Polish Scottish White birthdays

I hear from my two White sons perhaps once a year on my birthday.  No card, flowers, or gift, but I’m still glad that they called.  I’m sure that they both “honor and respect” their girlfriends mother, because I saw that when I visited my son Mikey.  The other mother-in-law’s picture was on the mantlepiece right in the center. My pix wasn’t there. 
I have no idea why I worked so hard to raise them superbly only to be cast out of their lives as ashes from a BBQ.
Birthdays have no meaning.  When I was growing up White Polish in South Chicago, I have faint memories that before the domestic violence set in between Mama and Daddy, and then just changed to Mama beating Daddy worse than any black slave ever dreamed of, my parents got along really well. My older brothers and sisters cannot write this story because we were poor but happy. 
As I wrote before I probably was conceived on November 22, and those that believe in pro-life, that is when my life began.  It is not what the Chinese believe, for they throw their females babies out on the street to die.  If the Chinese ever take over the world, I wonder if they will throw the Jewish female babies out on the street, or show any mercy to the Jewish men and children, when they won’t need them anymore.  Yellow Chinese have so many people, they can’t and won’t take the burden of the Jews, plus they are smart enough to learn from destroying our race.
Since I have been so much into karaoke, it is not out of the realm of possibility that the Chinese know of my dilemna, and even our races since there have been more hacking footprints on my computer than Best Buy Geeksquand ever saw.  The Chinese are so crazy about karaoke that there are cars coming off Chinese assemblylines with karaoke machines built in as an equipped feature.
Not only that, if the Chinese read what I wrote about the Opium War and that it really was the Opium Trade of the “Jews,” that Britain was fighting for, they will stay away from Jews as the Jewish lice and plague that hit Europe in World War I and II.
Jews don’t have lice now, because they have so many slaves doing their work. When Jews were forced to live poor in a ghetto, the “Eternal Jew,” video showed millions of black/brown cockroaches crawling on their walls while they were celebrating one of their feasts.
So anyway autobiographically speaking, by the time I arrived, and perhaps about 7.  I remember the first time that my brother threatened to kill my Mama with a heavy chain because he and my Daddy went to have a few drinks at the Jew bar near our house at 83rd and Colfax in South Chicago.  My brother, Bert the Polak, had already been in the hospital in the Korealn war for alcoholism, since that was his position: an army bartender.  Mama would say that the Jew “pumped” up her (White Polish) son against her, and if my brother were drinking at the bar, surely the bartender was ‘talking’ to him and advising him, as Jewish psychiatrists advise their patients through pills.  This same behavior must have been going on in Poland to its destruction and terrorization. 
So if the Korean War ended in 1953, I was under 6 years old, just to date it.  So up until that time, there were no Third World War battles between Mama and Daddy.  From then on until I got married and left the house, Mama abused Daddy, and Daddy being abused, just lived to work for his Jewish masters as a maintenance man, the man with the Golden hands, at Fawcett Book Publishing in Skokie, which is so Jewish they are set to have the next “Jewish Holocaust Museum.”  What a farce for even one word promoting Jews of the second world war, when their very lice could have annihilated the White race, and now another Holocaust Museum.  If only our White people knew how badly they have been duped and what a dangerous time this is.
So I never had a birthday party, but I never “pitied” myself, nor asked for pity.  We were raised with too much character to ‘complain.’  I learned from my older siblings and parents, who as I recall, never had birthday parties.  If I never left 8332 S. Colfax, and just lived in that atmosphere, I might have survived even with the abuse, but, when I went out into Amerca, its churches, schools, family or friends, I saw intelligently and reasoned how “bizarre” I was being raised, and how I craved to have another mother. Anyone but mine.
Now, my sons feel the same about me.  The difference though was that I respected my parents and worked for them, with chores and errands, setting Mama’s hair with Bobbi-pins, giving her rub downs since her body ached all the time and she didn’t like doctors or didn’t have the $$$. 
One year, when I was about 9 or 10 I decided to give myself a birthday party.  But again it must have been bizarre.  I made homemade invitations and gave them to my 3 White Polish girlfriends. I had attended one birthday party before so I knew the routine, games, and soda and food afterwards. But, since we were so poor, I doubt if I had any $$$ for food or prizes, so I think when they arrived I just waited to accept their gifts for me and then let them go home.  I’m laughing out loud, because picture one of your White sons or daughtes going to such a birthday party.  The White Mama gets her daughter all washed up, hair combed, (which was a rarity for me) pretty party dress, (well you know I didn’t have one, just boys socks and shoes, (if) I had that, and maybe one dress that I had to wear over and over and over again. Probably without washing, since I had nothing else to wear if I took it off.  Then my girlfriends White Mama would buy a gift, wrap it up, and send their daughter to my house.  I’m surprised they let my girlfriends even go inside my home, since the violence and the rumors of my Mama chasing Daddy with a butcher knife.  (I wonder if the blacks had it that bad when they were slaves for us, or if the blacks now have it that bad that the Jews are their Masters and the blacks, drug addicts, with American Opium.) 
I received an offshoot of a type of Barbie Doll from one girl, but soon gave it to my niece Jolene Murphy that was growing up.  So to say I never had a toy, would be a lie. I had this doll for about a year or so. But, think of the girls surprise, when I just took the gifts and didn’t have much in return as a party, and perhaps they left as soon as they came in. Our house was old, and the furniture in poor condition. There were holes in the walls and mice running around.  These girls were semi-affluent.  A one house ghetto.  That is why I like to sing Elvis song’ In the Ghetto, about poor people, only Elvis was referring to “blacks” in South Chicago and not White Polish Poor.
Had I been raised with all poor people around me, just as if being raised poor on a farm, you have the comfort of those around you living the same lifestyle. Just as the people in Africa.  We Whites are paralyzing them, for they should learn how to survive, as they have had and live close to nature with manures, seeds, etc. and above all “Work,” but then the whole problem with Black Africa is that the mothers stopped beating the Black boys as they did when the blacks arrived here, as that was the only way to get blacks to work.
Jews don’t have a hard time going to work, because I have never seen a Jewish man or woman that I worked for do a decent day’s work. They rape off all the high salaries at the top and do the least, and have trained our White people to “imitate” Jews.  It won’t work in this global economy where Hindus, Muslims and Chinese have much higher standards than our work habits.
Here is Elvis Karaoke song, “In the Ghetto.”  If you change the word from “him” to “her,” you will see the things that a little girl went through in her life, and yes, the other Whites, the White church, and White school, and White government were blind to our problems, and in actuality were helping the Blacks at the time, not me.
Daddy worked.  Therefore we couldn’t get welfare or food stamps even though he made minimum wage as a White Polish slave for Jews.  I think I would have welcomed being a black slave for White master, who provided a home for free, food, medical, church for free, schooling for free, even jobs as nannies in the home as Dr. Duke had a black nanny in his book that he liked. Therefore, it is clear that he is ‘not’ prejudiced, but Jewish hyped up charges against him as they did against Hitler, (but not Stalin, which is quite extraordinary, since Stalin was their puppet to destroy White Europe.)
But, if you look at the words, my hunger was burning, cold Chicago icy days without clothes and boots or shoes, nose running and sick. And yes when I got older I didn’t steal cars, but both my boyfriends did and I rode in one one time. But when I learned it was stolen, never did again.  Our White Boys shouldn’t even ‘desire’ cars.  My son Paul didn’t even want a driver’s licence since he grew up in boarding schools, so that he could concentrate on his studies not on a car.  I had to take Paul when he was in college to get a driver’s license, just so he would have one but doubtful he ever used it until he needed a car for work or transportation not for a “toy.”  My sons also had very few toys growing up, even though my husband had money. 
I also learned how to steal and fight, in the White gang I was a member of, and had one fight where I knocked the daylights out of a fellow classmate. There was a girl named Donna Baldina in grammar school, seventh grade.  But Donna was very dark, not like the rest of us.  And when I was drinking with Irene the gal whose folks were in Hitler’s work camps after the war where she was conceived, she pumped me up against Donna to beat her up, and I went to her home and I did.  It was the only fight I ever had.  This gal was knocked up by her step-father and she had to leave St. Mary Magdalene’s to have his baby.
My White cousin, and Irene taught me how to shoplift, and I got caught, and lucky they didn’t send me to juvenile delinquent home.  But, my cousin’s Mama had lots of $$$ so we got out of it. 
Mama got drunk went to the church and told him a story that got me expelled and away from the ‘bad’ girls at school.  Although the act crushed me, because it was 2 months before graduation of grammar school where I attended my whole life as a good and smart student, I had to graduate from St. Michael’s Polish School, the same name of my husband and son.  And you know, it was St. Michael the archangel that fought Satan and the Devils.
I didn’t die at the hands of a bullet, but, tried to kill myself by my own hand, but won’t talk about that for fear of depression. But, I don’t lie. And recently a man asked how my husband died and I said, “suicide.” Of course I didn’t want to say it but I don’t lie, and it is time the White race starts trying to solve the problems of why some of us Whites just cannot stand to live in this country.
Even my son Mikey went to the mountains for a hike, to get away from his reality for a while.  I’m glad I taught him to climb hills back in the Ozarks where I took him to camp. 
Whites need to face reality and snap out of their dreams as Daddy would tell Mama when she would curse him out for drinking, drugging, smoking, gambling and womanizing, and yes, not standing up to the Jews and asking for a raise for our large family.
Since Jews don’t smoke, drink, take drugs, and get all the free White women they want, the don’t suffer from what they have induced on us.
My Mama was tough in beating and punishing me, and perhaps I deserved more. Would any Jew or black say that, or Mexican?! Doubtful, they want more leniency.
I look at the cover of Gulag, and how tough the White Russians were on their own White people, yet Whites allow crime eternal against Whites on our own soil, and we are helpless to do anything being strangled to death by the noose of Jewish laws and lawyers and $$$$, the money they earned illegally against Whites.
I thought of this song and the words apply at not having my sons with me since the divorce, even though I was “lucky” to not have them taken from me, and at the time, I didn’t have a temper as I do now sometimes.   Our White women today don’t have tempers when their sons go to drinking/drugging/gambling or degeneration. They go to a Jewish doctor who ‘rapes’ them and comforts them and makes them pay for it through husband’s insurance, and then the Jewish doctor gives them a white piece of paper, a prescription, to silence these White mothers.
I have to admit that the first year my White husband, Mike Duncan, and I were married he threw me a surprise birthday party.  He couldn’t have imagined in his reality what that meant to me, it was beyond words.
His birthday, as I wrote before was August 29, the day Katrina hit New Orleans, and the first day I went on talk radio and screamed and pleaded for the White male and his memory as being homeless and suicidal.
Here are lyrics to a song for my husband’s birthday, August 29, by
Dropkick Murphy, “21 Gun Salute”  (It was the only thing my husband asked for in his life, for helped provide him with every thing else that he ever wanted in life that made him happy.)
Ready, Aim, Fire
You work all fucking week,
go out on Friday night
You’re looking for some action
and you settle for a fight
Okay, steady, get ready
everybody pull in the loot
We got the equalizer
it’s a 21 guitar salute
It’s a 21 guitar salute, it’s a 21 guitar salute
It’s a…
We saw him sitting there,
a-drinking my beer
And I went in for the war
it’s 7 o’clock on a Saturday night and I’m so fucking bored
Okay, steady, get ready
everybody gets to shoot
We got a 21 gun salution
it’s a 21 guitar salute
It’s a 21 guitar salute, it’s a 21 guitar salute
It’s a…
Okay, steady, get ready
everybody pull in the loot
We got the equalizer
it’s a 21 guitar salute
It’s a 21 guitar salute, it’s a 21 guitar salute
It’s a…
I hear the sounds of marching feet in the distance
and there’s a bloody revolution in the air
And I know what this looks like, but it isn’t
’cause I just want to blow something up
I couldn’t find the song above, but here is another one by Dropkick Murphy that I am crying to.  I love to see the Scottish kilts and the bagpipes, and my White son’s father surely heard them as he laid in his grave at the Abraham Lincoln Military cemetery in Joliet Illinois.  But, were all our wars for the Jews to advance and get to where they are and for the “other races,” and were these wars to destroy us?  It seems so.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huRwBFmAx78  Try not to cry too hard to this one.
Lovingly, Barbara Ann

Gulag Part 1: Whites and Jews

From the largest book I’ve ever held in my White hands, the Gulah, by Tomasz Kizny:
“What I saw, no man should see or even know about.  But once he has seen it, better that he die quickly.”  Varlam Shalamov, Kolyma Tales Translated by John Glad.
“Officially designated as places of work, the State ADminsitration of Penitentiary Camps, (Gulag) accounted for more human victims than Ypres, the Somme, Verdun, Auschwitz, Majdanek, Dachau and Buchenwald put together.”
“Tens of millions of the zeks or convists, whether so-called politicals, (Which is where they would consider us) or criminals were frozen, starved, worked, beatenor dispirited to death.  But the average expectancy of life did not exceed on winter.”
(Judging from the 3 sentences above, it makes Hilter’s work camps for Jews seem like a nice retreat, and especially a safe and protected one, while the Whites were being slaughtered in the many, many millions in the war!  All so that Jews can have Civil Rights, while even China not only kicked them out but massacred them.  Yes, if we must be controlled by another race, which seems our destiny, I would rather have it be China than the Jews.)
(Norman Davies states that those that were with Allieds, or us, don’t want to acknowledge any other atrocity other than the Holocaust, (Jewish)
“Mass exterminations in the Soviet Union, which were commonplace under Stalin were generally carried out by shooting in prisons or forests and by other brances of the security services.”
“The reality was scuh that as often as not guests of the Great White Bear would perish, and perish in extreme distress. The harshness of the Arctic climate, the starvation levels of the diet, the length of the sentences, the punitive character of the work norms, the routine brutality and depravity of the guards, the absence of proper medical care or of adequate heating and clothing, and the lack of hope ineveitably produced a devastating mortality rate.”
(Part of that reminds me of how I grew up in Chicago freezing winters, and this was White Affluent America, which made our suffering that much worse, because everyone around us was doing so well.  You know, I shouldn’t laugh, but it is hard to believe that I can compare my childhood to the Gulags.  And I only do that for autobiographical purposes not for “pity.”  My brother taught my large Polish White American family when we were very young.  Never look for sympathy or pity, because you will never find it.  If you want to look for “sympathy,” look between “Shit” and “syphyllis” in Websters’ Dictionary, and that is where you will find it.  In other words, sympathy was a curse word and to be avoided at all costs, not like the Jews command and demand constant non-stop sympathy, for them, the Blacks, the poor Chinese female babies, the Hindus that are living in poverty, the poor Mexicans, and on and on.  When these Jews and their Civil Rights activists demand sympathy and $$$ from now on, you can quote my brother Bert the Polak, (deceased) and tell them to find it between “Shit” and “Syphylis” in the dictionary, and use your $$$ to help yourself and your fellow White men/women/children.)
Tomasz Kizney has made good use of photographs found in Poland. Poles made up a large contingent of the Gulag’s inflow in 1939-41 and again in 1944-48.  It is difficult to say which pictures make the greatest impressions.  One might choose the panorama shots of the worksites by the White Sea Canal with the antlike figures scurrying among the gigantic seas of mud and scaffolding.  Much of the work in the Gulag was not just hopeless it was “pointless.”  (This is my argument today.  Most of what Whites are doing is not just hopeless for the success of our race but “pointless.”
The one picture that is missing and that, in the pre-flash era, could not be easily taken concerns a regular sight in all the camps of the Gulag. It would show huge stacks of emaciated corpses, frozen solid, piled high and wrapped in rags, awaiting the end of the Arctic night and the brief chance of the thaw and of anonymous burial.
(And we must always remember that it was the Jews that created Communism, that killed the Czar and Czarina, that filled the entire government, especially the heads, and that used their “Israeli-type” Mafia to get the Russians completely drunk, to accomplish these barbaric actions, while the Jews stayed sober, warm, well-fed, clothed, their wives and children happy as larks, and perhaps walking around in golden, glittery robes of wealth, as in my Daddy’s town of Galicia, Poland.)
The first Pix is two giant pages wide entitled: Prisoners on their way to the camp.  These White men are walking in a single line, with a ragged bag on the back. They all have hats on… not baseball hats as we wear, but hats.
The next Pix is “The camp at Molotov (home of the Molotov Cocktail bomb) (Severodvinsk) 1946.  It is bunkers and juding by the pictures of these White men, they are not White men at all but boys, or young teens.
Leon Blum, a French Jew, wrote of Stalin:  “I freely acknowledge that Soviet state policy is in the hands of an extraordinary man.  Before the war, when our communist comrades would speak of the “genius” of Stalin,” I was inclined to smile and today I admit I was wrong.  Stalin is a man of genius.  What he has accomplished over the past 20 years in establishing his power, in organizing, …… his genius is measured by magnituded, by the inner strength of efficiency, and by the patient depth of his planning…”
It was Blum whom the sinister Xavier Vallat — the future head of Jewish Affairs in the Vichy government–addressed on June 6, 1936, during the inaugural session of the Chamber of Deputies:  Your coming to power, Mr. President of the Council, unquestionably marks a historic date.  For the first time, this old-Gallo-Roman country will be government be a Jew.”  (And that was 3 years before Katyn massacre and the Russian entrance of World War II, where we gave 1/2 of our White European Brothers and Sisters to Mad Russian Jews.)
In actual fact, we would have to wait for Kruschev’s famous secret speech to the 20th Russian Communist Party Congress, especialy for Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s explosive testimony several years later for the “wall of silence surrounding the Gulag–or rather the Western wall of deafness–to start crumbling.
After the Soviet Russian prisoners were released from Nazi Hitler regime, they were sent directly to Gulag camps and were not freed after all.  So the people that died for World War II and freedoms, did ‘not’ free our Russian Whites, just the Jews, who seem to have made out really well.
“In 1945, it was the heroism of the Russian people in the war against the Nazis and the images of Stalingrad and of Soviet soldiers hoisting the rest flag of victory over the ruins of the Reichstag that made it possible to maintain and spread the great lie about the shadowy realities of Stalinist society.” 
In 1929, (Wall Streets Black Thursday) Stalin launched the collectivization in the rural areas, which culminated in the annihilation of the Russian peasant class through “planned famines,” and “mass deportations.” 
The book mentions another Jew,  “Sergie Eisenstein,” who made the Russian Movie, The General Line, with the propaganda, “Today is better than yesterday and not quite as good as tommorow.
(The Russian Soviets started these “5-year plans.”)
In 1937, the wave of mass terror was unleashed on Soviety society. 
In Soviet Russia a dangerous combination of a slave mentality with a revolutinary one had set in. (Do you think the Black slaves had it anywhere near as bad as our White brethren?  When I think of the Holocaust and Black slavery, it makes me want to ‘not’ think of them anymore.)
The book goes back to the beginning Bolsheviks, (Jewish controlled heads) who first “locked up political opponents,” as the Jews are doing now in Canada and America.  Next to be locked up any citizens who did not support the regime, entrepreneurs, officals, intelligentsia, richer peasants and “priests.”  (it seems as if the Jews were out to destroy Christianity.)  Confessions were signed out of torture,  or arrested for simply nothing.  Social and national groups had to be purged from society.  Disloyals were imprisoned:  Lithuanians, Latvains, Estonians, and Poles.  Dissidents, writers, members of religious or national movements, all the way through mid-1980’s when Mikhail “Gorbachov initated perestroika.”  (I remember going to the first art exhibit exchange between America and Russia during perestroika,  at the art gallery at the University of Chicago.  I had never seen such somber, sad, and sickening paintings, of streets filled with dead bodies that were shot, people in coffin, gray somber coloring.  The paintings revealed how much our Russian brethren had suffered under Jewish regimes.)
The Gulag still exists in “slavish” manner, in its willingness to accept propaganda and lies, the fate of its fellow citizens or to crimes and transgressions included those committed by the state.
“In the camp we used to refer to the prisoners who kept to themselves as being “all alone on an ice floe.”  Today they take your neighbor to solitary confinement, tomorrow they’ll take the other one, the next day… you.  You can’t give the authorities licence for lawlessness — you have to protest.  It might seem ineffective on the surface, but this approach does eventually put a stop to terror and abuse of power.”
The “slave” mentality still exists because Russia was never brought to trial. (And if they ever are, hopefully it won’t be a series of Jewish lawyers and judges and Jewish witnesses that do so.  I guess that is why we only have the account of much faked Jewish Holocaust.  There was no one to protest it.  Not the Germans, not the Poles, who really should have but were beaten so brutally, bombed so thoroughly, so that they were too terrorized to speak for fear of their lives of their nationality and race.  Only the Jewish race and religion could be spoken of with reverence and awe.)
Today all the top posts in Russia are held by people from the old system, former party activists.  No one is eager to “uncover the Truth,” and legal proceedings are out of the question.
(Although the book criticizes the fact that Russians don’t have freedom in the court system, nor do the journalists and writers, we might as well be under Communist rule, for we are under Jewish control of our courts and our writing, and it surely will get worse.)
The book talks of Lenin, and I got this from jewwatch.com

What is clear is that the other Bolsheviks who brought Lenin to power was at least 85%-90% Jewish, and Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler were both in agreement that the USSR was the product of Jewish intrigue, power, and wealth, and that Bolshevism represented a world catastrophe engineered by International Jews who were engaged in the deconstruction of Christendom — i.e., they wanted to destroy Western Civilization and culture.

