Jews make sexual slaves out of White Sex with American women

Here is an email I sent which recorded the true-to-life facts of how Jewish men prey on White women in Western Civilization. Even TV exposed the Jews in Israel for kidnapping and luring White Eastern European women from poor countries as sex slaves making them perform for at least 20 different Jewish men a day, and keeping the women in poverty and ripping up their passports.
But does anyone realize the Jewish men are doing it here in America, (the Superpower, and the Jews are not even ‘paying’ for these w hite se, but the Jews are getting it ‘free free free.’ Men watch your White women!  Jews not only have taken over your banks, but your women!

It was great hearing you and chatting with you on Republic Broadcasting Show on Tuesday night.  It was so refreshing to hear someone talk so openly ‘exposing’ the Jews.  I was the one who called Jesus “The World’s Greatest Anti-Semite.”
I’ve donated to your ministry, and I wish you well.  I myself have written over 10,000 email pages to media and White friends.
I’m very passionate about this because of what the Jews did not only to ‘me’ as a Caucasian Woman, but to 9 other women that I know, and I don’t even know a lot of woman that will even share their private life. That is how blatant Jewish sexual aggression is against White women.
You said that “Israel” was using White women for prostitution for 20 Jews a day, and I believe it. They ‘hate’ White women, and by forcing their sex on us, they punish us. I think their Jewish wives put them up to this, as Sara put Abraham up to having a baby with Hagaar, and then going to kill her when Sara found herself with her own baby. And the Bible specifically says, “I want your inheritance $$$.”
One can’t do all the journal writing, and not want to stop the Jewish aggression against the White race, and even the White female who doesn’t even realize it is happening to her.
Hitler knew it though.
I’m going to attach a paper I did in school, that started my own search and awakening to the plight of the Jews on Whites.  As you can see, it was in 2006 that I first was able to write 1/2 sentence about the Jewish doctor that raped me and threatened me with an insane asylum.
Since then, I have become more verbal and don’t hide like a female mouse in the corner anymore waiting for a Jewish mouse trap to slay me, mentally, spiritually, emotionally.
Here are other examples I wrote down off the top of my head:
  • The reason that Jewish men prey on White women is to ‘keep them down financially so that their own Jewish woman doesn’t have to have their children and the economic woes that brings.  Therefore the Jewish couple and small family can progress throughout the centuries, while the White man, and Gentiles are supporting the Jewish men’s children from this illegal liasons.  This is ‘intentional.’ That is why there are 1 billion Muslims, and only 15 million Jews. Gentile men have been supporting Jewish sex, just as Americans are supporting Jewish sex here, and black sex through welfare, and Mexican to have as much sex as they want, and we pay for their babies they make, and don’t have White babies of our own. Below are stories of women who could have had White husbands and families but got almost ‘hypnotized’ into becoming their lovers:
  • As I said above, a Jewish doctor raped me in 1968, and when I thought I was pregnant declared, “If you tell anyone I will have you commited to insane asylum for life… I have a Jewish wife and children, and this would ruin me for life.
  • He recanted when I called back to let him know it was a false pregnancy and promised it wouldn’t happen again. They are such con artists.  He told me he was in psychoanalysis and he’d be cured.  Then when my Viet Nam Veteran husband was having problems 8 years later, I went back to him for private session to help not just ‘me’ by my war hero White husband, and he told me point blank: “Get rid of him, and get yourself a ‘good Jewish man,’ White men are no good.  If the White men are having problems, the Jews have been doing this to them since my ancestors in Poland where Jews called ‘home’ for 900 years.  He then went to rape me again, but I got away this time.  He stopped me and flagged a “new prescritpion” that would heal my depression, and when I took the prescrition to another doctor, it was apparent, that he wanted to ‘overdrug’ me to cover his crime, and he already talked with my husband ‘privately’ to make sure this was done.  I never dreamed what was going on, and if I was too emotional, I apologize, but I’ve seen so much, and time seems to be against us.  That is why I was encouraged with your ministry, for it brings hope, and even laughter, and this I know will bring some healing to me.  It is painful to know all this, and be alone.
