act. Why? In 1924, White Christian Republicans passed an Immigration law banning them. 1966: under Jew-led President Johnson sent all our army-aged White men to be tortured horrifically in Vietnam.
  • Where are our counter-bills? Our White boys will need over 20 mentors after the damage or we will descend into a 4th world country. As in Poland. Slaves in barns. 50,000 of Daddy’s relatives died of starvation: Jews put on golden glittery robes and robbed the corpses.
  • Do the White people who study ancestry #2 past time after baseball know and care?  
  • Mike Lawler, New York, from the most jew USA hasidic population, sponsored it. Republican!

I’m Fearlessly White Chapter 27-3

This video goes into “Long Live the Protected White People!” Yes, we’ll someday have laws and the world supporting not mocking or condemning us. I’ll also have a list of the White Republicans who stood up to the evil jew / jewess & company.

On February 27, 2019, I held a “Save Great White Race (Honk!) Save Great White Polar Bear. I’m donned in all White like a mother polar bear. On that date, she hibernates with her White cubs. The Polar Bear is at the top of the food chain. If they go, so does the White world. Why did I have this protest? A few weeks earlier the black lives matter protested on that corner. It had white women swarming on the corner with black men. Doesn’t she realize her womb is sacred and should either wear a chastity belt and forget sex as I have most of my life, or have white babies?
Republican, Gerald L. K. Smith, was the only one who resisted the jewish led Communist democrats. It’s the same today. jews pass their bills 535-0 against Whites (Christians,) even Jesus Christ. He had this Jesus statue built by the same sculpture who carved the USA president’s faces on Mount Rushmore. I found this 65′ statue when a friend drove me there to see the Great Passion Play. When I first stopped to see the White sculpture, I felt such an overwhelming power or energy, I dropped to my knees and wept. I didn’t know of the founder of the play and park. When I walked in the gate the ticket taker warned, “The (jew-led White) homosexuals have purchased the entire town. Even the banks and would shut the park down if they didn’t raise $800,000. The jew-led homos shut down the baby Jesus, Mother Mary, Joseph Nativity scene. (Odd but they get their own city, jews are united around the world, Chinese have their owns cities as do blacks and Mexicans, and Indian reservations. Whites have nothing after giving to these other people for over a century. lazy, filthy, child-like, don’t want to work blacks and red Indians for 370+ years! Smith created that event patterned after Oberammergau, Germany. They highly exposed the evil jews and that’s what he did in the 1960s. I’m going to put other Republican pictures on this blog “stood up to the jews.” Smith was friends with Father Coughlin, who had a radio show before World War II warning about the Satanic jews. Jesus knew — jews mocked, spied on, tried to kill, bullied, spit on, arrested, tortured him, had 6 trials in one night, and killed him in front of an audience! Jesus resurrected but nearly extinct in Europe. Jews had the most religious Whites killed in World War II: Germans and my Polish people! The only Christian country of 48 left in Europe: Poland!
It was White Roman St. Paul who Jesus appeared to in order to save Jesus’ Christianity! The jews badgered him and then beat, arrested, and would have executed except for the fact he was a Roman Citizen, not from Jerusalem. They had 40 jews ready to ambush and kill him on his way to Rome where he was to stand trial. “Acts 23:12–35
A Plot to Kill Paul
12 When it was day, uthe Jews made a plot and vbound themselves by an oath neither to eat nor drink till they had killed Paul. 13 There were more than forty who made this conspiracy. 14 They went to the chief priests and elders and said, “We have strictly bound ourselves by an oath to taste no food till we have killed Paul. 15 Now therefore you, along with the council, give notice to the tribune to bring him down to you, as though you were going to determine his case more exactly. And we are ready to kill him before he comes near.”
16 Now the son of Paul’s sister heard of their ambush, so he went and entered wthe barracks and told Paul. 17 Paul called one of the centurions and said, “Take this young man to the tribune, for he has something to tell him.” However, as Paul is sent to White Rome Italy, when he meets the Felix the governor, his common law wife, Drusilla, “the jewess” the Bible says, demanded Paul be imprisoned since he wouldn’t pay her bribe money. Paul was considered the greatest Bible writer and he wrote in “chains.!” Today, whites can’t write, while Jews monopolize all of publishing and the Yellow God-hating Chinese became the highest in American schools such as valedictorians!

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