In any case, Lenin seems to have spoken Yiddish as well as other languages, married Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya who is acknowledged to be a Judeo-Bolshevik and, therefore, a Jewish woman.

Lenin was assassinated unsuccessfully by a Jewess, condemned anti-Semitism as a state crime, and accepted all of the Revolution’s money he could get from Jews in the banking business including Jacob Schiff of the Guaranty National Bank in America.

In general, many historians say Lenin was born of Jewish parents who spoke Yiddish but who they were and their names is unclear and kept that way by the Judeo-Bolsheviks who ran the USSR, 1917-1992.

(I’ve said from the beginning watch out for the Jewess’, that have been completely overlooked for 2,000 years, and until today are protected, even if their husband should go to prison… (a rareity)

From jewwatch.com: There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders.

(It leads me to believe that even today, if the Jews left our soil, they have already turned most of our Whites into Jewish-slaves or Jewish imitators, as I imitate stars of music in karaoke, when I sing in costume.)

There was a Christian monestary built on the White Sea, called Solovetsky Monestary, Although the weather was harsh, the monks had mills, sawmills, ironworks, smithy, brickyards and pottery, a dock for ship repairs, network of canals, water, hydropower, a radio station.  Catastrophe struck when a Red Army divisin and took the grain stock, all the monestery’s valuables, liturgical vessels lootted, bells cast down, the “crosses cut in two) and a red star fixed to the top of the bell tower. (Do you think this “red star,” was really a disguised Star of David, for even the Jews wouldn’t have been that bold to advertise who was at the bottom of this Christian and religious tragedy, and upcoming Christian Holocaust of 100,000,000+) 

This destroyed 500 years of Christian prayer and monk living.  They then set fire to it.  The churches and buildings were converted to prison camps.  The interiors of the churches, the iconostases, or icon screens bearing the works of mediaval masters, and the monestary library were ransacked and later destroyed.  (I had written that the same thing happened to our Pagan heritage.  It was destroyed, and the Jews were behind that also, including murdering or priests, burning our libraries, books, killing our White ancestors.)

The White prisoners of this Jewish regime were kept: hungry, louse infested, (lice) and frozen.  Did the Jews even have it ‘that’ bad.  Hitler was humane in de-lousing the lousy Jews. Did the Blacks have it this bad as slaves?  It is pathetic to even read that Jewish/Black history any more. It pales in comparison, and dwarfs any illegitimate claims they try to make for blackmail.

Prisoners were beaten unconscious with wooden clubs, doused inwater in the freezing cold and made to stand “on the stump,” stripped naked and exposed to the bites of thousands of mosquitoes.  The female prisoners were raped routinely.   The flower of Russian society was deported to Solovki:  intellectuals, philosophers, writers, artists, scientists, political and social workers, aristocrats, Czarists officers, entrepreneurs and clergymen.  (This sounds like the Polish massacre Katyn in the forest, where the White cream of the crop was destroyed, which again makes the Jews, Chinese and Hindus ever more smarter or more powerful than we, and plus we are left beaten both physically there in Poland and Russia, and mentally here, by Jewish media and incessant drugging, whether we are put into insane asylums or not.)

This was the second stage of the civil war– the systematic extermination of the Russian intelligensia as a class enemy.”  With the exhaustion caused by “unedurable workloads in the harsh northern climates.  (Did the Jews ever suffer this in work camps, or the blacks working as pickers of cotton?  Why is this even included in our history books except to degrade and emasculate the White male just as they do in these Guantanomo Bay camps, making Whites look “Evil,” and Blacks and Jews, “Good as gods.”  We must stand for White as “good,” and “our only good.”

The main focus was to ‘raise producitivy,’ and this has already happened to White America, where 2 people have to work, White men as many as 94 hours a week, and wives working 50 hours plus all the hours of domestic work at home.  Leaving Whites not ‘better’ off but worse off than when my husband and I were living in 1970.

Whites haven’t improved: Jews have, blacks have, Mexicans have, Chinese have, even the Vietnamese Communists who slaughtered 50,000+ mostly White men, now live in America much better off than in the huts eating ‘rat’ stew.  Matter of fact, the White German man across the street is living with a Vietnamese woman, (who is probably 1/2 black) across the street, just because she gives him sex once in a while, and surely that will be cut off once she gets his $$$ and his home.  It is a “ploy” against White males.

The Jewish Communists tried to destroy Christianity, but in 1990 it was restored and the Christian monks returned to the island to celebrate 1,000 years after Russia’s conversion to Christianity the Orthdox Church.  (I think it high time though that all these divisions of Christianity cease, and we use our churches as the blacks used their churches for Black Political and Racial Power.  The same churches we built for them and taught them in, are now used as religious weapons against us as Obama’s Rev. Wrights Church in Chicago with the words on the wall, dedicating it to “Black Africa,” not Amerca, or not even God.  They worship themselves and the Jews also.

The #49837 is under the very large picture of a man arrested, (unknown citizen) for publicly calling the Bolsheviks, (the Jews) the anti-Christ.  Sentenced to 5 years.  Members of religous groups refused to coopeate with Soviet authority in any way as they believed it was the manifestation of Satan on earth.   Doesn’t that sound like what we have in America today?  These were the first to die, for they wouldn’t even touch one of the Bolsheviks documents, let alone read them.  There is another Jewish name called “Kamsky Camp on the White Sea.”  Perhaps they chose the “White” sea, for the Jews clearly were out to exterminate the White race. 

The black and white pictures are fascinating and so large and blown up as these men and women boarded the ships to take them to the first prison camps. The Jews and black workers, (misnamed slaves) never had it so tragic.

(Out of the hundred million victims, the book concentrates on “Jewish prisoners” that were shot, and singled out for their “Jewish tragedy” while the rest of the 100 million White Christians go unnoticed.  The Jews find their way of making us “sympathize” for them, but remember when it comes for sympathy for the Jews, the only place the Jews are going to find sympathy for them anymore, is in the dictionary between “shit” and “syphalis.” 

(Several pages of those shot have Jewish names, ending in “sky.”  These people were imprisoned for Revolutionary activity.  These men are labeled as ‘sadists.’  Also described as politicl provocation and for impersonating a regiment commander. (I wonder how many Jews impersonate today?) 

Well, as I said, many names and references and even the island Great Solovetsky, has an “sky” at the as if Jewish.  The Filomonovsky Fishing ground, again, seems Jewish.  (I barely turn a page without seeing a Jewish name or title, and find this rather odd, for surely the White victims were just as important, and even the names of places should have been White in a Great White Bear country.  Yet, I’m seeing all Jewish names.

When there are White names, it would lead me to believe that the Jew was the leader of their actions and thoughts.

I’ll end with this poem from the book by oneof the White camp prisoners:

On the back of the picture is written:

The days go by,

The nights go by,

the summer is over,

yellow leaves are rustling.

My eyes are asleep,

my thoughts and heart ar asleep…

Everything is asleep…

And I don’t know if I’m alive

or just living out the years

or just roaming the earth

Neither in tears

nor in laughter.

From me, Good Night and Pleasant Dreams

Lovingly Barbara Ann Kopaczew’ski’ Nowak







Pure Raced Jews in Yellow Pure Raced China

Just a quick email.  I saw on my Wells Fargo Bank statement that it can be read now in (3) languagues:  English, Spanish and….. Chinese.  I was told two years ago, by a banking acquaintance in Vegas, that Chinese money was needed to ward off the 2/3 foreclosure that was expected. We now have the highest unemployment rate in the country, and since we are a tourism industry, we will be the last to recover.
With the Chinese and yellow race so cohesive and united and “proud of their heritage,” it makes me more determined to acknowledge and preserve my own heritage.  I was reading about Chinese and Jews, and they only had a small amount .  From Wiki:
    In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, however, some international Jewish groups have helped Chinese Jews rediscover their heritage.
    Jews are preserving their heritage, culture and race, all around the world, in a very organized manner.  Yet they ‘race-break’ our White race. Why don’t the Jews race-break their own beloved Israel, the Mecca of the White Race that we worship.
    With the Chinese, Jews and Hindus excelling at such a rapid pace, we should not be lagging behind.  I wonder if these 3 races are running around the world, “preserving” all the other races while we die. 
    Tens of thousands of Jewish refugees escaping from the 1917 Russian Revolution and the Holocaust in Europe were to find sanctuary in China in successive decades.
It seems very plain, that the Jews in the US, Europe, were working within China, especially with the advent of Chinese Communism, which killed 20 million of their yellow people. 
The very fact that we built China into the superpower it is today, seems to be that we had fallen into Jewish trade and monopoly and never gave it a second thought but just went with the flow.
    Although the Jews went to China about 7-8 century, they never took hold there. It seems that the Chinese were not as ‘welcoming’ to the Jews as we were, especially in Poland. 
Here is something interesting about the Opium Wars of China, and it seems that right after these wars the Jews found a home there, so perhaps the Jews were involved in it.  Where there are wars and drugs there are Jews.
As I said before, England and the US have been the drug lords of the world, and if Whites are addicted today, it has been in our history. Were the Jewish international traders at the bottom of this, is also probably true, as they have Americans addicted to pills and Jewish doctors, with no hope of getting out of this Jewish revolving door.
In casting about for other possible commodities to reverse the flow of silver out of the country and into China, the British discovered opium. Opium as a medicinal ingredient was documented in texts as early as the Ming dynasty but its recreational use was limited and there were laws in place against its abuse. It was with the mass quantities introduced by the British motivated by the equalization of trade that the drug became prevalent. British importation of opium in large amounts began in 1781 and between 1821 and 1837 import increased fivefold. The drug was produced in the traditionally cotton growing regions of India (under British government monopoly (Bengal) and in the Princely states (Malwa) and was sold on the condition that it be shipped by British traders to China. The Qing government had largely ignored the problem until the drug had spread widely in Chinese society.

Alarmed by the reverse in silver flow and the epidemic of addiction (an estimated 2 million Chinese were habitual user), the Qing government attempted to end the opium trade, but its efforts were complicated by corrupt local officials (including the Viceroy of Canton). In one isolated incident, in 1818, the Laurel carried word to Sydney of a US ship laden with opium and treasure which was invaded by Chinese pirates. The crew of the US vessel had all been killed, but for the escaping first mate, who later identified the pirates to the authorities. In 1839, the Qing Emperor appointed Lin Zexu as the governor of Canton with the goal of reducing and eliminating the Opium trade. On his arrival, Lin Zexu banned the sale of opium, asked that all opium be surrendered to the Chinese authorities, and asked that all foreign traders sign a ‘no opium trade’ bond the breaking of which was punishable by death.

The British Chief Superintendent of Trade in China, Charles Elliot (who, surprisingly, broke the blockade to arrive in Canton) got the British traders to agree to hand over their opium stock with the promise of eventual compensation for their loss from the British Government. (This promise, and the inability of the British government to pay it without causing a political storm, was an important cause for the subsequent British action.)  Overall 20,000 chests  (each holding about 120 pounds) were handed over and destroyed beginning June 3, 1839. Following the collection and destruction of the opium, Lin Zexu wrote a “memorial”  to the Queen of Great Britain in an unsuccessful attempt to stop the trade of the drug, as it had poisoned thousands of Chinese civilians (the memorial never reached the Queen).

The Qing authorities also insisted that British merchants not be allowed to trade unless they signed a bond, under penalty of death, promising not to smuggle opium, agreeing to follow Chinese laws, and acknowledging Qing legal jurisdiction.

(The war broke out when China attacked the British ships and confiscated the Opium.)

Lord Palmerston, the English Foreign Secretary, initiated the Opium War in order to obtain full compensation for the destroyed opium. China lost the war and was forced to open its five ports to foreign merchants and to permit a territorial concession of Hong Kong.

The war was denounced in Parliament as unjust and iniquitous by young William Ewart Gladstone, who criticized Lord Palmerston’s willingness to protect an infamous contraband traffic. Outrage was expressed by the public and the press in America and England as there was a perception that British interests may well have been simply supporting the drugs trade.

(We as Americans are still in the drugs trade, and as our White males especially have been the victims, they were White sacrificial lambs to the drug lords.  Many of our White women, on the other hand, are addicted to Jewish doctors, who the White women idolize and worship, and their pills.)

In retaliation, the British Government and British East India Company had reached a conclusion that they would attack Guangdong. The military cost would be paid by the British Government.

(How do we start to rehabilitate our White Race when they can’t think straight.  I said before, my White School Teacher brother, Nicky Novak, used to have to police the White boys bathroom in Sauk Village Illinois, where boys were drunk, drugged, or high on parents pills right from their medicine cabinets.  These boys can’t enter advanced math and science, or even read, let alone excel or even surpass Chinese, Jews, etc.  Do we want to descend into being more like Mexians and Blacks, cause that is where we are heading.)

By the middle of 1842, the British had defeated the Chinese at the mouth of their other great riverine trade route, the Yangtze, and were occupying Shanghai. The Qing government proved incapable of dealing with Western Powers on an equal basis, either politically or militarily. The war finally ended in August 1842, with the signing of China’s first Unequal Treaty, the Treaty of Nanking.

(If there was a war with China today, it would not be ‘unequal’ for they have most of our rocket technology since the head of NASA was a Chinese man a few years ago.  They are amassing the world history’s greatest army, by throwing away female babies and having a male dominated society, as is Israel, and the Muslims, and India. Only in Europe and America has the emasculation of the White male occurred and that was an intentional breaking down by the Jewish media and Jewish $$$ they drained from us in so many ways, it was as if we Whites were on a tilt-a-whirl, just swirling in circles and couldn’t see straight or focus on what was happening to us.)

The success of the First Opium War allowed the British to resume the drug trafficking within China. It also paved the way for the opening of the lucrative Chinese market and Chinese society to missionary endeavors.

(It gets me mad to have “missionaries” going around the world from Christian denominations, but they can’t help the ailing Whites suffering as my husband did from drug addiction, which was imposed on him by his fighting for US Melting pot in yellow Viet Nam.  It is very easy for Christian missionaries to convert Reds, Yellows, Browns or Blacks, who were too poor to afford drugs or alcohol, and therefore can think more clearly.  They avoid Whites who have been intentionally drugged to bring down our race.)

Lin Zexu, known for his superlative service under the Qing Dynasty as “Lin the Clear Sky”. Although he had some initial success, with the arrest of 1,700 opium dealers and the destruction of 2.6 million pounds of opium, he was made a scapegoat for the actions leading to British retaliation, and was blamed for ultimately failing to stem the tide of opium import and use in China[. Nevertheless, Lin Zexu is popularly viewed as a hero of 19th century China, and his likeness has been immortalized at various locations around the world.

(But when my son was in rehab his counsellor said that the (White) parents start their kids on drugs, in the form of pills, medicine, overdose of vitamins, preservatives and poisons on vegetables, (baby formula) drugs at childbirth, pills that mothers take that goes to babies before, during conception, during pregnancy, and in mother’s milk.  The father would have malformed sperm from his drinking/drugging.)

Many more arrived as refugees from the Russian Revolution of 1917. A surge of Jews and Jewish families was to arrive in the late 1930s and 1940s, for the purpose of seeking refuge from the Holocaust in Europe and were predominantly of European origin. Shanghai was notable for its volume of Jewish refugees, most of whom left after the war, the rest relocating prior to or immediately after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.

(So the takeover of Communism, brought in the first and biggest round of Jews into China, as never before in Chinese History.  That explains a lot.)

A massacre of Jews in Canton, China occurred during the Chinese Tang Dynasty in the 9th century during the Huang Chao Rebellion.

(It is perhaps this episode, that forced the Jews to “leave China,” and find their cursed way to Europe, in Poland in 1096, and now America.)

Now as few Jews as there were in China, when another Chinese war occurs the Jews “disperse.”  I’m sure the Yellow Chinese were smart enough to try to get rid of them again.

During the Taiping rebellion of the 1850s, the Jews of Kaifeng apparently suffered a great deal and were dispersed.

The first Jew who arrived there was Elias David Sassoon, who, about the year 1850, opened a branch in connection with his father’s Bombay house. Since that period Jews gradually migrated from India to Shanghai, most of them being engaged from Bombay as clerks by the firm of David Sassoon & Co. The community was composed mainly of “Asian,” (Sephardi) German, and Russian Jews, though there were a few of Austrian, French, and Italian origin among them. Jews took a considerable part in developing trade in China, and several served on the municipal councils.

(This shows that there were many Jews in different countries of Europe, but “Poland” is not mentioned out of these European countries.)

Here is the info I had been searching for:  Jews in the international drug trade, from Wiki:  During the early days of Jewish settlement in Shanghai the trade in opium and Bombay cotton yarn was mainly in JEWISH HANDS.

Jewish life in Shanghai had really taken off with the arrival of the British. Mizrahi Jews from the Middle East came as traders via India and Hong Kong and established some of the leading trading companies in the second half of the 19th century.  (So we see that Jews are closely related to Europeans, and that is why we are still tied to them today.  We probably believe our continued success is tied to them.  But, it is not our “continual success” but our “continual decline,” that is hooked to them.)

Late in the War, Nazi representatives pressured the Japanese army to devise a plan to exterminate Shanghai’s Jewish population, and this pressure eventually became known to the Jewish community’s leadership.

(I’ll tell you, the Germans really saw the Jews as a “world-wide” problem, not just a German White one.  I think the White Germans knew that the Jews would be destructive eventually to the Yellow Race, just as they had been to ours.  And the Nazi’s hoped the yellow Japanese would be smart enough to see that, but the yellow Japanese didn’t want to upset the “Allieds,” America, Britain, Russia, any more than necessary.  And for that kindness, of “not” slaughtering the Jews in Shanghai, the yellow Japanese got 2 atoms bombs dropped on them, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.)

With the intercession of the Amshenower Rebbe and the translation skills of Ariyeh (Leo) Hanin, the Japanese ultimately kept the Jews of Shanghai safe.  (Perhaps that is why the Japanese and Chinese are doing so well today.

In 2005, the Israeli embassy to China held their Hanukkah celebrations at the Great Wall of China. 

(Isn’t it ironic that the Jews held their celebrations at the “Great Wall of China,” protecting Chinese Yellow race, culture and heritage, while they and their worshipers have open borders to destroy the White Race, here, both figuratively and literally.)

I’m going to look at the pix of my 20 pound book, called the “Gulag: Life and Death Inside Soviet Concentration Camps.”