  • There were 2 other Caucasian women at a legal place where I worked and the subject of Jewish lawyers came up. (I’d be afraid I’d be fired if I ever talked about it, but I encouraged them, since they were not temps, as I was.)  These two secretaries were older and had worked for a Jewish lawyer for perhaps 40 years. The Jewish lawyers are cheap and greedy and don’t pay as well as Christian men.  And besides working for less, the Jewish men ‘demanded’ sex from them.  And the women were White slaves, “IN AMERICA” Western Civilization, not even like Eastern Europe where the White women were getting $$$$ for their sex. The American White women are giving their sex away, Free, Free, Free, to the Jews here, making “it worse,” than even in Israel, and no one is exposing it until I talk about it. And this is very, very difficult to talk about.  White men must become strong and ‘refuse’ to let their White women work for Jews. They must take out the Jewish tape recordings out of their wives’ head, and re-program them with ‘warnings of extreme danger,’ as if one would see a sign near a cliff.  Just as the dirty Jews tried to kill Jesus the Anti-Semite by driving forcing him over a cliff, (it would then look like Jesus commit suicide and jumped and they’d go scot -free like they do today,)  We must warn out White women and children, boys and girls, for the Jews are using them for homosexuality.  I asked these girls if they missed the opportunity to have children, or weren’t the angry about his (Jewish) wife getting his home, his millonaire bank account, his insurance policy, his ‘inheritance.’ And they both smiled and said “No,” like the old “Steppford Wives” movie, that the women couldn’t think and became like robots.  The Jews did that to drive our White women into the work place so there was plenty of ‘free, free’ free, sex for them as doctors, lawyers, etc. and did it ‘deliberately’ to bring down the Caucasian people, who were kind enough to let them live here, as Poland did for 900 years.
  • A friend of mine from France is a Shakesperean actor and he said that in order to get a role in either New York or Chicago he would have to be a male slave for the “male” directors, producers.  He was so mad he “cursed” America and went back to France.  He said, “I want (White) my own emphasis, babies, I don’t want this filth.”  And he left madder than hell. And rightfully so, but he had no one here to turn to, and he seemed like the ‘idiot’ or ‘moron,’ which the Jews are accomplishing on our men, as the Jews are declared the “smartest” people in the world. They are the ‘dumbest people’ because they lack any thing that resemles ‘morals’ and ‘virtue,’ so it makes them “Moral idiots.”  I repeat.  The Jews are not ‘smart’ they are “Moral Idiots,” and we live in a “moral” world, as well as an intellectual world.
  • My sister went on talk radio in Chicago, perhaps 20 years ago. She was called Mary the Mystery, and would write poetry, of a very light hearted nature, and it was very good. It was on a midnight show, where there were not that may callers, so she really entertained the people that stay up late, sometimes in pain from diseases and use the radio to keep their minds off their pain. She was always ‘cheerful’ and ‘happy,’ not upset like I am. I sometimes, rather I ‘often’ wish I could go back to their world of “Everything is fine and wonderful.”  or  “You shouldn’t be so prejudiced.”  I’m always the one who is made to feel ‘guilty’ and bad. But, anyway, after several years, there was a picnic for the radio station, and he invited my sister to attend.  And, since her Italian Caucasian husband worked not only one job, but owned an Italian Restaurant, he would be gone all night. So, my two sisters went, and it was at the picnic that he seduced my sister.  I mean my sister was a ‘Virgin” when she married her Italian husband, as that is how it ‘had to be years ago.  She was faithful to her husband. And then like the women above, she was like ‘hypnotized’ by the Jewish radio talk show host.  My brother-in-law found out and took a loaded gun to the station to kill the man for his crime. Hitler clearly knew these were crimes and made a law about it, and deported the first Jews for this crime against his White women. Hitler taught the young girls with movies showing the Jews as monsters, not as America shows the White men as the ‘monsters’ so White women can ‘hate’ the White male.  It is easy then for Jews to ‘get’ the White women in bed that way.  Well, the Jew got scared to death when my brother-in-law was going to pull the trigger and begged and pleaded for his life. But, as you said on the radio, the Jews have been in this situation for 2,000 years, so they are pros at overcoming the Gentile male, their enemy and competitor.  The Jew knew my brother-in-law had an Italian restaurant, and the Jew bribed him with an entire year of “free advertising,” if he would let the Jew live. My brother-in-law put the gun down, and again this Jew was never punished for his crime.