Jewish Princess Shelley Berkley hates Whites

Here is a raw video of Shelley Berkley the Jewish Princess-White hater my House of Rep.  Note before watching she is wearing a “black flower,” as this meeting was special for “Black Caucus,” people.  Whites have to shout, scream and beg for what she and her fellow Jews stole from them, White honor and dignity and loot, and White women, and even our White men and boys for their perversion.
There are some really tough, and great masculine men in the hall confronting her.  But she thinks she is tougher than they, and truthfully, the Jewish women found their ways with their “wiles” into the marriage bedroom of the Roman Empire in St. Pauls day.
Obama is surely bi-sexual, and his wife and kids are a front.  I’ve seen that when I worked at George Jewell Catering in Chicago, the #1 caterer to the stars, like Princess Di.  A man marries a woman. She has a baby with another man, and raises it so he has the “perfect picture family” for customers and the business name.
Anyway, the White people were turned away by KGB – type police.  Kikes, Gangsters and Bullies, that kowtown and bow to Jews constantly. Even the Muslims only worship their God 5 times a day. We worship the Jews from the minute we get up, until the minute we go to sleep, and if we leave the TV on the Jews program us in our sleep.  24/7: Jewish propaganda, while not one drop of what it’s going to take to save our White race goes into the minds of our people.  No wonder they are zombies.
Well, in the video she tells the camera: “I don’t think I”m a chicken, I’m standing in front of you.”  You see the tricks and psychology she works on the crowd. The Jews have done this for 1,000 years.  They are that bold and unafraid, while they have shut us down to live in isolation, fear and terror.  Reminds me of the movie Rebel Without a Cause, when the two cars were racing over the road toward the cliff and it was to see who would jump out first, and the other guy goes over the cliff.  Well, the other guy was probably heterosexual, and James Dean lived because he was bi-sexual. The guy over the cliff, meant the White Christian Heterosexual male was dead. 
I thought these guys in the background were awesome, and I must listen and watch again.  They were demanding a meeting and shouting it. When they talked to her though, they lost their toughness, for “political correctness.”  She was dishing out a few crumbs, while her real intent was to wear her “black” flower into the “Black Caucus,” meeting.  The Jews probably already have the Blacks already lined up as soldiers and armies against us Whites, and surely they have the $$$ and power to do it, and the blacks have been intentionally kept down, drugged up, so they can do the job against us. As the Russians did in Katyn;  the Jewish Communist Mafia kept the Russians drunk with vodka and drugs to massacre their fellow White Poles.  The Blacks will be so drunk and drugged, it will be a White bloodbath, when they get through with us.  While we should be trying to keep up with China intellectually, they will have us living in fear. Do Chinese and Hindus have these obstacles just to go to school, and develop and improve?  The Jews have set up such hurdles, even a superman/woman couldn’t jump them.
Anyway, the Jewish Princess looks like an alien from outerspace. She must have had botox treatments. Botox is pure poison from the bottulism that grows on spoiled canned goods.  I know I used to can, and had to make sure that I never had that popping the lid.  Either that or her Jewish husband got her plastic surgery, so she looks attractive. She is ugly as sin, and a female devil if I ever saw one.  She has tons of $$$ for her hair.  And even blacks now have processes to make their hair full and fluffy like Oprah.  We have been conditioned with tons of commercials from Farrah Fawcet on for this ‘big hair.’ I’m sure it is why I wear the big wigs, in defiance of these other races, while my hair is fine, thin, or my husband bald.  It is the Jewish advertising that makes us think “Hair” is important, to sell products, and lots of them.
While watching the video, her hair was in the camera, and I thought, “Hmmph?  I wonder how many lice she has there, and if the people knew, would they even go near her?”  I can’t help but think once the White race dies this country not only will be filled with non-Whites, Jews, but cockroaches and lice which will kill them all off, and that will be the end of the world.  
Everybit of power and money that she got, she sucked from our blood. And she will appear so ‘nice.’  They have been taught that.  They put on a mask, to cover the ugliness of what they look like underneath. It reminds me of the Twilight Zone episode. (I’ll have to send it later if I can find it.)  With the ‘ugly’ people that were the doctors.
This “sweetness” and having an answer for everyone of our possible questions, means we are not asking tough enough questions.  But, even then the Jews just give ‘an’ answer, and we accept that.  Hopefully, there will be a townhall meeting, and hopefully I will be there. 

Katyn #2 "A Crime 'without' a Punishment"

I’ll finish up Katyń, but I came across this title for Katyń in Amazon:  “A Crime Without a Punishment.” Sounds like what the Jew doctor did to me, and what they did to my parents, although no one could ever finger them for it.  It would be me blaming myself, or my parents blaming themselves, or others blaming us, but ‘NO ONE’ would blame the Jews.  It is too imbedded in our brains to look away from them.
I’m not sure if I mentioned this, but when talking to a psychologist friend, he said that the mental patients at Queens’ Hospital in New York were put into the crematoriums “alive!”  There was a lieutenant investigating this, but it certainly would explain the crematoriums in Stockton California and the 30 nameless graves and crematorium lists.
I know that I would have been on one of these “lists,” and my only problem, growing up White Polish Poor, and being the victim of the Jews collectively, through the act, and through their manipulation of our thinking and actions. 
Move over “Schindler’s List,” we now have “Katyń’s” list and this should be just the beginning of the end of the evil the Jews are producing, because that is their “only product.” They make nothing else.  In a society that gets economically deprived, the “higher” ups are the first to go. They are not needed as the middle ones and bottom ones.  We don’t need the bottom ones either.  The Jews brought them here, they can take them back. Split the Jews up:  ½ to Africa, ½ to Mexico. 
“A Crime Without a Punishment.” Forced non-White immigration, was “insane,” but because it was the “Jews” who defined insanity, if one doesn’t go along with Jews they are insane.  When the exact opposite is true. 
The White Poles need to be re-educated and reprogrammed, so that they realize there is going to be a lot of $$$$ that they are going to inherit from their rich Jewish uncles.  But, the Poles need to learn from their mistakes.  The Jews offered the Poles ‘luxury’ and ‘buffets,’ and while the Poles were so fat and comfortable, the Jews pulled the rug of their country out from under them, until they fell over.
The Eastern Europeans were really victimized by the Jews making sure the Russian Communists would keep them “silenced” and disabled, looking for soup lines and handouts.  The Jews put an “iron curtain” around them. I wonder if we put an “iron curtain” around Israel if they would laugh, ha ha ha ha ha ha. LOL< LOL> as they laugh at us, Whites, all the time.  Isn’t that a ‘great’ joke, an Iron Curtain around Israel, oh I’m laughing so hard, I am holding my stomach and going to have to run to the bathroom.  (I’d pee on the Jews if I could, cause they should collect their punishment for their crimes.)
Speaking of jokes.  It wouldn’t surprise me if the Jews started the dumb Polak jokes, so that if the Poles were ever to try to ‘speak up,’ they would be ‘laughed at and no one would believe them.  As is today.  No one would take the Poles serious, even if they did try to break the “vow of silence” imposed on them.  No wonder I took a “vow of silence,” many years ago, and why it lasted most of my life.  I never would be writing today, if I hadn’t broke that vow of silence that I made as a little girl, and was unable to break for about 50 years.  It had a vice-like grip on me.  And I must have gotten this idea from somewhere in my Polish family.
I talked to a PHD black man.  It was about business.  This black man was “imported” to Communist Poland about 1970+.  The Polish Communists wanted “more blacks,” for their land, to make sure that only Israel, China, India, could be pure-raced, and Europe would be “punished for not committing crimes but for being good to Jews.”  The Polish Communists gave ‘carte blanche’ to this black man, who now lives in Las Vegas and has a great job.  He said, “The black students were forced on the (White) Polish people, whether they liked it or not.”  He continued, “Black students were treated like Black Kings, while the Polish people were treated very badly.”  (I know that the Poles were kept very hungry and in poverty, to be able to control them through a few Jewish breadcrumbs.)
(You know I get hollered at for talking too much, but how do you think I find out these things?  I bring up questions, even if it seems as if I’m talking about myself.  Then people relax and open up.)
The Black man said it would seem like reverse discrimination.  The Blacks got all the gasoline, or as much as they wanted, while the Communists withheld gasoline from the White Poles. Hence the Blacks had free reign of the country.  Yes, I will repeat, the Polish Constitution, the first in Europe, coincides directly with America’s Constitution.  The beginning of the end of the “White” King and taking away his power, to turn it over to Blacks and Jews. 
The black guy said that these black students got all the priority and all the “food” they could eat. So much so, the Communist leaders would invite them for ‘fantastic buffets.’  (This is what I wrote to you before a long time ago, how the Jews got the White Poles fat, lazy and drunk, and took over the country.  The Jews did the same to Babylonia, and perhaps Rome, although I’m just guessing, that was the cause of the Fall of the White Italian Roman Empire.)  (I’m overweight, so I’m not criticizing, because it has been put on us, via the Jewish media, and the Jewish doctor control. Look at Hitler’s Dr. Morrell.  He could not fit through a door.  Yet he was a doctor with an entire Jewish clientele, until he worked for Hitler, and surely, the Jews controlled Hitler through Dr. Morrell who never left Hitler’s side, as Larry Geller, the Jewish hairdresser, never left Elvis’ side, and both icons were pill addicts.
The black guy said, “The blacks were getting the wonderful dinners, while many of the Poles were starving, and even the blacks felt guilty about this.  The Communists wanted to show blacks from other countries how “wonderful,” Communism was going to be so that the blacks back home would think great things about Communism, and want it for their country.”
There was a store called a “Dollar Store.” But White Poles were not given coupons to use it, only the black students, and the Communist authority.  Communism was “Great’ for Blacks, but it totally killed the spirit, mind, soul, and tongues of the White Polish people.
That being said, back to Katyń:
The movie continues with a sentence about how “education” was going to be reformed for Poland, just as our American White educational system was overthrown here while we were mourning the Jewish assassination of John F. Kennedy. 
The Polish sister of a Katyń victim that was murdered with a bullet to the back of the head, wanted a tombstone for her brother.  She had beautiful blonde long hair, but sold her hair to make a wig, so that she could have $$$ to buy her husband a tombstone.  But, she put the date as “1940” which would mean that it was under Stalin, (Jewish Communist) occupation of Poland, and not Germany, who was being accused. 
They warned her about talking otherwise she would be going to Auschwitz, Poland.  Afterwards, the Russian police, KGB, “Kikes, Gangsters, and Bullies,” went after her, and took her down into a dungeon, and no one knows what happened, other than she looks up at the ceiling, as if mentally looking up to her brother in heaven, that she would soon be joining him. 
A sentence I clipped was “Why live with so much evil around you.”  And this is what the Poles had then, probably had for 900 years, still have now, and it is contagious and we caught it here in formerly White America, from the lice Jews, causing a typhus of the American mind, deadlier than any lice bug.
“Do you think I’m mad?  How do you judge a mad woman or man?”  The Jews defined “madness,” and that is why they can’t find a cure for it.  They will never find a cure for something that they induced or doesn’t exist, except that they made us “afraid” of it.
The gravestone was placed in the cemetery, but then the Russian KGB, Kikes, Gangsters and Bullies,” smashed it and took out the “year” 1940, so that there were no references that could point back to the Russians. But, think clearly the Russians were only behaving as the Jews taught them. Now I can understand why our Whites are behaving the way they are and the fact that we cannot get through to them.
The tombstone had her brother’s picture, Piotr, or Peter, when it was smashed, and they not only smashed the White tombstone, but the White race and any White hopes we might have for our survival.
The Germans found Katyń forest with 20,000 of White Polish finest slaughtered and massacred by Russians, according to the son of one of the victim’s, Andrzej. 
The Russians tell the Poles to join the Communists for that is “Power!”  I mean can you imagine how cruel it was to have Germany attacking Poland, and leveling the capital of Warsaw, and while the people are running away from the Germans, they run into the arms of the Communist Jews who were going to give them “Power.” 
“You choose the dead,
“I choose the murdered.”  That is a big difference.
The brother’s letter confirmed that the Soviets did the crime, which went unpunished.  It states that even the Polish government was involved, and if their government was filled with Jews or Jewish advisors or Jewish $$$$, to keep the Poles lazy or drunk, we can see why Poland landed up in the worse shape of its entire history as it sits today.  Plus the only country in formerly White Europe that has war missles given as “free presents” from Jewish America, and White tax money. No wonder why we can’t educate and re-educate our White boys, we have to give all our $$$ to all the Jewish causes. 
“Live is unbearable in this country.”  A line from the movie, holds true for me, my Mama, my son, my Daddy, and my White husband.  It is unbearable, has been and always will be if it continues on this path.
The Russians say that they have much more time than the Germans will have in devastating Poland.  
The nephew who had the letter tried to tell the governor’s wife the truth, but she refused to listen.  (Polish women were totally brainwashed, or confused, which is what they want. Keep us in a state of confusion. One day the economy is good, the next it’s bad.  The economy probably has always been the same, and if it collapses, they wanted it for Jewish news.
When no one will listen to “Jerzy” the fellow that lived, but loaned his sweater to Andrzej, he takes a gun and puts a bullet to his head and commits suicide.  If you think about this carefully, although the Russian controlled Jews put 20,000 bullets into Polish White Heterosexual Males, this man “Jerzy” was so despondent, by the condition he found Poland in, that he put the bullet to his brain, he didn’t even wait for the Russians to do it for him.  That is what is happening to our White males or even my husband. The White are really living out what the Jews had planned for them, centuries ago.
Now for the “Diary.”  Andrzej’s thoughts, dates, times, and feelings.  He writes in it on his way to the Katyń forest.  He may think that he is going to there to share power with the Russians who “befriended” Polish elite, as the Jews “befriended,” our White elite, as Bill Gates, and then take over their entire fortune, if not his White wife’s brain, and his White offspring. Andrzej then takes his cross or crucifix, the symbol that Jesus left us and warned us about the Jews and what they will do to you if you try to expose them, …. He carves his name on the wall of the Black Maria truck. 
The Russian train approached Katyń, and it has a big red star.  Could that “star” be a symbol for the “Star of David,” but camouflaged, so that we would never expect it?
The camera goes on the bull dozer, lifting up tons and tons of dirt, as it digs the pit. 
Surely, the Russians were given gallons and gallons of vodka, from Israeli-type Mossad Mafia, to do the Jews dirty work, as the Italian Romans that killed Jesus, even though Pilate the Roman Governor knew that Jesus was innocent.  Our White men are innocent today, yet we Whites are being “punished,’ not the Jews. Just as the news is filled with Guantanimo Bay criminals, and the ‘evil White men,’ that were punishing them. If the White men did it, they were guided to do it, so when Obama the black took over could get revenge on their White masters who were ever so kind to the blacks. No one was kind like that to me, my Mama and Daddy, or our large White Polish family.
As the Polish White elite officer enters the small building for his orders, he sees the picture of Stalin on the wall over the man who checks him in. Then the Russian grabs a rope around the neck of the White Pole and ties his hand, and takes the gun and shoots a bullet into the White Pole’s brain.  Dead.  A puddle of blood is on the floor under the head of the dead White man.  The Russian is so heartless, his boot just kicked the blood. The dead body is sent down a chute as if the man were a dead chicken, not a Christian White Male.  It is so sad.  I watched the movie a second time, when I wasn’t writing, and cried.  My friend from work, watched it with me.  It then was just an assembly line of dead bodies.
As the diary is read, several years later, the rest of the diary is blank after the date of his murder.  Nothing but empty, empty white diary pages. 
“I can’t collapse, I must work.  No time for tears.”  It has been the story of my life, as well as my parents, or even my husbands.
Then when the Russians took the Polish men off the train, they were placed one by one by the open pit, shot the White man in the head, and he fell dead in the deep large pit. The next murder lined up the next White Polish body, until they were lined up like sardines in a can, and nothing more. 
As the men get roughed up before the pit, they pray “Our Father who art in heaven,” begging God for their lives and mercy.  But, their real god was the Jews who had infiltrated their country and religion.  We spend our White lives today worshipping the Jewish god through every moment and breath we take.
The Russians put a blanket around the priest’s head, because the Russians really were Christians themselves and were afraid that God might strike them dead. 
“And forgive us our debts and we forgive our debtors.”  I’m looking this up on Bible Comparison, and come across this statement:
Exodus 34:7 who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations.”
Surely, our White God, who rules our people, will not leave the Jewish guilty unpunished, as this ‘Crime Without a Punishment,’ and hopefully He has our Race embraced in His eternal, infinite, and everlasting Love.
The Jews convinced us as Christians to “forgive” them of their crimes, so that it really made Christianity weak instead of strong. 
But, the very fact of using the word “debts” sounds like there were big economic difficulties of Jews living amongst themselves.  They probably all had papyrus credit cards that they swiped at the synagogue, and Jesus saw the Jews greed even towards one another, and wanted to get rid of credit, before Jerusalem collapsed from within. 
It was so horrible, to see the bullet positioned toward the ‘brain’ of the White man, or the White man’s smartness, to keep us down, so the Jews appear like gods compared to our degenerating intelligence.
After Andrzej is shot, he falls onto a blanket of dead bodies in uniforms, splattered with blood. But he holds on to the cross of the rosary.  The message of the cross: The Jews killed Jesus on the cross, and Jesus’ death must not go unpunished.  That is the ‘real’ Christian crime of this movie, in addition to the human loss of White Life.
After all is said and done, the bulldozer, is piling back thousands and thousands of pounds of dirt on the White men’s bodies.  But, all that is left sticking out again, is the White hand with the rosary that has Jesus’ little cross on it. 
The End
After the screen goes blank and dark, I look at the screen, and see a large Confederate flag on my TV.  That is because it is hanging on the wall opposite the TV.  The Confederate Flag fills up the entire screen, as if to say, that the White Confederates were probably the same victims as the White Poles.
I watched not only the movie, but the interview with the movie-maker, and the background scenes, which I found interesting since I was a background actress and costume maker, so I understood most of the scenes. 
The Russians were called the “bestial murderers.”
The victim’s son, did not even think of writing and producing this movie, until 1989, when Lech Walesa, and his union Solidarnosc, or “Solidarity,” brought down Communism. 
The Katyń massacre was called the “Crime of the Century.”  The author says that the Katyń “lie” was manufactured “after the war,” just as the gas chambers were manufactured ‘after’ the war.  He wanted to stress that it was about the “Lie,” not just the crime, and he repeats that.  The Russians had no “honor” and he could not for the life of him, understand such a mindset.  The Poles are a people filled with honor, pride, unity, and solidarity.  (or at least tried, and were, but were broken down severely so that they will never have tell-tale truths about the Jews.  The Jews’ crimes are thoroughly covered, just as the White Polish dead bodies were with tons and tons of black soil.
He says, “I wanted to tell my story for 12 years.  It just had to take time.  He wanted the movie through the eyes of the women around these male victims, and it was so sad to see these women, one by one receiving just boxes of their husband’s relics, instead of their White husband’s coming back from the meeting with the Russians. For the Poles “were not” at war with Russia, so it was a complete shock, deceit, and surprise.  An inside operation, as 9/11.
He also says that the young generation has been removed from history and tradition, and this movie will be the “last of its kind.”  I hope not.  I hope somehow more movies will be made about Polish misery, and each time Holocaust is used, the word “Jewish” Holocaust, will be replaced by “Polish” Holocaust, and that will really shock the world.  Even in Washington DC, we should put up a word “Polish,” in front of the Holocaust Museum, and maybe people will start to “debate” and “expose,” the Jewish propaganda.
The author does not want to play on Polish martyrology, as the Jews want to be the eternal martyrs, for the Jews are without honor.
The author says, “You just can’t believe people can LIE like that.”  He is baffled, and can’t even explain it with his consciousness, but it is pure and doesn’t include thoughts and actions like that.  He wanted to stress the responsibility of those people politically in charge.  I wonder how many Jews were in the government, or hiding behind the scenes like cockroaches that never face the blinding light of Truth!  We need to put them under the spotlight. The Jews have craved the spotlight for centuries, I think we should give it to them, completely, non-stop, until they beg for forgiveness. But even Jesus would say, “Forgive them because they “know not” what they do. But, now, at least through my emails, the Jews “know,” and they “know” perfectly.
Some sentences: 
“It was disgraceful to see Russia on one side; Germany on the other.”
“Honor, desperation and courage of Polish army, including (my) father justifies everything.”
“Such chaos, such lack of any cohesive plan, any sort of sense.”  (This is what White America is suffering from today. We were intentionally reduced to thinking about a “plan” for our survival.  I was writing about the US Marines, and Chesty Puller, the most decorated man in Marine History, had a phrase, “The road to hell is paved with privates who did not plan ahead.”  Here is a website that I got that from about the Marines.  http://www.rogermarty.com/
You can read the US Fighting Man’s Code of Conduct, and if our enemy is the Jew, or the Jew-like non-Whites, then we must be brave and not surrender.  At least in our minds, know that we are the victors in this invisible war.
I was writing about this in my husband’s biography, as these were his favorite words quoting Chesty Puller.  He ‘Planned” ahead, and I think I am going to take this Marine advice and start planning my moments and days better, so that I may wisely use the twilight years of my life before they euthanize me now that I’m older.
“The Calvary captain said to avoid Russian captivity at all costs. And we are being held captive as Whites in our own country.  This is incomprehensible! 
The author talks of “total government chaos,” and isn’t that we have now.  The Polish army was “aimless,” as if no plan, no one in charge.
He wants to bring the subject up so that we can ‘debate’ it, just as we are trying to ‘debate’ the Holocaust. We can see by the censorship, that we are no longer free anymore.  “we have to keep wondering why we keep mourning something.  I’ll say something sadder still; you can count on society on its honour and courage.  You could have counted on it in 1939, in the officers like his father. 
He says, “I will say something sadder still, you can count on society on its “honor and courage.”  (does our White society breathe honor and courage, or degeneration not “progressiveness,” which should be leading us to “higher values,” not lower.  As an alcoholic hits rock bottom, the US has hit rock bottom, I can’t see it getting any lower for the White race.
He says, “You could have counted on “honour and courage,” in 1939, as the officers as his father. They count on our “solidarity,” which is again the name of the Polish union under Lech Walesa that broke Communism.  Solidarninosc.  It’s not serving the national interest, to not have the young people to learn from this movie.
Patriotism, honour, and responsibility. The meaning of today is different.  Patriotism which should be something wonderful, beautiful and great, something perfectly understood, is instead its subject to speculation.
In 1980, Gdansk shipyards seemed impossible to succeed, Sodildariność union of the workers, achieved a spectacular victory.  “I don’t like it when patriotism becomes a spectacle.  We are ready to make hug sacrifices. We’ve proven it before, why should it be different?!
Those that preach patriotism the most are the least suitable for it.  They have the least “heart,” “courage,” and “judgment.”  (note he says “heart” first, which is something I’ve inherited, and something the Jews are not capable of.)
The LIE states that Katyń was in 1941, and it was 1940 and is a Soviet Crime, not a German crime.   (This could break open the Holocaust Myth wide open, the only thing is as soon as we Whites would say it, the Jews would have 100 people organized in 5 minutes to debunk the Truth.
In the higher echelon of Soviet government they all repeated the LIE, just as our own government infiltrated by Jews repeat the LIE everyday, as if a ‘mantra’ that is chanted by our Whites fed to us by Jews.
We hear the word “Change’ over and over again, and we are focusing on that, almost hypnotized. We hear “cash for clunkers,” which probably takes Jews off the hook that had clunkers they wanted to get rid of.  Instead of such nonsense, we should be having in depth studies of how to improve our race, save our race, make us healthy and more spiritual and loving toward each other Whites. This comes from deep thinking and hard work, not just putting slogans in our heads that repeat themselves like a broken record.
The author says, “I didn’t get it why people didn’t know the Katyń story. I suspect they are dead.  I was indignant.  May it was just me and I had to search deeper, find some other institutions to help us.
So this LIE was so deeply embedded that if not for the accident by which the Germans found the graves, this secret, would be buried for a long time.  It would be uncovered one day, but the USSR, Russia, was so confident that it would surface.  Just imagine, that the date was on the victim’s I.D.s, diary, journals, current date on the newspapers, that gave the Russian secret away. 
The Poles suspected the “evil” Germans, but they never suspected the Russians.  The entire story that blamed the Germans was “fabricated,” (Holocaust story compare?)  The Poles were taught that Hitler’s propaganda was involved… Dr. Goebbels.
Mother start writing go the Red Cross in London and Switzerland.  They had no answers.  She said, “My son is dead; I want the proof.  (This is a White woman that is leading the way to save the White male and race.)  This is the crucial part.  The author was homeschooled by parents.  Came from a family of 10 children.  They all help raise one another.  It was the role of intelligentsia in creating social awareness.  (As our intelligentsia has created our social order, under the hand and stick of the Jewish elite.)
“They can destroy tanks and equipment, we will rebuild, but they can’t destroy officers.  They are the most valuable because it takes such a long time to educate them enough for them to be able to act.  (And who has started a movement to raise all White boys in the way they should be raised?)  Since childhood you were aware of the power of education learning about the world “developing” a person.  A society devoid of its educated portion is more easily steered and manipulated. (We are being ‘steered’ as steer, “cattle,” by the Jews with the stick.)  What shaped the author:  self-reliance.  His father always wanted to be the “best,” (just like the song I sent to you, “The Best,” although I don’t use the Tina Turner song, cause she is calling the black men the “Best,” and I object to that.  The Jewish women are calling their men the “Best,” and I’m saying the White men are.  Developing oneself through one’s interests, works, making movies, creates an “identity.”  (I have read that Hitler said that the Communists wanted to destroy “personality,” and that is what this country had tried to destroy in me.  My personality.  My identity.)  To search for one who thinks alike is DANGEROUS TO ANY AUTHORITY,  because authority always wants to have us in subjugation.  It wants you to agree with everything, (holocaust, economy, collapse, 9/11 for example.) 
It wants an easy society.  I have to say these two blows… on the one hand 20,000 officers were killed but also with this university professors, doctors, mathematicians, (remember only 1 in 30 advanced math and science classes is a White boy, the rest are Jews, non-Whites, girls, and they are all getting ‘extra aid,’ where the White boy gets Affirmative Action blasted at him.)  They are deadly with their laws against us and our offspring. 
“Shocking moment the “Jagellionian University staff being arrested.  (Jagellio is the name of my deceased White Polish friend, Lil Wally Jagellio, the International Polka King of the World. (yes, Whites used to have a King.)  There is a book about a man that made all the rich Jews in Vegas.  I think it is called “The Quiet Kingmaker.”  The title speaks a thousand words.  The Jews are Kings here, and there was someone in the background very quiet, that made them Kings, so quiet, we didn’t even know it was happening because it was out of the media, and all undercover.  Why doesn’t the government have undercover operations on the Jews. There are only 6,000,000 of them here.  They are wasting their time watching us.  That is just the decoy the Jews set up so the government officials don’t suspect the Jew.
Katyń was an assault on White Polish intellectuals. (Our White intelligence was intentionally destroyed. See my son with top mentality in the country when younger.  The Jews knew by dumbing down the White Race we would be dependent on Jews, Hindus, Chinese, Japanese, and now Blacks for our “intellectuals” instead of raising our own.  All our White money for 40 years has been for all these races, and not a penny of tax for Whites and specified for “Whites.”  There was no one left to resist the (Russian) Jews to prevent them from taking over. 
There is a great deal of faith in the strength of Polish society.  He believes his film is as energetic as he is.  “The new generation doesn’t have to be the worse just because we are better.  Perhaps it hasn’t faced its challenge, the one history has in store.  The world saw that we had something to say.  Monoculture (Preserve it strongly before it has a meltdown in the melting pot. 
The back ground music was somber, and I found at the end during the credits the accapello men singing in an echoed chamber, seemed like the dead men singing from the grave for your attention. But, we probably never heard their notes and lyrics because we were listening to rap music.
The Polish people are deeply religious.  It took 7,000 extras, as noted in the extra 80 minutes of background info on the movie.  It said the costumes were from England and were authentic to that period.
He said to his actors;  “Show fear in your faces; Don’t Smile.”  Every single White person in the world should be showing fear in their faces today. This is nothing to smile or laugh about.
When her husband is gone, realizes she didn’t love him enough and breaks down.  (yes our White women, not all though, will realize they never loved their men or sons enough) and she breaks down. “We made it authentic, costumes, etc, behavior children should be able to learn like a well written book.
Longing for Ethos.  –noun

1. Sociology. the fundamental character or spirit of a culture; the underlying sentiment that informs the beliefs, customs, or practices of a group or society; dominant assumptions of a people or period: In the Greek ethos the individual was highly valued.


2. the character or disposition of a community, group, person, etc.


3. the moral element in dramatic literature that determines a character’s action rather than his or her thought or emotion.

1850–55; < Gk: custom, habit, character 
Now we see where Hitler got his motives for bringing up children with “character” it was for the purity of the ethos. 
What would we say of the White American “ethos” of today?   I think the key word is “habit,” for it is a matter of thinking, being, acting, in character and doing it over and over just as one would take a destructive drug that one gets addicted to, one can get addicted to character. 
It reminds me of a beautiful needle-point picture I did of two bunny rabbits that were about to kiss an it read, “Rabbits got Habits; ours is Love.”

Polish Holocaust "not" Jewish Holocaust

It’s time for the Jews to account for all the $,$$$,$$$,$$$.$$ that these crooks got from marketing, advertising, brainwashing, torture of our White race with blackmail, exhortion and strongarming us into saying a “Jewish Holocaust,” when in fact it was a “Polish” Holocaust of greater proporation. But they, as “Katyn” movie says, the entire Polish nation “was silenced.”  (Like the White race, and it will only get worse once Obama signs the Hate bill.
It’s serious.  All that $$$ needs to be put into an Excel Report with “compounded” interest as the Jews charged us, and it must not only be “split with the Poles,” but the Poles need to get more than 50%, perhaps 75%.  Truthfully, they should get 100%, and the Jews should end up “paying” them, for rent for 1,000 years, and the loss of all the Polish men’s lives, the raping of White Polish women, and the babies the Jews bastardized!  This “must” be brought out.  This is the other half of the untold story.  As we make sane of World War II, I find that at least myself, I would want to be honest about what happened, and “why” above all that it happened. 
I wish I could get in touch with one Polish person that would investigate this, as there must be a ton of records. Russia could partner us, and bring forth the documents, for the $$$ the Jews are going to have to pay the Poles, (and our entire White race which suffered to the point of extinction, because of the Jews.)  This would be an entirely different scenario of Hitler had won. Our White Race today, hopefully, wouldn’t be drinking, drugging, smoking and eating vegetables with plenty of sex. Sounds like the White kingdom of heaven on earth. The Jews ‘stole’ Hitler’s ideas, and used it for “their race,” such as the Kubbutz.
This advertising as the “Jewish Holocaust,” is “illegal.”  It has to be stopped.  If they are going to keep those museums up, then it is going to have to read the “Polish Holocaust” Museum, with a few Jews killed here or there. 
I think Hitler was going to keep the Jews alive for trading and there was never meant to be an extermination.  I heard on the radio today a phrase “Holocaust Survivor,” well, I’m thinking that the 6,000,000 figure might be right, but it is 6,000,000 Jewish Holocaust Survivors and not 6,000,000 dead.  If the Poles got killed it was for one reason:  having a kind heart to the Jews the most wicked race in the history of mankin.  Poles probably were getting so wicked like them, especially in government, which the Jews pulled the strings, that they became worthless.  Sounds like America in Jewland today?~!

Katyn – White Polish Elite Genocide by Jew Russians Part 1

Katyń: How do Jews Silence White people?
You can download movie: http://www.moviepro.net/download-katyn-movie.html but I don’t think it will have the interview with the son of the White murdered Polish officer, which I found very interesting.  I will give notes on bottom though.
Yesterday, I not only watched the movie Katyń, but received the book Gulag, Life and Death Inside the Soviet Concentration Camps by Tomasz Kizny. There were books on Amazon that sold for about $200.00, but I was able to get this for $26.00 and it is brand new in shrink wrap.  It is so heavy it must weigh as much as 2 10-bags of White potatoes.  It’s all authentic pictures.
The movie Katyń, is “not” about a crime, as horrific as you will see, according to Andrzej Wajda, the son of a White Polish officer, who made the movie.  It is about the “lie.”  I repeat, the movie will describe the Russians, (founded and headed by Jewish communists, as our government is today) how they killed in cold blood with one bullet to the skull, blasted into the back of the brain and coming out the forehead.  It may have been White Russian that did the job, but as the Jews forced the White Italian Romans to kill Jesus, they did the same to those unfortunately buried in the Katyń forest in Poland. 
But, the White author and director, who read the diaries, current newspapers that were found on the dead White bodies, he repeatedly wants you to know it is about the “lie” the “cover-up,” by the Russians. 
And, as I watched the movie, I wondered: “If this lie was covered up and the White Polish people made “silent,” how does this affect the White Race today?  How do we stop this madness against our race and prevent our very extinction so that we don’t die of suffocation, as perhaps those that weren’t quite dead after the bullet to the brain, and had bulldozers of thousands of pounds of dirt, asphyxiating and covering up the bodies.
The Russians headed by Jews, covered up the White bodies of the Polish elite, but worse than their bodies, they covered up the “lie,” probably one of many, if not millions, about the White Polish people, World War II, Hitler, the Jews, and more, of which we may never know.  How grateful then, can we be, for these few morsels of Truth that came crying out of the graves.
I have written to you before, that when I write, my White deceased husband, US Marine, cries, screams and shouts from his grave. As do my White Polish Mama and Daddy.  You may not hear their screams.  I hear them through my ‘feeling,’ and I ‘feel’ through that one massive organ that protects and covers our bodies…. Our White skin.
I find more meaning in this movie if I preface it with that “bullet to the brain and skull,” was more meant to kill the “intelligence” or “intelligentsia,” of the Polish people.  The Jews want to be the “smartest” and “supreme” people of the world. It isn’t God that anointed them.  Far from it, even Jesus cursed the Jews on the cross calling for the destruction of Jerusalem.  I would try not to destroy any artifacts of Jesus’ life, as they are relics and treasures, just as you will see in the movie, “Katyn,” that each widow or mother of the White solider was given a box of his relics to hold and cherish, even though the death really destroyed the woman too.  By the Jews killing off the “smartest” they can manipulate, and not just manipulate, but walk all over us, and we will be like morons and idiots awaiting their crumbs.  And when they are tired of giving us crumbs, we will no longer be here for them. The Jews went to destroy our White intelligence.  By the very fact that Harvard has 30% Jews, with only a mere 2% Jewish population, and that Harvard the Elite is 80% non-White, shows that we have degenerated and our brains have had a bullet put through, going in the back coming out of the front, as far as our intelligence. We can’t think. And they want to put a “hate” crime bill, that has the Jews final words to us, “Jews hate Whites, and this is our way of saying thank you for 1,000 years of freeloading on your land, killing your men in wars, raping your women, and now even raping your young boys.  As the former nun married to a former priest in Las Vegas she exclaimed, “my White son who is 12 is the “only,” and I repeat, the “only,” White boy in an advanced class of math and science, and all the grants, loans, money and tutorage is for other races, even in tennis classes!  How can a young boy of 12 survive that?  And then we wonder why White boys are having problems.
You will see in this movie, that it is written through the eyes of White Polish women, and as I’ve been writing, our White women have to resurrect our race, and they must stop spreading their legs for non-Whites as Obama’s mother disgraced us, and take their arms of love and use their “brains,” for saving our race, which is inherent in her spirit, skin, and genes. It is a dangerous message the Jews give out, “Just spread your legs for Jews or blacks and your son too can grow up to be the King of the US, (with a Jewish advisor.)
Since you are so used to Jewish movies, and have a steady diet of it, you may not appreciate or like a Polish White movie.  It is like when my son was little, I read in the book, The Art of Breastfeeding, that whatever you feed your baby, he/she will like. I fed him organic vegetables and cooked organ meats in the blender for baby food instead of that stuff from the jar. The same and more important is what is fed into your mind, is what you will like.  Therefore, our White likes have been distorted and our instinct of survival has been “intentionally” destroyed.  So just as our Mama’s taught us to eat vegetables because they are “good” for you, this movie, I believe, is “good” for us.  And it may be the one clue that we need to end this Holohaux, and the Jews’ covered up “lies” and tyranny and begin to resurrect our White dead.
I will try to resurrect the White Polish dead buried in the Katyń forests of Poland.  Here are my notes not only from the movie, but the lengthy hour+ interview by an attractive Polish woman, with slender legs and big heels, with Andrzej Wajda, a handsome and “intelligent” Polish man.  He says that this movie is probably the “last of its kind,” and that makes a statement too about our White intelligence and brain dying.
Watching and writing from the sub-titles I found that this atrocity against Whites was “The Crime that Stalin Couldn’t Hide.”  We must know that the Russians today are sitting on records that would tell the truth of World War II.  Perhaps, how they built the gas chambers “after” the war, like Jewish Hollywood props.  And we know the Jews in America were in this, as Meyer Lansky (sky at the end is Jewish, ‘ski’ is White Christian Heterosexual Polish.) as the Jew was in Murder Inc. that had all his crimes “covered up and buried.”