  • (I come from a White family of 15, so I can compare stories and put the puzzle pieces together. And this is about topics that most women don’t talk about.)  My sister said the Jewish man across the street from her died.  At his casket came “5” Gentile White women with children from him, in addition to his wife.  And again it is the Jewish wife that gets all the ‘goodies’ and the White women are begging for crumbs and are so grateful when a Jewish man throws a crumb her way.
  • I have a niece (actually I have 46 nieces and nephews) that went to work for a Jewish stockbroker.  He paid her pennies for the mathematical hard work she had to do. But not only that, he expected and got her in bed for over 20 years. After I started to realize this, I started telling my sisters that their daughers must be awakening from this dream (nightmare) they are in as a White slave in America… and for free, not even paid as a prostitute would do.  Finally, the niece woke up, and stopped the sex, and decided she indeed did want a (White) baby.  But it was too late. She was already in her 40’s and all used up in bed, and no one wanted her. She is an old maid today, and the Jew’s wife will get his entire inheritance as well as a dignified place in society, where she can spend his money on all sorts of Jewish organizations and charities.
  • Another niece, was in the same situtation. But again, no one was comparing this until I broke the ice and dared to be brave enough to take the insults and tell the Truth about what happened to prevent other White women from these Jewish disasters and have the Jewish men treated as ‘Kings’ in this country. I treated my White husband, Mike Duncan, as a King, and now he is gone, and it is the Jews that are to blame for his death and suicide.
  • Well, this other niece, “Murphy” is her last name, met a Jewish man, and all the women say the same thing, “But they are sooooo nice.” The Jew does nothing for them, he gives everything to his wife, but again, they are ‘sooo nice.’  She became the mistress of a Jew and was always there at his beck and call.  I told my sister to ‘stop her from destroying her own life.  My niece had 5 children to take care of and needed a husband for herself and a father for her children. I was very ‘passionate’ in my speech towards them because I had to stop her. She was ruining not only ‘her’ life but was giving an example to her young daughters to become White slaves for Jewish men also, and giving an example to her White sons that this is ‘acceptable,’ and one must never talk about it or be politically correct.  The only reason my White brother-in-law above went to bring justice to the Jew, was because he was from old fashioned “Europe,” that still had morals at the time, and were not afraid of Jews as we are today.  Finally, my niece listened to my passionate plea of love for her and her lovely 5 children. She broke off this insidious relationship, (I wouldn’t use the word relationship because it was just preying on her and using her like a used dirty White rag.)  After she broke it off and got the nerve not to see him anymore, she found herself a nice husband, who bought her a home in the North Suburbs of Chicago and she is trying to make a go of it, even though the cards are stacked against our White couples, thanks to Jewish media, Jewish divorce attorneys, and Jewish monsters.
  • The Jews used even my poor White Mama and Daddy, that even though they were so poor, if they had a few pennies left over it would be to buy ‘booze’ at a Jewish local tavern. The same thing went on in Poland for 900 years where the Jews called home, even though all the other nations kicked them out.
Anyway, Pastor James, keep up the good work, cause truly God Almighty cannot watch this Jewish hypocrisy anymore. The White Caucasians have been “Christian, moral, kind and loving,” for over 2,000 years and do not think he will forsake us, even though the picture has been so bleak and so blinding in my life being able to compare and put the pieces of this puzzle together.  I hope the men wake up and put their foot down about their daughters, wives, mothers that are Caucasian and become White slaves for the Jews. The Jews will use other races just as they do ours, I also know that for a fact, because a Jewish boss I had years ago, (filthy rich) who had a black woman for his mistress. He even had me call his wife to get her recipe so the black mistress could make him leg of lamb!  The Jews don’t worry or fear, even if they are put into ghetto’s they enjoy struggling back into power!

Karaoke friend's-White Male suicide; Jewish hypocrisy

There are things that I cannot even discuss on a live journal such as wordpress, especially the email I got today informing me of my friend’s suicide a Karaoke Jockey, KJ.  He was a very handsome, German American, blonde hair, blue eyes, big, tall and strong, and a great sing ballads.
For another White male to commit suicide is being my comprehension, whe all this country is concerned about is the Civil rights of the “poor jews and their faked and exaggerated Holocaust, totalling ignoring the Polish Catholics whose numbers far surpass the Jews by a long shot for deaths.  And the “poor blacks,” who we should support or else they might burn the country down. Or the poor Mexicans who are invading or country worse than as if Stalin landed on American shows and wiped away 1/2 of the population.
What about White Civil Rights?  Since I started this study after myown White husband’s suicide, with the last words, There is no help for the White male and I’m going to kill myelf and show them it is about “men” and not about “$$$”.  Meaning to rehab our White men utterly destsroyed by Affirmative Action, and intentionally so, because
Civil Rights is a topic that the Jews were using to destroy VBavaria back as long as the 1300 century and that is why the White Bavarians kicked them out.  My ancestry is from Bavaria, and Austria, and I can see why the Jews were kicked out of there. This is “White History,” not jJewish fables, fantasies, and fraud.
My KJ friend, (Karaoke Jockey) that commit suicide will be remembered dearly in my heart forever, and with every stroke of this keyboard to prevent another White male suicide, or even a female suicide as my own 3 attempts.  Where are our White Civil Rights? Who can I complain to?  Who can I scream and cry at, or smash every window in the ouse as my poor Mama of 12 White Polish babies, that saw the Jewish hypocrisy way back in the 1950’s, whereas I didn’t catch on until about 2003, even though my Mama was trying to tell me, I couldn’t listen or would fight her back, just like people are fighting me back when I tell them.
The Las Vegas main newspaper called me up yesterday and wanted to interview me with pictures of me performing as the “Queen of Karaoke.”  He said that they wanted to do a spread on me.  But, he wanted it to be ‘real’ and not something put together for the news.  He said he called me last week, but I never got a message, so I don’t know how this can be, because I’m the only one here, and there is no message on my answering machine.
When I told him it was still not too late, since the entertainement section is included in Thursday’s paper, we were working out a program where they could take pictures and then interview me. He was leary that I didn’t go out singing all the time, and told him I stay home to write my autobiography for myself and my deceased husband.
I told him that the Chicago Tribune did an article about me once. I was at an Elvis Birthday Party and Elvis’ friends and relatives were there in Chicago at the Hang Uppe.  There was a karaoke contest, and the Chicago Tribune asked if they could film and watch me. They especially were interested in the changing of the costumes, and asked if they could follow me into the bathroom, although not in the private stall.  But, then the Chicago Tribune did other articles about me also.  When I started to write the media, was the beginning of the end of all the media attention I was getting.
I also told the newspaper that he could interview my karaoke friends from the House of Blues who said they have filmed most of my performances there, called “Extreme Karaoke.”
He said they wanted to do the review on me, but didn’t want to hear anything about my book(s).  It was to be kept strictly for karaoke only.  Then after everything was set for me to meet them on the Strip at a casino karaoke bar, he called back and said they had cancelled. I didn’t know why, nor did he say.
It was all rather strange, and I remember hearing Don Black and David Duke talk about how unpredictable and unsettling our media is.  When the Whites recreate their society, these are things they should address. Just outright honesty and integrity as Hitler was striving for, not that he succeeded for even his own White German people were very corrupt around him and were more concerned about getting $2,000.000.00 houses and villas to live in for their German White wives, than for Hitler’s idea of ‘love of race, fatherland, and character.”  These values were going to have to be taught to the ‘next’ generation, as the current generation was too far gone.  And surely if the Jewish doctors made up 52% of the medical, and only were a smaller percentage than here in America, the media must have been run by them too as they did around the entire globe.
In memory of Lester the KJ, who apparently commit suicide, recently, I wrote to a karaoke friend about this, and gave her the first two songs I ever sang in karaoke and how it started 21 years ago.
My son, Paul and I, were in Disneyworld in (I think the year was 1988, and “88” is a good number for Whites), at a Ramada Inn pizza restaurant. I saw the sign, “Karaoke” on a blackboard outside in the hall, and went in, as I had read about it in the Christian Science Monitor about 5 years before. When I sat there, I saw the TV monitor and all the words on the screen.  Even though I didn’t have TV, radio, stereo, I heard songs at dances, or at my friends or sister’s homes who played music. I just sang in my chair quietly.  But, karaoke people are very friendly, and there have been KJ’s that call it the “karaoke” of “love,” where if someone comes in he announces the newcomer and everyone goes to greet and hug the new karaoke person that just walked in.  (Something Whites might try to do and to complete White strangers yet.)