  • 1940, After Germany’s Invasion of Poland, Joseph Stalin from Russia, (Soviet) ordered the liquidation of the (White) Polish officer Corp, slaughtering nearly 22,000 men in Katyń forest.  Based on this horrific, historical event, Katyń tells of 4 “fictional” officers and their families to “uncover” the Truth.  (Note that this is “fictional” based on history.  We could use this to compare to Schindler’s List, and to expose any inaccuracies or “lies” especially those that said the Jews were the only victims and martyrs. Even the author of this movie doesn’t want to play on Poles and martyrology, and who had suffered more than the Poles in World War II which is completely buried.
  • Based on a novel, Post Mortem by Andrej Mularczyk.
  • It was so utterly refreshing, like a breath of fresh air, to be able to read all the credits of the movie and see “all White” names, and not all the Jews that control Hollywood, TV, books, etc.  I was just entranced as I watched the White Polish names scroll down the TV set, and it will be a moment I will never forget.
  • I cry within 30 seconds of the movie, because I’m somehow transported back into time and characters, and I feel the sorrow and pain of my people at the mercy of merciless Jews for 900 years.  This was just the final nail in White Poland’s coffin by the Jews.  The Jews having already put many nails in the White American’s coffin, but not the last one. The Hate bill will do that.  For it is the Jews way of saying “Jews Hate Whites,” and we will finish you off once and for all.
  • The main character or wife of the officer who kept the diary was named “Anna,” just like my Mama and just like the new hurricane Anna. The other hurricane, “Bill,” reminds me of “Bill’s” the karaoke casino I have been going to.
  • Her White, very blonde blue-eyed daughter is Niki.  The Polish people are all leaving en masse through bicycles, carriages, walking, running. The Soviet Russians have occupied their land and they know their lives are in danger.
  • Anna’s husband, Andrzej, is being hauled off.  Anna and blonde daughter Niki are on their bike racing to bring him back.  He must go, and the daughter cries, “Daddy” after the train, just as I cry “Daddy” in my soul, for my White Daddy that was beaten by my Mama out of White Poor Desperation.  The Jews have created a condition that has turned out White women against their race, which is unheard of for any sane person. Lil Niki stops to unleash a dog left behind, tied to a bridge, with the words, “he’s lonely and scared.”  I feel that intensely, for I wish America would have at least treated me, a good White woman, with the decency they treat a stray mutt.  Mama felt the same.
  • The Poles were trying to run away, but doubtfully with the diamonds, gold, $$$, that the Jewish Poles came to America with.  And probably if the Jews leave America, they have already have their loot set up around the world just hidden and waiting for them to continue.
  • There are many wounded and dead soldiers lying around, and the field is bloody.  The daughter think she recognizes the stars on the coat covering one of the dead lying bodies.  When the priest uncovers the coat it reveals the head of a statue of Jesus that was ripped from the cross, that was only left with Jesus’ arm dangling.  So this is the head of what the girl saw  This is also what the Jewish woman had on her tee shirt when I was singing Hitler karaoke, only it was Mel Gibson’s face, a red x, and the word “Schmuck,”  Can we have tee shirts made up with the Jewish men that are antagonizing us, such as Raum Emmanuel, Ben Bernacke, and the rest of the Jewish Mafia, done up like the Jews did to our White Mel Gibson? Pix from compassionheart.com
  •  It is worthy to note that the Jews had the crown of thorns piercing Jesus’ head until it bled, was in “hatred” of him, and the Jews wanted a “military” king as they found in the US, and instead of a King’s royal crown with precious jewels and gold, they gave him a crown of thorns.  The Jews have pounded this same crown onto the White male’s head, including my husband and son and father.  They have stripped away your White majesty, as Jesus is stripped away in the painting. 
  • You can see the officer takes the cross from his rosary and kisses it.  It is ‘Not’ our destiny to suffer as martyrs and go extinct. It isn’t “God’s” wishes it is the wish and curse of the Jews on us.
  • The words, “There is no more Warsaw,” is blood-curdling.  Warsaw is the capital of Poland, and it would be like saying, “There is no more Washington DC.
  • Sept 17, the Bolchevik Russians have entered. The Russians were taking them as Prisoners of War, but one officer shouts, “But we are ‘not’ at war with them.”  The Poles thought they were at war with Germany, but were made into White fools. And certainly it was Jewish money that I wrote to you before, that started the World War II with Poland as the “untold” victim.
  • Andrzej carries a diary, with dates on it and thoughts, as this very email is my diary.  He writes:  The Germans take soldiers, the Russians officers.  The Germans have a Reich that will last for 1,000 years, (although Hitler also said that he will turn back the clock 1,000 years which was about the time the Jews landed and invaded Europe.)  He then writes: “The Russian Communism will last “forever.”  And we are living in that “forever” since the Communist takeover, and the loss to the Communists in Viet Nam war, where they ‘won.’
  • The soldiers are all lined up, ALWAYS READY TO DIE.  (I don’t get this. The Jews are not always lined up ready to die. They don’t do the massive fighting except for a few exceptions they are always ‘coddled’ and put into gravy concentration jobs, where there are even other Poles to do their dirty work.
  • The politeness and graciousness of the White Poles is astounding.  It is nothing like the treatment that Jews, Blacks, Chinese, Mexicans, or Hindus give us.  The Polish cleaning man in the legal office where I worked in Chicago, “Bowed,” to me when I went to work. When was the last time a Jew, or Black, “Bowed,” to you as a White person?  Our White values and history are being trampled on and we must uncover this and do something about it.
  • “The Germans must see that we are all with one Mind.”  The Poles union that destroyed Communism was called “Solidarinosc.”   In looking this up on the Internet, I find that the town I came from “Bydgoszcz,” (see attached birth certificate from Auntie Josie Wisniewski.  Here is website to learn how White Poles brought down Communism:  http://www.solidarnosc.org.pl/english/about/eng_about_03.htm  if you check March 19, (my son Mikey’s birthday,) you will see how people “Police and Security” from “Bydgoszcz,” provoked their fellow Whites. Martial law is imposed on White Poles.  It talks of 6,000,000 becoming members of Union, and again, that 6,000,000 figure is just taken out of a hat.  But, remember, even after all this, Poland is in worse shape today than ever.  This is the Jewish “thank” you to the Poles for 1,000 years of free housing and their parasite action against White Poles
  • Speaking of “Thank you,” it is amazing during the movie to listen and watch “Thank You,” and “Please,” and “God,” and “Jesus. How courteous!  Do your Jewish slaves that do the prime work in this country, treat you with such adoration and respect?  The Mexican Mafia?  Even Chinese who are so polite?  But the Poles have, unless they have been broken down in this country. Anna helps her White husband with his jacket before he leaves, out of loyalty and care.  It’s how Mama treated her Daddy, and my Daddy, and her boys.  (Mama really favored her boys!)
  • The husband officer tells Polish Anna to “calm down.”  They would often tell my White Polish Mama to “calm down.” What she saw maliciously happening to her, her White children and White husband could not be “calmed” down but would ignite her fire even worse.
  • The movie shifts now to Andrzej’s father leaving for the University, where all the “intelligentsia” or smartest people of Poland are gathering.  Once there, the University is “closed,” and “debate” is useless, as it is today.  The best brains, or minds of White Polish are going to be destroyed.  I see the words, “I’d rather fight. It is all over for us.”  He grasps the cross of Jesus on his rosary beads.  What does the Cross represent?  Jews killing of a “good” man. 
  • The movie has many scenes of bull horns and speakers with Russian propaganda.  With words like:  “The Soviet Army is your only friend.”  Yes, I know what it is like to be friendless, and if a Red Army told me that, I’d be desperate enough to join. The White Poles were that divided, (intentionally) so they would be desperate enough to accept and desire that, and reject anything else.
  • There is a Christmas dinner, and just as I wrote to you which I recently found was he custom of the “Unexpected Guest,” at Christmas. (Watch the Jews fit this into a movie and at the White House and call it  a “black” custom, as they gave my idea of my nipple falling out when performing to the very black Janet Jackson.  The wife imagines seeing her husband there, who has now been arrested, and he imagines her as he writes in his diary. “Defeat and captivity” are the scariest teachers.  We are taught in America by “fear and terror,” pumped into our brains whether it is black thugs, white killers, or Muslim terrorists. I totally believe we would have no White serial killers if we could only use our time, energy, prayers and $$ to help heal our White men, and not the 90% rest of the world… the non-Whites including Jews.
  • “You must endure; there is no Poland without you.” “You must put Poland back on the map.”
  • There is a poem, that I do not have all the words for, but just “the Powers Tremble.”
  • When her husband leaves he says to marry a Russian if he doesn’t come back.  Anna is kept in the same home as a Russian.  He wants to marry her, but refuses.  The Russians come to kill all the officer’s wives and children first, but the Russian that likes Anna hides her and her daughter so they survive and run away.
  • Andrzej writes a letter to Anna but the “Censors” censor it.  Are these same Communists controlling Canada and our US soon.  I’m afraid to write anyone in prison for our cause for fear that I would be arrested, or they would get in trouble.  They have not only cut off our heads, but our white fingers that built this country to write with!
  • The offices are kept in bunk beds 8 beds high, and a man tries suicide.
  • The Poles keep thinking “England and France” will help.  Look at Poland today, and see if “England and France” are helping them.  This “help” must have been expected for 900 years while the Jews kept Poland confused, broke, drunk, raped, and in war.
  • The words “Diaries don’t burn,” appear on my TV screen.
  • They are all “vaccinated for typhus.”  Do you think that these “vaccinations” are getting us ready for concentration gulag camps? Are the vaccinations really what they are, or like Hitler and Elvis, were their doctors shooting them up with drugs they had no idea were in there. Even Hitler pushed his Dr. Morrell away, his inseparable companion, before he died, and told him to keep those injections away from him!  Elvis’s doctor would give Elvis a needle with a syringe filled with ???? even right through his White jump suit for after his death it was found with blood holes while always don’t wash out!  Tell-tale clues from the dead talking to us.
  • “Next generation – unsuspecting sheep.”
  • The women’s brothers, fathers, sons, boyfriends and husbands are being taken away:  doctors, lawyers, students, land engineers, engineer designers, pilots.  They each receive an “inoculation” certificate, as I’m sure we will receive shortly when they force vaccines on us. 
  • There is something called the Katyń List, which is unprecented, and perhaps would reveal and force the Truth about the Jewish Schindler’s List.
  • As far as I read before, all of these “intelligentsia,” were replaced with prominent rich Jews who emigrated here and now control White America.
  • The Poles pray that the Russian Soviets are punished.  (They were too dumbed down to see the Jewish control over their White neighbors, the Russians.)
  • Stalin is called the “Butcher of the Kremlin.”
  • It shows in black and white the Katyń forest being dug up.  The corpses are half decayed and decomposed, as they these White Polish elite were used as nothing more than “fertilizer” by Stalin, and his harem of Jewish women, and Jewish leaders.  It’s so sad, I was crying yesterday, but I get so drained it is hard for me to think or work when I cry deeply, but cry I must, for it keeps me alive as much as my blood.  They find the uniformed around the ½ decayed White corpses, with their medals and ribbons still in tact, as my deceased White US Marine, Purple Heart Recipient, and his Purple Heart medal. It would be better to have my White husband alive and thriving than a medal for a loss to the Communists.
  • The Maid, “Stasia,” goes to Anna, to give her a sword or saber like the one I have for my costume, that has a Star of David on the US Marine sword.  At Anna’s home, is a tall painting of an officer, smoking a cigarette, and it is placed right behind her, as they use “background” for effect.  While Poland was smoking so much, the entire movie is clouded with either smoke from cigarettes, or smoky fog, or other smoke, Hitler wanted to defeat Jewish destruction on us by having an entire new White generation and for Whites only, boys and girls who do not smoke, drink, drug, and eat their own vegetables they grow.  (Hitlers’ mistake:  his reliance on Jewish-trained doctors still very tied to Jews, but surely unknown to Hitler.  It could have been Dr. Morrell, Hitler’s doctor, who arranged for Hitler’s assassination in the Fuhrerbunker,  for he was probably the only one who knew exactly where Hitler was going to be at any given moment, since he never left Hitler’s side.
  • Some things I’m just not certain about, since I was writing and watching t the same time.  But, I think that the sword represented that Anna’s husband was dead
  • While in the prison for soldier elite, a friend gives Andrzej his sweater, for he was sick and chilled.
  • They are told to stock up on “canned” meat. Not vegetables, or beans, but “meat.”  (I’m sure tuna and salmon would do also.) 
  • A delivery man delivers a box to Andrzej’s mother, and it in are artifacts of her dead husband’s belongings.  She takes the box into the house, and then once away from the street’s view, she faints to the floor.  She loved her White Polish husband.
  • In it are crosses and pictures of Mary, Jesus’ mother, who also must have been an anti-Semite for her to conceive Jesus. 
  • There is a scene at a university where they were hiding metal boxes behind the schools classroom walls of evidence and belongings.  Relics.  Relics.  Material things, like diaries, etc.
  • “New Service,” “New Poland,” “LIES! LIES! LIES”  Watch out for “change,” unless it elevates the White race, it’s really killing us quicker, just as they want to euthanize old White people now that they have no use for us.
  • On the loudspeakers the Russians are propagandizing, “The Germans did this!?” as they show the movie of Katyń on the screen outdoors.  The bodies decomposed and all the skulls removed and lined up.  You can see the bullet at the back of the brain, to kill not only the body by the “smartness” of the White Polish Male.  My husband told me in his last words before suicide, ‘There is no help for the White male,” and I am thoroughly convinced of that. Would you say today, “There is no help for the Jewish male.”  It is even inconceivable for our minds to think that they are so rich, smart, and powerful, and destructive towards us.
  • They pulled the dead bodies out of the pits.
  • As they saluted the dead bodies, we salute the live Jews, in every breath and word that we Whites take, or even the blacks, Mexicanos, etc.
  • “People can be silenced,” are words o the screen.  Our White people will be silenced very shortly with the Hate bill signature of Obama, and we will see how much he hates his White former boss or master.
  • “The Katyń Forest blood is called to us out loud, calling to take merciless revenge for the “jackals” and (laughing) hyenas, that laugh at Whites constantly.
  • A man named Jerzy tries to talk to the General’s wife about this but ends up putting a bullet in his own head.  Again, a bullet to the brain and intelligence of another White male.
  • A blonde takes her brother for a passport picture.  But he looks so serious, and sad.  She asks the photographer to touch up the picture to show him smiling.  Yet it was said of my husband that he never smiled, being Lithuanian, and suffering from his own White mother’s suicide.
  • Again, throughout the movie is “Thank yous,” and “Please,” and “God,” and “Good Morning.”  All respect and love.  Is that what the non-Whites are giving to us today. Moreover, is that what Whites are giving to each other.  No one is asking me “please.” 
  • “Secret classes.”
  • “Father murdered by Soviet Russians.”  (These are quotes from eye-witness).  “Your opponents are “not” Germans, but Soviet Russians.
  • She is told, “Do you want to get us all killed?!  You must never “talk” like that.  The truth actually materialized until today it reads You must never talk, cause the Jews will outtalk you, and get the last word in and turn everyone else against you when you do talk.  As I wrote above:  “How do you ‘silence’ a people?”
  • “Do I sit still, while they spit in my face?” 
  • (Smoke comes out of chimney.  With so much smoke in movie, it gives a dream like quality.)
  • “You saved me.”
  • “World’s Laughing at us” …. Sleeping beauty and kisses her lips.
  • He runs away, and a Russian jeep kills him. 

To be continued.

My Fuhrer and Where's the Birth Certificate

Please see below!  Believe it or not, they just put up in today’s news a “Where the Birth Certificate?” right over the House of Blues by the Manderlay Bay Casino, where I performed karaoke with a live rock band for nearly 3 years. 
I think I’ve made a few friends here in Vegas, even though no people in business come forward to talk with me much.  I guess the easiest way to deal with me is to like me from a distance.  It could be also that the last times I was at Harrahs’ and Bill’s Casino to perform, it was very successful and fun, with plenty of female/male contact, dancing, singing and lots of pictures and questions from the audience.  Perhaps there is a rivaly between them, but I have enjoyed all the places as long as they don’t kick me out as if I’m a human female football.  I have feelings.  That is my downfall.  If only I were more robotic like the Jews who have no heart, soul, or mind.
I talked to the fellow that wants to discuss my making a movie.  I think it would cost a fortune, although he already made one on his own, and knows all the short cuts, as his son in Sweden.  I asked him again about the 8 hour movie on Hitler, “My Hitler,” and he said, “Oops, it is ‘My Fuhrer.’ ” He said that the title may have even been spelled wrong.  He added that Eli Weisel headed the project to have the movie removed….. and worse yet…… the Jews took probably one of the best movies of the century as far as our White pride goes…. and they made a “comedy” out of it to laugh at a man that would even attempt to save the White Race.  Do you have any idea what the movie and play was?  I found it on the Internet, and it has played in Vegas. It is about 2 Jewish producers who have a great play about Hitler and Germany of the greatest magnitude and magnifence possible.  And instead of making the movie in its grandeur, they slice it up and make a God damned comedy, so all the Jews could “laugh” at the Whites and our loss of the war, and their win.  The movie and play was called “The Producers,” and I’ve seen very few in my life, but I remember seeing both of them.  Even when I wanted to perform in my Hitler costume, out of the clear blue sky, a man appeared that said, “I sing Springtime for Hitler and Germany.  I’m sure they will let you dress up like Hitler and I will be there right after you to sing my Hitler song, to make sure they don’t kick you out.”  Well, I was able to sing it….. until the day of the TV camera and the Jewish female with the Mel Gibson tee shirt that had a bloody face like Jesus, and the word Schmuck and a big Red X crossing the White man’s face, to make the red blood that was dripping from the crown of thorns on Gibson’s head.  He looked like Jesus.  Then I got kicked out without provocation on my part, until I was harrassed, belittled and ridiculed, and I said, “Light the Ovens,” as I lit a lighter on the microphone.
Here is the website of a clip from that movie entitled “My Fuhrer,” the 8 hour Hitler extravaganda showing his wonderful and great ideas to save the White race, and the Jews ripped it up, cut it to 90 minutes, and made Hitler and the White attempt at saving our race, the laughing stock of the whole world.  My Fuhrer was made around 1969, and it was soon after that that “The (Jewish) Producers” was made.
The movie is a beautiful and lengthy tribute to Hitler and the Nazi’s.  I can barely watch it without feeling overcome with grief and sorrow, for I look at the White children and they are so well taken care of and so happy. 
It is so nice that someone just recently put this on to the music “Dream,” for it is a hope and dream that someday, we can save our race as he tried, but was kicked out by the Jews, and replaced with Jewish “yes,” men, as probably had happened in Poland for 900 years, as is in America now, and probably will be for the next 900 years, but we won’t be here, so the Chinese, Hindus, Mexicans and Blacks that we forsook our race to make sure they survive…. they will be here to deal with them.
I heard from a White Lady today who couldn’t pay her rent. And do you know why?  Her husband’s new van was stolen in Arizona.  He then had a heart attack, and not only that, he didn’t get proper care in the hospital, and had to go back a second time.  The wife realizing that she must work now, tries to apply for a job today and is turned down because someone that “speaks Spanish,” got the job. White discrimination, and “Hatred” against Whites again.  I’m sure there are trillions of examples since the Whites came in contact with the Jews 2000 years ago or so.  The van was probably stolen by black/Mexican gangs. It will probably be replaced by a Jewish run insurance company.  The Jews and their followers in the hospital will make a ton of $$$ off of White misery and suffering, and the White woman is without a job, because of the color of her skin, and the fact that she can speak very good English.  How much more do Whites have to suffer like this?  Whites shouldn’t allow this, and it is rampant, matter of fact, to find someone that isn’t suffering like this is probably someone who is “not” White.
—– Original Message —–

Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 7:19 AM
Subject: You’ve got to see latest billboard location!
WorldNetDaily.com A Free Press For A Free People
Eligibility billboard hits Vegas Strip
‘Where’s the birth certificate?’ campaign going strong

LAS VEGAS – They say, “What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas.”

The latest billboard in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The latest billboard in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Not this time.
Here’s the picture to prove it.
The latest billboard in the “Where’s the birth certificate?” campaign is up for gawkers in the city of billboards – Las Vegas, Nev.
Right smack dab in front of the plush Mandalay Bay Hotel on Mandalay Bay Drive tourists will be greeted with the most vilified message in the White House and media today: “Where’s the Birth Certificate?”
And the national fund-raising campaign to erect many, many more billboards around the country questioning Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility for office is going strong – with a total of $115,000 collected so far.
Have you contributed yet to the “birth certificate” billboard campaign? It’s not too late. In fact, Farah says the campaign is just getting started and that he plans to continue through the election of 2012 if necessary. If you agree the Constitution means what it says and that it is the responsibility of all Americans to enforce it, make your donation now.

The first such sign to be posted, a digital one, on Highway 165 in Ball, Louisiana. Join the effort.

Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND, said the campaign was born of frustration with timid elected officials in Washington, corrupt judges around the country and a news media that show a stunning and disturbing lack of curiosity about the most basic facts of Obama’s background – especially how it relates to constitutional eligibility for the highest office in the land.
Farah said the campaign was born of frustration with timid elected officials in Washington, corrupt judges around the country and a news media that show a stunning and disturbing lack of curiosity about the most basic facts of Obama’s background – especially how it relates to constitutional eligibility for the highest office in the land.
Not surprisingly, the campaign was quickly met with opposition. Just two weeks after it was launched, CBS, one of the largest media conglomerates and a leading provider of outdoor advertising, officially banned its local salesmen from accepting the “birth certificate” billboard leases from WND. No reason was ever given.
The next day, the national trade and political lobbying association for the billboard industry issued a press release defending CBS’ action for refusing “misleading” advertising.
A few days later, Lamar Advertising, another billboard industry giant joined CBS. And a few days after that, Clear Channel, a media goliath owning 1,200 radio stations across America and controlling tens of thousands of billboards, followed suit.

“Where’s The Birth Certificate?” billboard next to Santa Ana Freeway in Commerce, Calif.
Join the effort.

But the campaign had already made waves. Suddenly, there were debates on Fox News over the issue of Obama’s eligibility mentioning the billboard campaign. MSNBC followed with reports – albeit sneering ones. Rush Limbaugh talked about the birth certificate issue all three hours in one of his daily shows – the largest talk-radio program in the world.
Farah’s phone has not stopped ringing since with media calls.
Even local TV news and local talk-radio programs got into the act – sometimes together.
But the real fruit of the campaign, explains Farah, are the billboards themselves.
“Seeing these billboards springing up around the country is quite a phenomenon,” he says. “It has been less than six weeks since this idea was hatched and already the billboards are becoming a familiar sight.”

“Where’s The Birth Certificate?” yard and rally sign. Buy Now

Farah also devised a way for everyone to get into the act – with your own car or your own yard.
There are magnetized bumper stickers with the now-famous message and design – “Where’s the birth certificate?”
And there are yard and rally signs you can either take to your next tea party or turn your own property into a mini-billboard location.
You can support the billboard campaign right now by making a donation online. Your contribution – from as little as $5 to as much as $1,000 – can be made at the WND SuperStore.
(Donations are not tax-deductible. Donations of amounts greater than $1,000 can be arranged by calling either 541-474-1776 or 1-800-4WNDCOM. In addition, donations of billboard space will be accepted, as will significant contributions specifically targeted for geographic locations.)

If you would prefer to donate by check, mail can be sent to:
WorldNetDaily, P.O. Box 1627, Medford, OR 97501.
If you are a member of the media and would like to interview Joseph Farah about this campaign, e-mail press@wnd.com.

Billboard Gallery:

“Where’s The Birth Certificate?” billboard in Las Vegas, Nevada

“Where’s The Birth Certificate?” billboard on I-78 eastbound near Hamburg, Pennsylvania

“Where’s the Birth Certificate?” billboard near the Santa Ana Freeway in Los Angeles

“Where’s The Birth Certificate” digital billboard near Buena Park, California

“Where’s The Birth Certificate” digital billboard on Highway 165 in Ball, Louisiana

Are you motivated yet to join the billboard campaign and clear up the air of mystery surrounding Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility to serve?

NEW! Yard/Rally Signs:
Where's the Birth Certificate?
Magnetic Bumper Stickers:
Where's the Birth Certificate?
Call Toll-Free to Order:
If you prefer to order by phone, you may call our friendly, Midwestern customer service reps toll-free at 1-800-4WND-COM (1-800-496-3266), Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm Central.

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Black punches White; Civil War

I just happened to wake up at 3 a.m. (although I go to sleep early, and Mama would have to wake up with Daddy because he had a 2 hour bus ride in Chicago to work for Jews who only paid him minimum wage until he died, and White slaved him to death, making him clean, garden, paint, carpentry, electrical, gas, plumbing, be the smiling toothless mascot that “loved” everyone.  Try to get a plumber for “minimum wage,” try to get a carpenter for “minimum wage” or even a janitor or cleaning lady, when they can make up to $70,000.00 a year! But the Jews only paid my Daddy of 12 children, minimum wage.)
I turned on RBN and heard a re-run program of something that happened in Durham, North Carolina. The RBN talk show host I heard in the wee hours of the a.m. was William Gheen who fights illegal immigration.  He said that in Durham North Carolina during a town hall meeting for David Price, an Obama Supporter punched a protester in the face.  Other races, especially Jews “hate” our faces, and are jealous.  We might be jealous of them for their $$$ and power, and control, but they are jealous of our White faces.  Just like the yellow Chinese that threw a grenade at a White handsome Viet Vet with blonde hair and blue eyes, that shattered 1/2 of his face, took out his blue eye, and crushed his skull so that he has to wear a steel helmut not ‘on’ his head, but ‘in’ his head.  And they shot bullets at my husband’s White groin to stop us from reproducing because they hate the faces of our White babies. 
I don’t know the details, so I signed up for facebook, to check out the video.
Whether the Obama supporter is White or Black is immaterial.  Any White person that supported Obama is no longer White.  I disown them for my White Race.  Mama would do that to anyone that hurt her or her husband or family. She would ‘disown,’ them, even if he/she came out of her womb.  I guess I’ve had to sort of disown my own White  sons, rather than be the object of their anti-White verbal abuse.  I don’t ‘blame’ them, I know the Jews and their followers did it, but I have to lead my life the way I see fit, and not the way ‘they’ see fit.  I hope someday for a reconcilliation, but tht day won’t come until the entire White race is reconcilled, it seems.  Who has time for “small” talk, when nothing can be “bigger” than the survival of our race, and the expose of the Jews.
By the way, I’m thinking about where to send the Jews and loved the article by Piper on the davidduke.com website by sending them to Birobidjan, where the first Jewish colony was set up.  And if we cannot get the Jews off our White backs, then we should send them all back to the country of origin.  Namely, Poland, Russia, Germany, or wherever hell else they came from, and I think they did come from hell, judging about the destruction they have done to our “home.”  I’ve protested with the White People’s Party over 3 years ago to send “all” Mexicans back to Mexico, well let’s just extend it to all the other races and nationalities, except for Whites. This is our home, and by the law of the Unions that the Democrats thrive on, we Whites have seniority.  If the rest are anti-White, talking back, murdering, blackmail, ruining our banks, raping our women, send them back to the country of origin.  Erase the sign on the Statue of Liberty that welcomes the “wretched,” and make it say, “Send the wretched back to the country of origin.” Our foreparents used their feet to kick out Jews, all these White men that are anticipating the great game of Football dominated by jews and blacks, since the days of Hitler and boxing, instead of ‘watching’ football and kicking the football around, kick out the people in this country that don’t belong here.  Our parents were not afraid; they were noble, no matter how poor or rich.  We “make” the jews rich; we as Whites are “enabling” black and Mexican crime by allowing this on our soil.  And no “prisons” because then we are their ‘keepers,’ as if they are animals in a zoo.  Let them go back to their country of origin.  Then and only then, perhaps we can begin to rise as a White nation, and White race, and work on ‘our’ problems, instead of theirs, and leaving only pennies, if the jews allow that, to solve our own problems.
Also, Frosty Woolridge is askin for H.R. 1968 to stop illegal Mexican women from shitting babies on our soil, and fertilizing their “own” Race.  Remember these Mexican women will be the majority by 2042. Not the ‘men’ but the ‘women.’  Their children are already the majority in our country, thanks to the jews and their strong armed protests during the 1960’s and Martin Luther King threatening to burn down the United States because he had his ‘black army’ all set to do so, until the Civil Rights Act was passed.  I am sure that is ‘sealed’ just as the fact he beat White women prostitutes in Las Vegas for his “pleasure.”  Let’s stop paying for Brown Sex, and their “Latin Lovers.”  No one paid for my Mama and Daddy’s White sex and 12 children. No one pays for me to have any sex, and hence I have had to live a celibate life my entire life.  When I thought I was pregnant and not married, I tried to kill myself.  Let the Mexican women with babies go to commit suicide if they have to, it is not our problem. When I went to commit suicide, no one helped me, instead I was raped again by the Jewish doctor.  No one had mercy on me, I have no mercy on them.  If the Jewish women drove me to suicide, let them commit suicide, not me anymore.  The tables are turned.  Let them bear the shame of suicide, not me, nor my sons.
William Green on RBN says it is time to get away from the keyboards, or even calling in on the phones, but get out into the streets.  Here is a poor helpless woman in a wheel chair that was “assaulted” by the Obama Nation of non-Whites put here deliberately against White America.  I have not seen or heard of anything in Vegas to do so, and I’m not connected to anyone or anything, so I’m bewildered about what to do.
I went to a “Memoir” meeting yesterday, and listened to 3 lectures on different aspects of its writing.  One White woman wrote a book “Save My Son,” about the addiction of her (White) son, (my own emphasis since these women are living in terror that they cannot even say the word “White son,” as if the government owns them and not her.
She is going to send me a copy. She also lost a son in a hang gliding accident, and was almost in tears on stage.  All the mothers of America should be crying if their son has gotten in trouble, is out of work, adddicted, ADT for young boys, dropping out of school, of if any White boy is not enrolled in Harvard it is pure “hatred” against their White sons.  If they are not the “valedictorian” at Harvard, it is “pure” hatred against them.
I’m telling you, if this “hate” law passes, we will just have to find a way to scream and shout, “they are hating me,” and put them in their place. If all of 200,000,000 Americans scream “They are hating me,” at the same time, it will be quite loud, a sound that shook the entire world.  For the other Whites in other countries will hear our message and they won’t need a telephone or a computer. 
This punch by a black against a white, reminds me of the cannon fire that was heard around the world. It doesn’t have to be a ‘bullet’ or cannon, or bomb, it could be a ‘punch in the face.’
The place:  Fort Sumter from Wiki:
Civil WarOn December 26, 1860, five days after South Carolina declared its secession, U.S. Army Major Robert Anderson abandoned the indefensible Fort Moultrie and secretly relocated companies E and H (127 men, 13 of them musicians) of the 1st U.S. Artillery to Fort Sumter without orders from Washington, on his own initiative.
(of interest, it was the day after Christmas and certainly was a surpise. also, 13 musicians!.  Perhaps, it is time to unite all the rock stars and country and western musicians, karaoke singers, dancers, symphony musicians, etc. etc.)
(President James Buchanan was downsizing military, so the Fort wasn’t completed with cannons, etc.  Surely, the Jewish-type war mongers, who make $$$ off of White war, and White male bodybags, were the ones who forced the issue.) 
Over the next few months, repeated calls for the United States evacuation of Fort Sumter from the government of South Carolina and later Confederate Brigadier General P.G.T. Beauregard were ignored. United States attempts to resupply and reinforce the garrison were repulsed on January 9, 1861 when the first shots of the war prevented the steamer Star of the West, a ship hired by the Union to transport troops and supplies to Fort Sumter, from completing the task.
File:Fort sumter 1861.jpg

1861, inside the Fort flying the Confederate Flag.
There Colonel James Chesnut, Jr. ordered the fort to open fire on Fort Sumter. 
On April 12, 1861, at 4:30 a.m., Confederate batteries opened fire, firing for 34 straight hours, on the fort. Edmund Ruffin, noted Virginian agronomist and secessionist, claimed that he fired the first shot on Fort Sumter. His story has been widely believed, but Lieutenant Henry S. Farley, commanding a battery of two mortars on James Island fired the first shot at 4:30 A.M.
On April 13, the fort was surrendered and evacuated. During the attack, the Union colors fell.  Afterwards the salute was shortened to 50 shots. Accounts, such as in the famous diary of Mary Chesnut, describe Charleston residents along what is now known as The Battery, sitting on balconies and drinking salutes to the start of the hostilities.
(The article talks of using 500 slaves to fill casemates with sand.  Our White Race is going to have to learn to live without slaves, or use our own White poor people to do heavy, physical work.  To have a United States army with non-Whites that can and will be used against us, is frightening as the day that I was protesting illegal immigration, and all the army and police personnel surrounding the White People’s Party were non-White.)
There is a table on Wiki of all the guns and mortars that were set up.  There was also an attack by the North on this Fort, but it was a Northern fiasco that was miserably executed.
Back to the “Shot Heard Around the World,” from Wiki states:
The line is originally from the opening stanza of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Concord Hymn” (1837), and referred to the beginning of the American Revolutionary War.
Later, in Europe and the Commonwealth of Nations, the phrase became synonymous with the shot that killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand and plunged Europe into World War I.
(this bullet that killed the Archduke was paid by a Jews from what I read earlier that plunbed Whites into World War I !)
“By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled;
Here once the embattled farmers stood,
And fired the shot heard ’round the world.”
A Zionist conspiracy website from 2005, and #11 states the Zionists started World War I.
Most of this I figured out already, but the last two items ring ever so true:
27.  European society has done almost nothing to oppose the Zionist conspiracy, thereby allowing the conspiracy to grow from year to year.
28.  The evidence given above, considered together, proves that the Zionist Conspiracy to control the world and destroy European society does exist.
(It includes the Bank of Canada, which accounts for the persecution and annihilation of White males in Canada.)
The article talks about Christianity, and yes, I have to admit, as much as I love God, the Christ, and Christianity, it almost seems as if it makes us lie down for the Jews to walk all over us and stomp us on the ground.
Jesus said on the cross, when the Jews crucified him,
(The movie “Katyn” about Poland just arrived in mailbox; will write later. Sorry for the jumpcut)

International Standard Version (©2008)
Jesus kept saying, “Father, forgive them, because they don’t know what they’re doing.” Then they divided his clothes among them by throwing dice.”
Jesus forgave the Jews, or the Roman White Italian soldiers who were nailing him to the cross, for they didn’t know what they were doing.  But, now, the Jews KNOW what they are doing and therefore cannot be forgiven
People’s New Testament
23:34 Father, forgive them. This prayer for his murderers is reported only by Luke. It was evidently uttered just after he was nailed to the cross. What divine love in a prayer springing right out of the depth of his physical suffering!
They know not what they do. Know not that they reject and slay their own Messiah; know not that, in this act, they doom their city and nation to destruction. He made intercession for transgressors (Isa 53:12).
Apparently, if one thinks about this, Jesus is scorning the Jews, not the Roman Whites, because Jeus is prophecying the city of Jewish Jerusalem to destruction, and hence even Jesus is kicking the Jews out of their own city.
Then said Jesus – Our Lord passed most of the time on the cross in silence: yet seven sentences which he spoke thereon are recorded by the four evangelists. 
(Jesus is hanging between two criminal Jews, as far as I can figure out.  One changes, the other doesn’t.  There are Jews that are changing, and we know that.  The ones that don’t give up their “supremacism” and destruction of European Whites are doomed.  Jesus prophecied it.)
(I didn’t realize they had ‘dice’ and ‘gambling’ even in Jesus’ days.)  And yes, I have a hard time, as the Zionist conspiracy above, teaching our White children to ‘adore’ and ‘worship’ Jews even to the exclusion of their own people, race, and heritage. That cannot be right. 
I’m reading the above website about Zionism conspiracy, but, even though I figured most of it out, it odd ways, it really is interesting to see the timeline on it put in an easy sequential manner.
Did the Israeli Jews “Exodus” from Egypt, or did Egypt “kick them out.” 
If as is written in this website that Christianty is a conspiracy for Whites to worship Jews and not fight them, but turn the other cheek, it is time we re-think Christianity and put it on a White basis for our relationship with God for our survival.  There are many things woven into Christianity, such as in Poland, where it would mean eternal flames of hell, if one didn’t do all his $$$ business with Jews, that make us know that we were out of our minds to fall for that.  And we were in a ‘mind that allowed Jews to walk all over us, keep us in war, steal our country and arm our US non-Whites against us, as is the case today.
This article only traces the Jews through England, and doesn’t account for the year 1096 in Poland, and the occupation of it by Jews. Nor does it account for the Jews being kicked out of Hitler’s Bavaria for 1,000 years, as well as the other countries.
I’m going to copy and paste this entire article, because our Whites won’t have to spend 7 years of intensive writing and study to “know” what the Jews have been up to. And believe me this only shows the last hundred years or so, the Jews have been doing this through Poland for 1,000 years+.
In reading the article, it says that Gomer Pyle, USMC, was a Jewish production. And that was about US Marines, just like my deceased husband. And look how they made a ‘fool’ out of White Marines, no wonder my husband commit suicide, this has been pounded into their brains.  Why don’t they make shows and pound down the Jews constantly for 1,000 years?  We must rise from the ashes they have burnt us to.
There is more to write, but need to get some rest, before I go to work today, as my schedule is very full.
Below is another website of handicapped person assaulted at protest. She is crying, and letting out the bleeding of the White American brain through her tearducts.

Zionist Jewish Conspiracy The Crime of the Millenium

I was doing research this a.m. on what I was writing, and came across this website, ancpage.com and it mentions our Dr. David Duke as the current most important crusader against Zionism.  Much of this I figured out on normal historical websites, and just putting together the pieces of the ugly and dangerous Zionist puzzle.  But, if anyone doesn’t have 7 years and 10,000+ pages of writing, this really puts the Jewish major crimes in chronological order. It is long, and again, I want it on my website as a reference.  It talks of the Bible as part of this conspiracy, and although I love God, the Bible, and Jesus, we must really begin to see what the Bible is teaching, and sort out what is “good,” for our survival, and what is Jewish propaganda for worshipping them as god-like mortals, which is about what they appear to be now, them with their Jewish wives and children on pedastals.
I think everyone should read it and study it.  Yet, it doesn’t even begin to reveal how the Jews go back to year 1096 into my ancestral country of Poland and leaving those White people open to constant war and destruction as it is today, while the Jews reap all the benefits of the Holocaust.  It was the White Poles that were the ‘true victims’ of the Holocaust, not the Jews.  After many countries kicked Jews out, many times, the White Poles were kind enough to let them stay, and today, never even realize the disaster the Jews put on them.  Someday, this study needs to be worked further into this entire picture.
The Zionist Conspiracy
The Crime of the Millennium
=======================Welcome to the Zionist Conspiracy website.
This website examines the history of the Zionist conspiracy.
The Zionist conspiracy is an alleged long term plan conceived by Zionist conspirators to control the world and destroy European society.  We believe that the Zionist conspirators are the primary cause of many of the major problems that have weakened European society in the past 200 years, including: World War I, World War II, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Capitalism, big government, mass immigration, multiracialism, forced integration, racial preference laws, and media bias.
The Zionist conspiracy is more accurately called the Zionist ruling class conspiracy or the Zionist male ruling class conspiracy, because the conspiracy is controlled by the Zionist male ruling class.


Conspirators Winston Churchill, Bernard Baruch, and Dwight Eisenhower confer together.