While I was doing my “chair-i-oke” which is another name coined from a Chicago karaoke bar, at least 6 different people came up to me to ask me to get up and sing. They had never seen anyone that knew so many of the songs. Well, I wouldn’t do it saying the same thing I have heard everyone else say, “I can’t sing. I’m the world’s worst singer. I ‘hate’ my voice.  There isn’t enough booze in the state of Florida to get me up there.”  Also, ‘chair-i-oke’ was when I would go to karaoke at Trader Todd’s in Chicago, (Playboy magazine rated it #1 for karaoke) and since it was ‘slow’ on Sunday, they would put an ’empty’ chair on the stage.  So, I would go up and sit down and they would spin the wheel, or somehow pick a song at random.  (Most of which I never heard before if not all.)  And then one would try to sing it and it was really challenging and broadened one’s knowledge of songs, and exposed the singer to help get over the fear of singing on stage.
Anyway, after the ‘6’ person came up to me in Disneyworld Karaoke, I decided to go up.  Now, after I finally muster up all the nerve in the world that I could possibly get, I turn to my son and tell him I’m going up and he says, “If you go up, Mama, I’m going to my room. Don’t embarass me.”  He was 9, and we had been basically alienated from each other since I put him into the boarding school.  The first 5 years after the divorce left me seeing very little of him, as I had to work scrubbing floors and cleaning toilets just to have the $$$ to get there, although by this time I was working at Roadway Express in the office.
I said to Paul, “Mother has got to do, what Mother has got to do.”  When I got up to sing, “I’ll Say a Little Prayer for You,” I looked into his eyes and he was very attentive.
Here is the first song I sang, and the next song, was in a karaoke contest. (Can you imagine someone being so bold or crazy to enter a karaoke contest after only singing one song in public?  But one has to ‘try’ not ‘win’ all the time, or is that some sort of slogan for “Whites only.”
I was a background actress in Chicago, and was actually called to be in this scene, but had to work so I didn’t get the message until it was too late.  The movie was about a White man whose ‘best friend’ goes to marry his ex-girlfriend.
When I got up to sing this song, I told them I was new so they put the microphone ‘low’ and I found myself having to scream the song practically.  Well, the Disneyworld Pizza Place was having a karaoke contest and needed contestants as no one was signing up, so I did another song, which I really didn’t know and probably bombed at, but one has to ‘try’ not ‘win,’ all the time.
Here is the second song I sang in the karaoke contest:
P.S. one more song came on youtube that I thought might be interesting. In the Bible we read “I Am That I Am,” which is what God said to Moses.  Well, Shirley Bassey sings something similar, “I Am What I Am,” and comes out with a cape just as I do in karaoke. (I have many capes that I have sewn or purchased, and love to twirl them around on stage. Sometimes, it is more about the ‘fabric’ I’m wearing and twirling, than me or the audience or the music itself.
Shirley Bassey is a 1/2 breed like Obama as I looked her up on Wiki, (or at least it says her father is from Nigeria and she looks blackish. The British Crown gave her tons of awards, but the Brits are hell-bent on destroying the White race and their own people except for a few.
Needless to say, I didn’t win, but I had fun.  Most White men will ‘not’ enter a karaoke contest if a black person signs up.  It seems the blacks not only take all the money from college tuition grants, from welfare, from HUD homes, from free medical, etc. etc. but they take the $$$ away from karaoke contests as Whites goes into some sort ‘frenzy, ecstasy, and almost oblivion as if they have just seen God or Jesus Christ on stage…  Affirmative Action has hurt the White male in karaoke also, because of almost 100 years of Jewish programming since the Jew Al Jolson covered his face with black paint, and started to replace the White man in entertainment and respect.
In regards to Lester’s suicide, I think it is high time to use our churches not as vestibules for more Jewish propaganda and ideas, but for Whites to unite and transform and take back our race and country.
This is utter ‘hypocrisy,’ and Whites should not be paying $$$ for ‘hypocrisy’ at churches, and there are churches even worse than mine when it comes to destroying the White people.
In Cruden’s Complete Concordance, the definition for hypocrisy reads:
(A false assumption of virtue; canting pretence of goodness or religion.  The word if frequently used in the Bible with the meaning of ‘godlessness.’)
Here are some of the passages which Jesus, the anti-Semite and racist, used to the Jews, about Jewish ‘godlessness, (and even the opposite of godless which is devilishness):
In Mark 12:15 Jesus accuses the Jews of being ‘crafty’ because they want to know if they (the Jews should pay taxes to the Romans.) Perhaps the Jews wanted hand-outs like they are handing out the country to all non-Whites. The parable upset the Jews and it ends that:
“The Jews longed to get their hands on him (Jesus) for they knew perfectly well that he had aimed this parable at them–but they were afraid of the people, (that were starting to come around and understand Jesus’ message.)
“Meanwhile, the crowds had gathered in thousands, so that they were actually treading on each other’s toes, and Jesus, speaking primarily to his Jewish disciples, (who he favored above Gentiles making him a racist) and aid,  ‘Be on your guard against yeast–I mean the yeast of the Jewish Pharasees, which is sheer pretence (hypocrisy.)  For their is nothing covered up which is not going to be EXPOSED.  (Hopefully, Jesus is prophecying that the Jews and their dasardly deeds are going to be ‘EXPOSED’ TO THE ENTIRE WORLD,’ and that their ‘perfect crimes’ will be ‘perfect’ no more.  Not at the cost of the White male their competition in our own country.”
I’ve been writing about ‘exposing’ the Jews but never realized it was the Lord that said these words first, according to “J.B.Phillips” New Testament.
1 Timothy 4: 2:  Beware of false teachers: warn your people.
“God’s Spirit specifically tells us that inlater days there will be men who abandon the truth faith and allow themselves to be ‘spiritually seduced’ by teachings of demons, teachings given by men who are lying hypocrites, whose consciences are as seared flesh.  These men forbid marriage and command absinence from foods–good things which God created to be thankfully enjoyed by those who believe in him. Everything that “God made is good,” and not despised. (I think this would mean that men and women should be able to marry for this celibacy is driving a wedge between humans, and even ‘food’ is good. We are very afraid of food today, and even drink, for so many gluts of stories about ‘this’ being bad, and ‘that being bad,’ that at times I don’t even know what to eat or drink for fear I’m breaking some health law.  It is not the ‘food ‘that will hurt us,’ but the ‘fear of the food will kill us.’
James 3:
“What causes conflict among you? Do they not spring from the aggressiveness of your bodily desires.  You want something you cannot have and are bent on murder’ you are envious, so you quarrel and fight.  The Scripture says that “God opposes the arrogant and gives grace to the humble.”  (So does God ‘oppose’ the arrogant Jews today?  I would say, of course.)
Job gives a speech to the Jews in Job 15 :
Heavy though his jowl is and gross, and those his sides bulge with fat,
the city where he lives will lie in ruins, is house will be deserted;
it will soon become a heap of rubble; he will no longer be rich, his wealth will not last,
and he will strike no root in the earth; scording heat will shrivel his shoots, and his blossom will be shaken by the wind.
He’deceives himself, trusting in his high rank, for all his dealings will come to nothing, his palm-trees with wither unseasonably,
and his branches will not spread; he will be like a vine that sheds its unripe grapes, like an olve-tree that drops its blossom.
For the godless, one and all, are barren, and their homes, enriched by bribery, (hypocrisy) are destroyed by fire;
they conceive m;ischeif and give birth to trouble, and the child of their womb is deceit.
(So as I see it the Jewish women’s children are ‘deceit’ incarnate.)
Jesus, the anti-Semite and racist said, “

Egyptian goddess Ma'at

In looking up “heart” for Purple Heart I came across this and if you like Egyptian history like I do I think you might find it very intriguing about the Egyptian goddess “Ma’at,” of the heart and soul.
If you scroll down to the bottom, you will see the 42 negative confessions, and these certainly are ‘not’ what the Jews stand for.  It really makes one think and wonder exactly what is influencing us today.
In Egyptian mythology, the heart portion of the soul was weighed in a balance against the feather of Ma’at, symbolising truth, in the judgment of the dead in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Egyptian sources do not actually reveal whether the heart had to be lighter than the feather for the deceased to pass into paradise – all depictions show only the weighing of the heart, not the actual results, heavier or lighter.
Similarly, in the Bible, this idea emerges in the earliest passages; Genesis 6:5 situates the thoughts of evil men in their hearts, and Exodus 5 through 12 speak repeatedly of the Lord “hardening Pharaoh’s heart.”