If current trends continue, European society will be politically destroyed within about 100 years.  This situation is extremely serious.
The European people must quickly terminate the Zionist conspiracy to ensure their survival and prosperity.  European leaders have been extremely negligent in defending the European people and in defending against the Zionist conspiracy.
The Zionist conspirators are able to accomplish this conspiracy by owning and controlling the major banks in the world, including the notorious central banks such as the Federal Reserve Bank and the Bank of England.  The banks control the money supply.  Money controls the economy, businesses, resources, jobs, government, military, and the media.  Thus the Zionists control money and money controls everything else.
This document describes numerous historical events of the past 3,600 years that comprise the Zionist conspiracy.  We believe that these events, considered together, provide conclusive evidence that the Zionist conspiracy exists and threatens European society.  An obvious pattern of conspiracy is apparent in the timeline below.  We believe that the information presented in this document effectively proves that the Zionist conspiracy exists and threatens European society.
Note that the information presented in this document is only the tip of the iceberg, it is not exhaustive.  Read this document and decide for yourself whether or not a hostile Zionist conspiracy exists.
The methodology used to create this document is to read and review books, documents, and websites about history and politics, and searching for Zionist participation in major historical events.  A combination of direct evidence, deduction, and inference is used to expose actual Zionist actions and probable Zionist actions.  We believe that our conclusions are accurate with a certainty of more than 99%.
Disclaimer:  This document does not imply that all Zionists participate in the conspiracy.  Only active Zionist conspirators are to blame.  Our focus is on the Zionist ruling class.
All information in this document is believed to be very accurate.  We shall correct any errors that are detected.
This website was updated on January 14, 2005.
We believe that a Zionist conspiracy to control the world and destroy European society exists based on the following evidence:
1.  The Zionist conspirators have created, supported, and financed numerous European disasters including:  World War I, World War II, the Cold War, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Capitalism, mass immigration, affirmative action programs, big government, forced integration, multiracialism, liberal media, and liberal schools.  These disasters have seriously weakened European society.  Furthermore, these disasters were not accidental, rather they were deliberate actions committed by the Zionist conspirators.    For the most part, the conspirators use covert methods to attack our society.  This conspiracy is effectively a perpetual Zionist war against the Europeans.
2.  Zionists have opposed Europeans throughout history.  A timeline of the Zionist conspiracy is given in section 2 below.
3.  Zionists are raised to be pro-Zionist and anti-Gentile.
4.  Zionists have resisted assimilation with Gentiles throughout history while living as a minority group within Gentile society.
5.  Judaism is an ethnic religion that is intended for Jews only.
6.  Judaism itself is pro-Jewish and anti-Gentile.
7.  Judaism discourages Gentiles from converting to Judaism or intermarrying with Jews.
8.  Jews consider themselves to be God’s Chosen People and superior to Gentiles, as
described in Exodus 18.
9.  The Zionists are the only ethnic group with sufficient financial power and political power to effectively attack European society from within.
10.  The Zionists have been predators and parasites within European society throughout history.
11.  The European people of the world have been under attack and in decline since World War I began in 1914 primarily due to the Zionist conspiracy.
12.  The Zionists control the banking and monetary systems, including the Federal Reserve Bank in the USA and the Bank of England.
13.  The dollar bill, also called a Federal Reserve note, is issued by the Zionist Federal Reserve Bank.
14.  The British pound note is issued by the Zionist Bank of England.
15.  Bank loans create money out of nothing and charge excessive interest rates.
16.  Credit cards create money out of nothing and charge excessive interest rates.
17.  Israel was created in 1948 by the United States government, the British government, and the United Nations at the request of the Zionists.  The Palestinians were forced off their land.
17.  The religion of Christianity was created by the Zionists to weaken Europeans.  It is Zionist propaganda.
18.  The Zionists control the media corporations in television, radio, publishing, and the press.
19.  The Zionists control the United States government and the European governments.  This is called the Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG).
20.  Zionists attempt to eliminate discussion of the Zionist conspiracy by accusing Gentiles of antisemitism, racism, persecution, and discrimination.  They use censorship to aggressively suppress criticism of their culture.
21.  The Zionists monopolize several major industries such as oil, diamonds, electronics, and software.
22.  The Zionists have been allowed to live in freedom in the United States, Canada, Britain, Germany, France, and other European nations for hundreds of years.  However, the Zionists have waged a long term race war against their host nations.
23.  The Zionist conspirators are motivated by hatred, violence, destruction, racism, greed, and competition.
24.  The Zionists use any and all methods to attack European society, including war, revolution, crime, propaganda, laws, and deception.
25.  Zionist society is dominated by Zionist males, females have a subordinate role.
26.  The Zionists control New York City, Washington, Hollywood, Las Vegas, and London.
27.  European society has done almost nothing to oppose the Zionist conspiracy, thereby allowing the conspiracy to grow from year to year.
28.  The evidence given above, considered together, proves that the Zionist Conspiracy to control the world and destroy European society does exist.
The Zionist conspiracy in the present time consists of the following components:
1.  The Zionist money system, including the Federal Reserve Bank, the Bank of England, the Bank of Canada, and other central banks.  These central banks control the money system and much of the world economy.
2.  The United States government, the British government, and other national governments.  These governments, which pretend to represent their citizens, are controlled by money and Zionist bankers.
3.  Major corporations, such as Exxon, Shell Oil, General Motors, and IBM.  These corporations are also controlled by money and Zionist bankers.
4.  Judaism, which promotes Jewish separatism.
5.  Christianity, which is derived from Judaism.  Christianity teaches the worship of Jewish figures in the Bible, such as Moses, Abraham, David, and Solomon.  The first family of Christianity is Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, who were mythical Jews that lived in Palestine.
6.  Education, which forces children and young adults to attend school from age 6 to 18.  Government schools are financed by taxing the citizens.  Most professional jobs require 4 or more years of additional education at colleges.  The current system is very wasteful of time and money.
7.  The News Media, which presents a falsified view of world events.
8.  The Entertainment Media, which provides entertainment that is often obscene.
9.  The Military, which enforces the corrupt policies of the United States government.
10.  Perpetual Wars, which weaken foreign nations and create profits for the defense industry.
11.  Mass Immigration, which is effectively an invasion of sovereign nations.
12.  Affirmative Action programs, which discriminate against European males.
13.  Heavy Taxation, which confiscates wealth from the citizens.
14.  Organized Crime, which preys upon the citizens.
These components, taken together, effectively control most of society.  If the conspiracy is not stopped, the future will be oppressive and disasterous.
This timeline describes many of the historical events of the Zionist Conspiracy over the past 3600 years.  Zionists played a primary role in all of the events in the timeline.  Note that Biblical events are not necessarily true, but they are accepted as part of Jewish religious beliefs.  Note also that events prior to 1700 are generally not well documented.
1600 BC   Abraham, the father of the Jewish tribe, migrates from Mesopotamia to Judea.
1200 BC   The Zionist conspiracy begins when Moses creates the Jewish religion in Egypt.  Judaism is based on racial separatism, deception, parasitism, crime, corruption, and violence.  It is a survival strategy of living off of non-Jewish host communities, which is easier than supporting themselves.    At this time in history, cities, governments, commerce, and money exist and are heavily exploited by the Jews.  The festival of Passover commemorates the conflict between the Jews and the Egyptians.  After the Exodus from Egypt, Moses and his followers kill 3000 Israelites who refuse to practice Judaism.  Moses writes the Torah, which form the first five books of the Bible.  Note that the Jewish conspiracy is relatively consistent from the time of Moses to today due to its rules, rituals, traditions, racial unity, strong leaders, sacred books, and intolerance of dissent.
1000 BC   King David rules in Jerusalem.
  970 BC   King Solomon, son of David, builds the First Temple in Jerusalem.
580 BC   The Jews are forcibly taken to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar.
  540 BC   The Jews return to Jerusalem.
  330 BC   Alexander the Great of Greece conquers the Middle East.
  167 BC   The Maccabees revolt against the Greeks.  The festival of Hanukkah commemorates the recapture of Jerusalem.
37 BC   The Romans conquer Judea.
   33 AD   The Jews kill Jesus due to his religious teachings.
35   Paul of Tarsus, a Jewish pharisee, claims to have converted to Christianity and begins converting only Gentiles to Christianity.  Some researchers claim that Christianity is a conspiracy to prevent Gentiles from fighting the Jews.
   66   The Jewish War is fought in Jerusalem, in which the Romans defeat the Jews.  The Jewish Diaspora (dispersion) begins as the Jews leave Judea and migrate across Europe and the Middle East.  They form Jewish communities in the host nations and develop a parasitic economy based on trade and banking.
  130   Bar Kokhba leads a revolt against the Romans.  This is the last overt Jewish war, the Jews mostly use covert methods in future conflicts.
 337   Roman Emperor Constantine allegedly converts to Christianity on his deathbed.  Christianity becomes the official religion of the Roman Empire.
 370   The Babylonian Talmud is written by Rabbi Ashi and his followers.
 500   The Roman Empire falls due to excessive diversity and disunity.
 610   Influenced by Judaism and Christianity, Mohammed creates the religion of Islam in Mecca.
1066   Jews enter England with the Norman Invasion and establish banks.
1215   The Magna Carta document states: “If a man dies owing money to Jews, his wife may have her dower and pay nothing towards the debt from it.”  This helps to protect British citizens from aggressive Jewish bankers.
1255   Hugh of Lincoln is ritually murdered by Jews in England.
1290   The Jews are expelled from England by King Edward I due to their anti-British culture.
1290   The Zohar, a book of Jewish mysticism, is written by Moses de Leon in Spain.  It is used by the Jewish kabbalah mystics.
1492   Christopher Columbus discovers America.
1492   The Spanish Inquisition begins.  The Jews are expelled from Spain.  Some Jews, called Marranos, convert to Catholicism but secretly practice Judaism.
1620   Jewish slave traders bring slaves to America.
1649  King Charles I is executed by Oliver Cromwell.  Cromwell is financed by the Jews.
1655   Cromwell allows Jews to return to England.
1660   Ashkenazi and Sephardic synagogues are built in London.
1688   The Glorious Revolution occurs in Britain.  King James II, a Catholic, is removed from the throne by the Parliament and replaced with the Protestent King William III of Holland and his British wife Queen Mary.
1694   The Bank of England is established.
1730   Shearith Israel Synagogue is built in New York City.
1740   Jewish slave trader Aaron Lopez brings thousands of slaves to America.
1760   The Board of Deputies of British Jews is established in Britain.
1770   Jewish banker Mayer Rothschild establishes a bank in Frankfurt, Germany.  In subsequent years the five sons of Mayer Rothschild, Nathan, James, Salomon, Carl, and Amschel, established banks in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna, and Naples, forming an international network of banks.  The Rothschild banks provide major loans to the governments of Europe, thereby gaining political power.  The banks also finance European wars, thereby profiting from warfare.  The Rothschild family is strongly pro-Jewish and have been major players in the Jewish conspiracy.
1775   The American Revolution begins.  Jewish banker Haym Salomon provides financial support.  Mayer Rothschild provides Hessian soldiers to Britain, profitting from the war.
1776   The Illuminati secret society is established by Jewish agent Adam Weishaupt in Germany.
1789   The French Revolution begins.  Thousands of French citizens are killed in the revolution.
1793   King Louis XVI of France is guillotined by the French Revolutionaries.
1805   The Napoleonic Wars begin.  Thousands of Europeans are killed in this war.
1815   Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo in Belgium.  Nathan Rothschild receives early news of Napoleon’s defeat, and manipulates the English government bond market, acquiring English bonds at heavily discounted prices.  This gives Rothschild major financial influence of the English government.
1830   The Rothschilds finance the establishment of the nation of Belgium, which secedes from the Netherlands.
1837   Benjamin Disraeli becomes the first Jewish member of parliament in Britain.
1839   Britain starts the Opium War against China.
1848   Jewish politician Karl Marx publishes the Communist Manifesto.
1850   Isolation of Japan ends, trade with Britain and America begins.
1853   The Jewish B’nai B’rith (Sons of the Covenant) organization is established in New York City.
1858   Baron Lionel de Rothschild becomes a member of parliament in Britain.
1859   The Rothschilds decide to support the South in the American slavery dispute.
1859   The Rothschilds finance the construction of the Suez Canal.
1861   The American Civil War begins, threatening to divide the USA into two nations.  The war lasts for 4 years and causes vast destruction to the USA.  The war is financed on both sides by Jewish bankers.  Jewish lawyer Judah Benjamin is attorney general, secretary of war, and secretary of state for the Confederacy.  Over 500,000 Americans are killed in this war.  The African slaves gain freedom, citizenship, and the right to vote after the war.
1865   President Abraham Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth and a group of several co-conspirators.  Judah Benjamin flees to England.
1867   Karl Marx publishes Das Kapital.
1868   Benjamin Disraeli becomes the first Jewish prime minister of Britain.
1869   Jewish banker Jay Gould attempts to corner the American gold market.
1870   France attacks Germany, starting the Franco-Prussian war.  Napolean III, leader of France, is financed by the Rothschilds.
1870   John D. Rockefeller establishes Standard Oil and destroys his competitors.
1871   The Rothschilds finance France’s war reparations to Germany.
1881   Russian Czar Alexander II is assassinated by Jewish conspirators.  The Russians react by persecuting the Jews.  Million of Russian Jews immigrate to the USA.
1881  American president James Garfield is assassinated by Jewish immigrant Charles Guiteau.
1890   The Rothschilds finance Jewish colonies in Palestine.
1891   France and Russia form a military alliance, threatening Germany.
1894   Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the French army, is convicted of giving secrets to Germany.
1896   Theodor Herzl organizes the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland.  He proposes the creation of a Jewish nation in Palestine in his document “The Jewish State”.
1898   The United States goes to war with Spain over a mysterious explosion on the battleship Maine docked in Havana, Cuba.  Jewish publisher Joseph Pulitzer encourages starting a war in his newspaper, New York World.
1899   Britain goes to war with the Dutch Boers of South Africa to capture the gold mines and diamond mines for the Jews.  Britain detains Boer civilians in concentration camps.  Thousands of Boer men, women, and children are killed.
1901   American President William McKinley is assassinated by Jewish radical Leon Czolgosz.  Secret Jew Theodore Roosevelt succeeds McKinley.  The Jews accomplish a double whammy against the Americans and change American history.
1901   The Anglo-Japanese Alliance is signed.  This enables Japan to prepare for war with Russia.
1901   Rothschild partner J.P. Morgan bank establishes the United States Steel corporation.
1904-1905   Japan attacks the Russian navy at Port Arthur in China, starting the Russo-Japanese War.  Jewish banker Jacob Schiff of New York City provides 200 million dollars in war loans to Japan.  Japan’s naval technology is provided by Britain.
1904   France and Britain sign the Anglo-French Entente, threatening Germany.  France and Britain initiate secret military conferences to prepare for war.
1905  Radical Socialists, led by Jewish politicians Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky, organize a revolution against the Russian government.  The revolution is terminated by the government, but the government agrees to some concessions.
1905   The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is received by the British Museum.  This document, which may be authentic, describes a Jewish plan to destroy European civilization and rule the world.  Many of the events described in the Protocols have subsequently occurred.
1905   Jewish intellectual Sigmund Freud publishes his theories on psychology.
1907   The Anglo-Russian Agreement is signed.
1907   The Triple Entente of France, Russia, and Britain is established.  This alliance encircles Germany and threatens the security of Germany.  The preconditions for World War I are now established.  Europe is artificially divided into two opposing groups.  An artificial arms race is created.  The major newspapers publish propaganda to agitate the public.  A minor colonial dispute in Morocco is magnified into a crisis.
1908   The Young Turks revolt in Turkey.
1909   The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is established by the Jewish politicians for the African-Americans.
1909   British Oil booms in the Middle East.
1912   Woodrow Wilson is elected president of the USA.  Wilson, a liberal Democrat, is financed by Jewish banker Bernard Baruch.
1913   The Federal Reserve Bank is established in the USA.  Jewish banker Felix Warburg is the first chairman of the Federal Reserve.
1913   The United States imposes a tax on personal income, increasing the government’s power and wealth.
1913   The Jewish Anti-Defamation League of the B’nai B’rith is established in New York City to oppose anti-semitism.
1914   World War I begins when Austria-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated by Jewish student Gavrilo Princip and a group of co-conspirators.  William Pelley claims that the assassins were financed by Zionist businessman Herbert Samuel of Britain, owner of Shell Oil.  Over 10 million Europeans are killed in this war.  World War I is a disasterous war and it starts the decline of the European people.  World War I is supported by Zionists such as Nathan Rothschild, Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, Bernard Baruch,  Ernest Cassel,  Louis Brandeis,  Chaim Weizmann,  Theodore Bethmann,  Winston Churchill, Theodore Roosevelt,  and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
1914   Margaret Sanger publishes Family Limitations.
1915   A German submarine sinks the Lusitania.
1917   Under heavy pressure from the Jews and the British government, the United States declares war on Germany and enters World War I.
1917   The Balfour Declaration is announced by the British government, creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine.  The Declaration is in part a reward for Jewish support of the Allies during World War I.  The Balfour Declaration was a letter that Balfour sent to Lord Rothschild.
1917   Lenin leads the Communist Revolution in Russia.
1918   Russian Czar Nicholas II and his family are assassinated by the Jewish communists Lenin, Trotsky, and  Sverdlov.  Once again the Jews change history for the worse using assassination.
1919   The punishing Treaty of Versailles is signed in France.  The Treaty effectively continues the war against Germany.  Jewish American banker Bernard Baruch imposes massive financial reparations on Germany.
1924   The United States Congress restricts immigration.  This is opposed by the Jewish politicians.
1929   The New York stock market crashes.  A global economic depression begins.
1933   Adolph Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.  Hitler is financed by Jewish businessmen such as Fritz Thyssen, who wrote the book “I Paid Hitler” in 1942.  Hitler is apparently used as the fall guy by the Jews to start World War II.
1933   Jews declare international boycott of Germany.
1933   U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt introduces the New Deal socialist programs.
1934   Stalin launches a purge of the Communist Party in Russia.  Millions of Russians are killed by the Jewish communists.
1935   John Maynard Keynes proposes a new economic theory.
1937   Krystallnacht occurs in Germany in response to the assassination of a German diplomat by a Jewish agent in Paris.
1939   World War II begins when Germany invades Poland and Britain and France subsequently declare war on Germany.  Over 20 million Europeans are killed in this war.  World War II is a disasterous war and causes vast destruction to Europe.  World War II is supported by Zionists such as the Rothschild bankers, Bernard Baruch, Henry Morganthau, Winston Churchill,  Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower,  Leon Blum,  Ehrenberg,  and Harry Truman.
1941   Japan attacks Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.  The United States enters World War II.
1942   The Wannsee Conference is held in Berlin.  The Nazis decide to imprison and expel the Jews in Germany.
1945   The United Nations is established in New York City.
1947   The Cold War between the Capitalist nations and Communist Russia begins.
1948   The nation of Israel is established in Palestine, supported by the United States and Britain.  The Israelis start a war with the Arabs to demonstrate their dominance in the region.
1949   China becomes a Communist nation, led by Chairman Mao.
1950   The United States goes to war with Korea.
1953   Jewish spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are executed for giving nuclear bomb secrets to Russia.
1954   The U.S. Supreme Court bans racial segregation.
1956   Israel defeats Egypt in the Sinai Campaign.
1959   Fidel Castro leads the Communist revolution in Cuba, supported by Russia.
1960   The birth control pill is introduced.
1962   The Cuban Missile Crisis occurs.
1963   The United States government orders the assassination of Diem in Vietnam.
1963   American President John F. Kennedy is assassinated.
1963   Zionist feminist Betty Friedan publishes The Feminine Mystique.
1964   The U.S. Congress passes the Civil Rights Act.
1964   U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson proposes a Great Society.
1965   The US Immigration Act of 1965 is approved by Congress.  This immigration act was developed by the Zionist politicians Senator Javitz, Representative Lautenberg, and Representative Cellar.  It was designed to replace White Americans with foreigners and thereby destroy traditional White America.
1965   American President Lyndon Johnson introduces national racial preference laws and Affirmative Action programs.
1965   The Vietnam War begins when the United States sends 200,000 troops to Vietnam.
1966   The National Organization for Women is established.
1967   Israel defeats Arab nations in the Six Day War.
1968   American presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy is assassinated.
1973   The U.S. Supreme Court rules that women have a right to abortion.
1973   Israel defeats Egypt and Syria in the Yom Kippur War.
1974   U.S. president Richard Nixon is forced to resign due to the Watergate scandal.
1975   The Vietnam War ends when the communists capture Saigon.  The United States government brings hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese people to America.
1986   The European Union is established.
1991   A United Nations coalition led by the USA goes to war with Iraq.
1991  Communism is terminated in Russia.
1994   Apartheid is terminated in South Africa.
1994  California voters pass Proposition 187 to restrict government aid to illegal immigrants.
1995   Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated by Jewish right wing student Yigal Amir.
1998   The United States and its allies bomb Iraq.
1999   The United States and its allies bomb Serbia.
2000   American President Bill Clinton declares in the State of the Union address that European Americans will be a minority group within 50 years.  This drastic change is due to mass immigration imposed by ZOG.
2000   European Americans become a minority in California due to mass immigration.
2000   Jewish senator Joe Lieberman is selected as the American Democratic vice presidential candidate.
2000   Jews and Palestines battle each other in Israel.
2001   Zionist politicians and journalists criticize Senator John Ashcroft for his religious beliefs and conservatism, implying that he is a racist.
2001   Zionist Hollywood releases more television shows and movies that promote interracial couples, such as “The West Wing” and “Save the Last Dance”.
2001   Holocaust Day is observed on January 27 in Britain in an attempt to legitimize the Holocaust industry.
2001   Zionist servant President Bill Clinton leaves office, and is replaced by Zionist servant President George W. Bush.
2001   The Zionist conspirators crash jet airplanes into the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington.  They blame it on alleged Arab terrorists.
2002   The Zionist Conspiracy continues without substantial resistance.  Most Europeans remain clueless about their catastrophic decline caused by the Zionists.
2010   European Americans become a minority group in Texas due to mass immigration.
2040   European Americans become a minority group, thereby politically destroying White America.
2080   British Europeans become a minority group in Britain,  thereby politically destroying traditional Britain.
2100   Europeans become a minority group in Europe, politically destroying traditional Europe.
*  Leo Moritz Amery,  politician,  Britain
*  Bernard Baruch  (1870-1965),  banker,  USA
*  Menachim Begin  (1913-1992),  politician,  Israel
*  Judah Benjamin  (1810-1880),  Confederate politician,  USA
*  David Ben-Gurion  (1886-1973),  politician,  Israel
*  Theodor Bethmann-Hollweg,  WWI foreign minister, Germany
*  Leon Blum  (1872-1950),  politician,  France
*  Franz Boas  (1880-1940),  sociologist,  USA
*  Louis Brandeis  (1856-1941),  judge,  USA
*  Ernest Cassel,  banker,  financed Winston Churchill,  Britain
*  Emanuel Cellar  (1900-1970),  congressman,  USA
*  Winston Churchill  (1874-1965),  prime minister, war monger,  Britain
*  Andre Citroen  (1879-1935),  industrialist,  France
*  Leon Czolgosz  (1880-1902),  assassin,  USA
*  Isaac Da Costa,  slave trader,  Britain,  USA
*  Benjamin Disraeli  (1804-1881),  prime minister,  Britain
*  Alfred Dreyfus  (1859-1935),  officer,  France
*  Felix Frankfurter  (1882-1965),  judge,  USA
*  Sigmund Freud  (1856-1939),  psychologist,  Austria
*  Goldman,  banker,  USA
*  Samuel Gompers  (1850-1924),  labor organizer,  USA
*  Armand Hammer, Sr,  businessman,  USA
*  Joseph Hertz  (1872-1946),  rabbi,  South Africa
*  Theodor Herzl  (1860-1904),  politician,  Austria
*  Hebert Lehman  (1878-1963),  banker,  USA
*  Vladimir Lenin  (1870-1924),  politician,  Russia
*  Aaron Lopez,  slave trader,  Portugal
*  Karl Marx  (1818-1883),  politician,  Germany
*  Louis Mayer  (1885-1957),  film maker,  USA
*  Moses Montefiore  (1784-1885),  businessman,  Britain
*  Henry Morgenthau, Sr.  politician,  USA
*  Henry Morgenthau, Jr.  (1891-1967),  politician,  USA
*  Adolph Ochs  (1858-1935),  newspaper publisher,  USA
*  Oppenheim,  diamond dealer,  South Africa
*  William Paley  (1901-1990),  television executive,  USA
*  Gavrilo Princip  (1895-1917),  assassin,  Serbia
*  Franklin Delano Roosevelt,  president, war monger,  USA
*  Theodore Roosevelt,  president,  USA
*  Alfred Rosenberg (1893-1946),  Nazi Party Philosopher,  Germany
*  Julius Rosenberg,  spy,  USA
*  Ethel Rosenberg,  spy,  USA
*  Mayer Rothschild  (1743-1812),  banker,  Germany
*  Amshel Rothschild,  banker,  Germany
*  Nathan Rothschild,  banker,  Britain
*  James Rothschild,  banker,  France
*  Salomon Rothschild,  banker, Austria
*  Carl Rothschild,  banker,  Italy
*  John Rockefeller,  oil producer,  USA
*  Nelson Rockefeller,  vice president,  USA
*  Herbert Samuel,  oil producer,  Britain
*  David Sarnoff  (1891-1971),  radio executive,  USA
*  Sassoon family,  merchants,  Britain
*  Jacob Schiff  (1847-1920),  banker,  USA
*  Bugsy Segal,  organized crime boss,  USA
*  Leon Trotsky  (1879-1940),  politician,  Russia
*  Felix Warburg  (1871-1937),  banker,  USA
*  Max Warburg,  banker,  Germany
*  Chaim Weizmann  (1874-1952),  politician,  Britain, Israel
*  Woodrow Wilson,  president, war monger,  USA
*  Stephen Wise  (1874-1949),  rabbi,  USA
*  Madeline Albright,  secretary of state,  USA
*  Barbara Boxer  (1940),  senator,  USA
*  Edgar Bronfman  (1929),  distiller,  Canada
*  Alan Dershowitz  (1938),  lawyer,  USA
*  Betty Friedan  (1921),  feminist,  USA
*  Milton Friedman  (1912),  economist,  USA
*  Alan Greenspan  (1930),  banker,  USA
*  Ms. Kaplan,  immigration director,  Canada
*  Henry Kissinger  (1923),  politician,  USA
*  Irving Krystol,  communist who converted to neoconservatism,  USA
*  Bill Krystol  (1940),  neoconservative, son of Irving Krystol,  USA
*  Frank Lautenberg,  senator,  USA
*  Joseph Lieberman  (1930),  senator,  USA
*  Doris Meissner  (1940),  immigration director,  USA
*  Howard Metzenbaum  (1920),  senator,  USA
*  Barbara Roche,  immigration director,  Britain
*  Rubin,  banker,  USA
*  Charles Schumer  (1940),  senator,  USA
*  Arial Sharon  (1929),  military leader,  Israel
*  George Soros  (1930),  banker,  Hungary
*  Arlen Specter  (1930),  senator,  USA
*  Jack Straw  (1940),  politician,  Britain
*  Paul Volker  (1920),  banker,  USA
*  Casper Weinberger  (1920),  politician,  USA
*  Paul Wellstone  (1950),  senator,  USA
Many Zionists planned, financed, started, and sustained World War I, including:
*  Leo Moritz Amery,  politician,  Britain
*  Bernard Baruch,  banker,  USA
*  Theodor Bethmann-Hollweg,  foreign minister, Germany
*  Louis Brandeis,  politician,  USA
*  Winston Churchill,  politician,  Britain
*  Theodor Herzl,  Zionist,  Austria
*  Gavrilo Princip,  assassinated Archduke Franz,  Serbia
*  Franklin Delano Roosevelt,  politician,  USA
*  Theodore Roosevelt,  president,  USA
*  Nathan Rothschild,  banker,  Britain
*  Lionel Rothschild,  banker,  Britain
*  Herbert Samuel,  businessman,  Britain
*  Jacob Schiff,  banker,  USA
*  Chaim Weizmann,  politician,  Britain
*  Woodrow Wilson,  president,  USA
*  Emile Zola,  journalist,  France
Many Zionists planned, financed, started, and sustained World War II, including:
*  Bernard Baruch,  banker,  USA
*  Leon Blum,  politician,  France
*  Winston Churchill,  politician,  Britain
*  Cohen,  politician,  Britain
*  Eden,  politician,  Britain
*  Dwight David Eisenhower,  general,  USA
*  Felix Frankfurter,  politician,  USA
*  Henry Morganthau Jr.,  politician,  USA
*  Mountbatten
*  Franklin Delano Roosevelt,  president,  USA
*  Rothschilds,  bankers,  Europe
*  Joseph Stalin,  politician,  Russia
*  Fritz Thyssen,  financed Adolph Hitler,  Germany
*  Harry S. Truman,  president,  USA
The Zionists created, financed, and implemented Communism and Socialism, including:
*  Ehrenberg
*  Engles
*  Emma Goldman,  anarchist,  USA
*  Karl Liebknecht,  socialist,  Germany
*  Lenin
*  Kaganovich
*  Irving Krystol
*  Bela Kun,  politician,  Hungary
*  Rosa Luxemburg,  socialist,  Germany
*  Karl Marx,  founder of communism,  Germany
*  Jacob Schiff,  banker,  financed Lenin,  USA
*  Stalin
*  Sverdlov
*  Trotsky
*  Ehud Barak,  prime minister
*  David Ben Gurion,  first prime minister
*  Menachim Begin,  prime minister
*  Winston Churchill,  politician,  Britain
*  Moshe Dayan,  general
*  Goldberg,  murdered 50 Palestinians
*  Theodor Herzl,  Zionist,  Austria
*  Golda Meir,  prime minister
*  Benjamin Netanyahu,  prime minister
*  Yitzak Rabin,  prime minister,  assassinated
*  Lionel Rothschild,  banker,  Britain
*  Ariel Sharon,  current prime minister
*  Harry S. Truman,  president,  USA
*  Chaim Weizmann,  politician,  Britain
*  Allen
*  Michael Eisner
*  Friedman
*  Greenspan
*  Lehman
*  Ochs
*  Oppenheim
*  Paley
*  Sumner Redstone
*  Rothschild
*  Samuel
*  Sarnoff
*  Sassoon
*  Schiff
*  Solomon
*  Soros
*  Volker
*  Warburg
*  Warburg
The Zionists own and/or control many large corporations that you may want to avoid, including:
* The Federal Reserve Bank
*  Goldman – Sachs investment bank
*  Lehman Brothers investment bank
*  Salomon Brothers Investment Bank
*  Disney and the American Broadcasting Company  (ABC)
*  Columbia Broadcasting System  (CBS)
*  National Broadcasting Company  (NBC)
*  The New York Times newspaper
*  Time-Warner-AOL
*  Metro Goldwyn Mayer motion picture studio
*  Paramount motion picture studio
*  Viacom-MTV
*  Microsoft
*  DeBeers Diamond Syndicate
*  Home Depot
*  McDonald’s Restaurants
Many Zionists avoid revealing their ethnicity to Gentiles.  This deception allows them to blend into Gentile society without being considered foreigners.  This deception is a form of fraud that should be considered dangerous.  Secret Jews are also called crypto-Jews.  In many notable cases, secret Jews have reached the highest levels of power in European society.  Some examples are given below:
*  Madeline Albright,  secretary of state,  USA
*  Leo Moritz Amery,  half Jew,  friend of Churchill,  Britain
*  Winston Churchill,  half Jew on mother’s side, politician and war monger, Britain
*  Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Rosenfeld),  president and war monger,  USA
*  Theodore Roosevelt,  president,  USA
*  Harry Truman,  president,  USA
*  Woodrow Wilson,  president and war monger,  USA
*  Napoleonic Wars,  1805-1815
*  Civil War,  1861-1865
*  Spanish-American War
*  Boer War
*  World War I,  1914-1918
*  Russian Civil War,  1919
*  World War II,  1939-1945
*  Cold War
*  Korean War
*  Vietnam War
*  Iraq War
*  Serbian War
The Zionist conspirators have commited several major political assassinations.  These assassinations change history and destabilize nations.
*  People’s Will group,  killed Russian Czar Alexander in 1881.
*  Charles Guiteau,  killed American President James Garfield in 1881.
*  Leon Czolgocz,  killed American president William McKinley in New York state in 1901.
*  Gavril Princip,  killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in 1914.
*  Sverdlov,  killed Russian Czar Nicholas II and his family in 1918.
*  Carl Weiss, killed US senator Huey Long in 1935.
*  xxx, killed German diplomat in 1937.
*  xxx, killed British diplomat in 1947.
*  US Government, killed president Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua in 1956.
*  US Government, killed president Patrice Lumumba of the Congo in 1961.
*  US Government, killed president Ngo Diem of Vietnam in 1963.
*  US Government, killed Salvador Allende of Chile in 1973.
*  Yigal Amir, killed Yitzhak Rabin in 1995.
In addition, several assassinations were possibly commited by Zionists, including:
*  King Louis of France and Marie Antoinette in 1793
*  American president Abraham Lincoln in 1865
*  American president John F. Kennedy in 1963
*  American senator Robert Kennedy in 1968
*  National socialist leader George Rockwell in 1967
Several Zionists are involved in organized crime, including drugs, gambling, pornography, prostitution, smuggling, slavery, murder for hire, and racketeering.  Some examples are:
*  Albert Anastasia,  leader of Murder, Inc.
*  Czolgosz,  assassinated President McKinley
*  Lepke Buchalter
*  Buggsy Goldstein
*  Aaron Lopez,  slave trader
*  Meyer Lansky
*  Abe Reles
*  Arnold Rothstein,  the Moses of the underworld
*  Dutch Schultz
*  Jacob Shapiro
*  Bugsy Siegal,  founder of Las Vegas
*  Harry Strauss,  murderer
*  Mendy Weiss
*  Charlie Workman,  murderer
Source:  Tough Jews by Rich Cohen  (1998)
*  Madeline Albright,  Secretary of State
*  Samuel Berger,  NSA Director
*  Deutch,  CIA Director
*  Louis Freeh,  FBI Director
*  Doris Meissner,  Immigration Commissioner
*  Robert Reish,  Secretary of Labor
*  Paul Rubin,  Secretary of Treasury
*  Secretary of Agriculture
*  Andrew Card,  Chief of Staff
*  Ari Fleischer,  Press Secretary
*  Alan Greenspan,  Federal Reserve Chairman
*  Henry Kissinger,  Foreign Policy Advisor
*  William Krystol,  Foreign Policy Advisor
*  David Mueller,  FBI Director
*  Richard Perle,  Defense Advisor
*  Donald Rumsfeld,  Secretary of Defense
*  George Tenet,  CIA Director
*  Paul Wolfowitz,  Assistant Secretary of State
*  James Ziglar,  Immigration and Naturalization Service Commisioner
Jewish legislators in
the 108th Congress
NEW YORK, Nov. 6 (JTA) — The following is a list of Jewish members of the 108th Congress.
The number of Jews in the Senate will rise from 10 to 11, assuming that Norm Coleman’s victory in Minnesota holds. The number of Jews in the House of Representatives will remain at 26.
The one senator who was re-elected is marked with an asterisk. New members of Congress, including Frank Lautenberg, who has served before, are marked with a double asterisk
Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.)
Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)
Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.)
Carl Levin (D-Mich.) *
Norm Coleman (R-Minn.)**
Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) **
Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)
Ron Wyden (D-Ore.)
Arlen Specter (R-Pa.)
Russell Feingold (D-Wisc.)
Herb Kohl (D-Wisc.)
Howard Berman (D-Calif.)
Susan Davis (D-Calif.)
Bob Filner (D-Calif.)
Jane Harman (D-Calif.)
Tom Lantos (D-Calif.)
Adam Schiff (D-Calif.)
Brad Sherman (D-Calif.)
Howard Waxman (D-Calif.)
Peter Deutsch (D-Fla.)
Robert Wexler (D-Fla.)
Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.)**
Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.)
Ben Cardin (D-Md.)
Barney Frank (D-Mass.)
Sander Levin (D-Mich.)
Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.)
Steve Rothman (D-N.J.)
Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.)
Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.)
Steve Israel (D-N.Y.)
Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.)
Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.)
Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.)
Martin Frost (D-Texas)
Eric Cantor (R-Va.)
Bernard Sanders (Ind-Vt.)
These Zionist TV journalists participate in controlling and censoring the news.
*  Michael Barone,  PBS
*  Tony Blankley,  PBS
*  Bonnie Erbay,  PBS
*  Tom Friedman,  PBS
*  Ted Koppel,  ABC
*  Bill Krystol,  ABC
*  Matt Lauer,  NBC
*  Andrea Mitchell,  CBS
*  Antonio Mora,  ABC
*  Tom Oliphant,  PBS
*  Steve Roberts,  PBS
*  Morley Safer,  CBS
*  John Siegenthaler,  NBC
*  Mike Wallace,  CBS
*  Chris Wallace,  ABC
*  Barbara Walters,  ABC
*  Mort Zuckerman,  PBS
Zionist society is dominated by males, however, several Zionist women are prominent in politics and the media.
*  Bella Abzug,  Congresswoman,  USA
*  Madeline Albright,  Secretary of State,  USA
*  Barbara Boxer,  Senator,  USA
*  Diane Feinstein,  Senator,  USA
*  Betty Freidan,  Feminist,  USA
*  Emma Goldman,  Anarchist,  USA
*  Ms. Kaplan,  Immigration director,  Canada
*  Golda Meir,   Prime Minister,   Israel
*  Dorothy Meissner,  Immigration director,  USA
*  Barbara Roche,  Immigration director,  Britain
*  Eleanor Roosevelt,  First Lady,  USA
*  Laura Schlesinger,  Journalist,  USA
*  Gloria Steinem,  Feminist,  USA
*  Barbara Walters,  TV Journalist,  USA
The Jews have convinced millions of Gentiles that they should worship the Jews of the Bible.  This has been a very effective propaganda tool.
*  Abraham
*  Daniel
*  David
*  Esau
*  Ezekiel
*  Isaac
*  Isaiah
*  Joshua
*  Jacob
*  Joseph
*  Michael
*  Moses
*  Samson
*  Samuel
*  Solomon
Millions of Christian Gentiles worship the Jews of the New Testament because the Church tells them to do so.
*  Jesus Christ
*  John
*  Joseph
*  Judas
*  Luke
*  Mary
*  Matthew
*  Mark
*  Paul (Saul)
*  Peter
*  Thomas
*  The Beverly Hillbillies,  1964
*  Gomer Pyle, USMC,  1965
*  Green Acres,  1968
*  Hogan’s Heroes,  1968
*  All in the Family,  1971
*  Hee Haw,  1972
*  Married with Children,  1990
The primary Zionist power centers are:
*  The United States:  New York City,  Washington,  Los Angeles
*  Britain:  London
*  Israel
Secondary Zionist power centers are:
*  Russia
*  France
*  Germany
*  Canada
*  Australia
*  South Africa
*  Argentina
We support the state of Israel.  This may seem surprising, but we believe that the Jews have a right to their own nation.  One of the main reasons the Zionists have been so destructive is because historically they have been stateless, wandering from nation to nation, attacking and corrupting the host nations that they reside in.  We do not support massive financial aid to Israel.  We do not support special privileges to Israel.  We support peaceful relations with Israel.
We also support an independent Palestinian state, in principle.
*  Spiro Agnew,  vice president,  USA
*  Pat Buchanan,  politician,  USA
*  George Bush senior,  president,  USA
*  Alex Curtis,  pro-white webmaster,  USA
*  David Duke,  politician,  USA
*  Newt Gingrich,  politician,  USA
*  Matt Hale,  politician,  USA
*  Heinrich Himmler,  politician,  Germany
*  Adolph Hitler,  chancellor,  Germany
*  David Irving,  historian,  Britain
*  Rush Limbaugh,  radio commentator,  USA
*  Richard Nixon,  president,  USA
*  Dan Quayle,  vice president,  USA
*  John Rocker,  baseball player,  USA
*  Simon Sheppard,  webmaster,  Britain
*  George Wallace,  politician,  USA
*  Ernst Zundel,  holocaust researcher,  Canada
*  St. John,  Gospels,  60 AD
*  Chaucer,  1300 AD
*  Martin Luther,  1500
*  William Shakespeare,  1600
*  Nietchze,  1870
*  Captain Osbey,  1890
*  Henry Ford,  1921
*  Adolph Hitler,  1925
*  Julius Streicher,  1940
*  George Lincoln Rockwell,  1965
*  William Pierce,  1980
*  David Duke,  1999
*  Freedman
*  Israel Shahak
*  Steven Spielberg,  Schindler’s List director
*  Simon Wiesenthal
*  Elie Wiesel
*  United States Holocaust Museum
1.  The European people must terminate the Jewish Conspiracy immediately to ensure their survival and prosperity.
2.  The Jewish conspirators should confess to the Jewish Conspiracy and negotiate for reparations.
3.  Jews who oppose the Jewish Conspiracy should work to reform it.
1.  Who was the first chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913?
2.  Who is the current chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank in the USA?
3.  Who financed Japan in the Russian-Japanese War of 1904?
4.  Who assassinated President William McKinley in 1901?
5.  Who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914?
6.  Who assassinated Czar Nicholas II and his family in 1918?
7.  Who financed the Russian Communists in 1918?
8.  Who financed Winston Churchill’s career in 1900?
9.  Who was President Nixon’s secretary of state?
10.  Who established Dell Computers in 1985?
11.  Who wrote the Immigration Act of 1965?
12.  Who deceived the American citizens about the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941?
13.  Who was the secretary of war for the Confederate States in the American Civil War of 1861?
14.  Who gained control of the British government bond market in 1815?
15.  Who gained control of the American oil industry in 1890?
16.  Who was the prime minister of Britain in 1868?
17.  Who received the Balfour Declaration of 1917?
18.  Who developed the financial reparations in the Treaty of Versailles in 1919?
19.  What two nations immediately recognized the state of Israel in 1948?
20.  How much American aid is given to Israel annually?
21.  Who proposed the destruction of Germany in 1942?
22.  Who wrote “The Feminine Mystique” in 1963?
23.  Who assassinated the president of Vietnam in 1963?
24.  Who wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848?
25.  When was the Board of Deputies of British Jews established?
1.  Paul Warburg was the first chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913.
2.  Alan Greenspan is the current chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank.
3.  Banker Jacob Schiff of New York City financed Japan in the Russian-Japanese War of 1904.  He gave Japan a loan of $200 million dollars with the goal of weakening the Russian government.
4.  Leon Czolgosz assassinated President McKinley in 1901.  He was a Jewish immigrant and a follower of anarchist Emma Goldman.
5.  Gavril Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914, thereby providing an “event” to trigger World War I.  He was assisted by six accomplices and was supported by the Black Hand secret organization.
6.  Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky ordered the assassination of Czar Nicholas II and his family in 1918.
7.  The Russian Communists were financed by banker Jacob Schiff of New York City in 1917.
8.  Winston Churchill was financed by banker Ernest Cassel from 1900 onward.
9.  President Nixon’s secretary of state was Henry Kissinger.
10.  Dell Computers was established by 20 year old Michael Dell in 1985.  His financing and support are questionable.
11.  The invasive Immigration Act of 1965 was written and promoted by Senator Javits, Representative Lautenberg, and Representative Cellar.
12.  President Franklin Delano Roosevelt deceived the American citizens about the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.  He claimed it was a surprise attack, however, there were numerous warnings prior to the attack.
13.  The Confederate Secretary of War was Judah Benjamin.
14.  Nathan Rothschild gained control of the British government bond market in 1815.
15.  John D. Rockefeller gained control of the American oil industry in 1890 by forcing his competitors into bankruptcy.
16.  The prime minister of Britain in 1868 was Benjamin Disraeli.  The Jews had gained control of the very top of the British government.
17.  The Balfour Declaration was received by Lionel Rothschild in 1917.
18.  The financial reparations of the punishing Treaty of Versailles were developed by banker Bernard Baruch in 1919.
19.  The state of Israel was immediately recognized by the United States and Britain in 1948.
20.  The United States government gives Israel over $5 billion dollars in financial aid every year, and also provides a guarantee to defend Israel if it is attacked.
21.  The destruction of Germany was proposed by Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morganthau, Junior in 1942.  This destruction was partly accomplished.
22.  “The Feminine Mystique” was written by feminist leader Betty Freidan in 1963.
23.  The president of Vietnam was assassinated by the United States government and the Vietnamese army in 1963.
24.  Karl Marx wrote “The Communist Manifesto” in 1848.
25.  The Board of Deputies of British Jews was established in 1760.
*  Affirmative Action
*  Aggressive
*  Anarchy
*  Ashkenazi Jews
*  Assassination
*  Banks
*  Bible
*  Big Brother
*  Big Government
*  Bribery
*  Capitalism
*  Code of Silence
*  Communism
*  Communication
*  Competition
*  Corruption
*  Crime
*  Deception
*  Destruction
*  Hasidism
*  Ideology
*  Illuminati
*  Immigration
*  Infiltration
*  Inflation
*  Integration
*  Invasion
*  Israel
*  Judah
*  Judaism
*  Judeo-Christianity
*  Kabbalah
*  Liberalism
*  Marranos
*  Media
*  Money
*  Monopoly
*  Murder
*  Neoconservatism
*  New World Order  (NWO)
*  Oppression
*  Organized Crime
*  Parasitism
*  Predators
*  Propaganda
*  Ritual Murder
*  Satanism
*  Secrecy
*  Secularism
*  Sephardic Jews
*  Slavery
*  Socialism
*  Subversion
*  Talmud
*  Taxation
*  Torah
*  Treason
*  Violence
*  War
*  Zionism
*  Zionist Occupation Government  (ZOG)
*  Zohar
1.  Jewish History in 100 Nutshells by Pasachoff and Littman  (1995)
2.  Jewish History and Culture by Rabbi Blech  (1999)
3.  Judaism by Rabbi Blech  (1999)
4.  A History of the Jews by Paul Johnson  (1987)
5.  Jewish Power by Goldberg
6.  Judaism by Pilkington  (1995)
7.  The Rothschilds by Morton  (1961)
8.  The House of Rothschild by Niall Ferguson  (1999)
9.  The Protocols of the Elders of Zion  (1905)
10.  The International Jew by Henry Ford
11.  Chutzpah by Dershowitz
12.  Tough Jews by Rich Cohen  (1998)
13.  Secrets of the Temple: The Federal Reserve System by Greider
14.  The Creature from Jekyll Island by Griffin
15.  The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels
16.  Das Kapital by Karl Marx
17.  The 70 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time by Vankin and Whalen
18.  World History from 1500
19.  What Everyone Should Know about the 20th Century by Axelrod
20.  What Everyone Should Know about American History by Axelrod
21.  How the First World War Began by McCullough  (1999)
22.  World War I by Marshall
23.  World War II by Sulzberger
24.  Nicholas and Alexandra by Massie
25.  The King James Bible
26.  In Retrospect by McNamara
27.  A Republic, not an Empire by Pat Buchanan
28.  The Great Betrayal by Pat Buchanan
29.  Alien Nation by Peter Brimelow
30.  American History by Axelrod  (1996)
31.  Modern European History by Barber
32.  Churchill, a Life by Martin Gilbert
33.  Churchill’s War by David Irving
34.  The Civil War by Bruce Catton
35.  Anthropology and Modern Life by Boas
36.  Others Unknown: The United States vs. Tim McVeigh by Stephen Jones
37.  Day of Deceit: The Attack on Pearl Harbor by Stinnett
38.  The Trial of Henry Kissinger by Christopher Hitchens
39.  New World Order by Bill Still  (1990)
40.  The Guns of August by Barbara Tuchman  (1961)
41.  The End of Affirmative Action by Darien McWhirter  (1996)
42.  High Treason: The Assassination of JFK and the Case for Conspiracy by Harrison Livingstone and Robert Groden
43.  Crossfire: The Assassination of JFK by Jim Marrs
44.  My Awakening by David Duke
American National Conference
     Illuminati Conspiracy
     Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Willie Martin’s Index Page
      Wolzek’s Jewish History Timeline
     The Rothschild Dynasty by Des Griffin
     Jewish Tribal Review
     Professor MacDonald’s Page
Jewish Conspiracy FAQ
     Banker’s Conspiracy
True Conspiracies
     NWO Conspiracy (G. Edward Griffin)
NWO Conspiracy (Eustace Mullins)
     Holywesternempire.org  (James von Brunn)
     Save the Males  (Henry Makow)
     Holocaust Hoax  (Bible Believers)
Holocaust Hoax (Yahho)
Holocaust Hoax (Arthur Butz)
     Institute for Historical Review
Zundelsite   >> Ordered shut down by the Canadian Government  (CANZOG)
Zgrams (Ingrid Rimland)
Diary of Anne Frank Hoax
Schindler’s List Hoax
Mossad Conspiracy
     The Pauline Christianity Conspiracy
Christ Conspiracy
      CIA Conspiracy (Fletcher Prouty)
     CIA Conspiracy
FBI Conspiracy
Radio Islam
If you would like to contribute money to our organization, send an email message to crg120@yahoo.com for details.


Conspirators Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin meet at Yalta, Ukraine in 1945.


General Eisenhower talks to D-Day soldiers in 1944.


Harry S. Truman


Conspirator Lyndon Johnson becomes president after President Kennedy was murdered.

Kent State

Ohio National Guard soldiers confront students at Kent State University in 1970.

(12)  NOTES

1.  E-mail your comments and questions to:  crg120@yahoo.com
2.  This document will be updated on a regular basis.

3.  Revision 1.2.

Copyright 2000 – 2005 by the American National Conference.  All Rights Reserved.
***  The Zionist Conspiracy  ***
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