(You can see that the Egyptians have a clearer sense of ‘love and justice’ than do the Jews, I think, at least the Jews that seem to control our country today.)  But perhaps, I’m wrong, because even fellow White patriots think I’m totally wrong about the Jews.  Also, you can see that the Egyptians originated much of what was in the Bible, and surely when the Jews were in captivity there they took their ideas and made a book out of them and now call them the Bible.
I think one of the most horrible things the Jews have done was when the bombed and nuked the USS “Liberty,” they were going to pin it on Egypt, and make us go to war with them. It would mean destroying the ‘only’ wonders of the world, the Pyramids, for all the rest are gone and that grieved me deeply.
You see, when I grew up in South Chicago, I would frequent the “catacombs or basement” of the Natural History Museum, and study the Egyptian art, mummies, and even the King Tut exhibit, where he covered himself with gold all over.
I think Whites really need to start re-thinking their existence, their past, and their future, and even our Christianity, so that it ‘preserves and resurrects’ us and not destroy us as a White race, culture and heritage.

George Washington, Benjamen Franklin Warning Whites of Jews

As I write for my husband to put him in the Purple Heart Museum, I think I would rather go through excruciating child birth without drugs, and feel like a grenade exploded in me when I delivered, rather than to feel the tension and the mental agony of the heartbreaking things I’m writing about. I think I can honestly say with Jesus the anti-Semite, “Please Father, let this cup pass from me, but not as “I” want, but as “Thou” wants.”
I could be free of this tension and depression, if I just act calmly and serene and forget about the White or even the Polish people, and let the Jews have their way.
But, it seems my destiny, and believe me, I think I would trade places with any other woman in history right now.  So I’ll take a deep breath and write and pray. I actually stopped at the picture of Jesus at church and asked him for his anti-Semetic help, because I just can’t seem to stand this anymore.
When I was writing my biography for the Purple Heart Museum, I came across this that I copied and pasted.
Please read at the bottom to what George Washington and Benjamen Franklin wrote about the Jews. Their prophecies have come true, 200 years later, just as they predicted, or 10 generations, as they said.  This is scarey and uncanny.  And it took over 10,000 pages of writings to ‘define for me’ what these White disguished celebrity males meant when they warned us about the Jews.
I also wanted to add that during the Clinton administration, the Clintons, Hillary and Bill, would have special ‘sleep overs’ for Jewish guests.  They were in the “Lincoln’s bedroom,” and I’m sure the Jews wanted it that way. It was significant for it was “Lincoln” that paved the way for Black Civil Rights and Jewish Civil Rights and the nuclear explosion that disintegrated the White Race.  It was the biggest slap in the face the Jews ever gave us.
Rich Jewish singers like Barbara Streisand would ‘sleep over,’ in the Lincoln’s bedroom for $1,000.00 and perhaps all the perverted sex the Clintons and Jews could handle. Now “this woman” Hillary is head of the Whole World and what she says goes. And she used to ‘beat” President Clinton. From what I read she would holler at him, and throw things at him, and humiliate him in front of even the FBI agents who had to protect President Clinton not from ‘assassins’ but his own wife!

No Writing today; Anniversary Song

Mike Duncan and I were married 40 years ago on July 26, 1969!  Here is Tom Jones’ version of the “Annivesary Song.” Too bad that Al Jolson the “Jew,” was given this song by the Jews to paint his face black to “start to bring the Whites into submission to Black Music.”  That was back in 1928!  It’s been all Jews since then and their non-White followers for Whites to worship at daily in the Jewish religion or “anti-religion,” I should say.
I’m not going to write today, but instead just sit at my computer and live with Mike’s ghost and continue to write ‘his’ biography, even before I finish my own.  I need to stop the wars for Israel, and will submit my essay for the Purple Heart Museum on that basis of never having to give another Purple Heart to White men for Jewish wars.  It isn’t that he was the greatest man.  I mean he didn’t give me a million dollar baz mitzvah like the Jewish fathers give daughters, he didn’t give me a Mercedez Benz like Jewish doctors give their wives, or maids, butlers, nannies, cleaning ladies, chefs, unlimited bank acounts, prestige in America beyond recognition.  No he didn’t even take me out to dinner once.
But, what he gave me I can write about with pride and dignity and a clear conscience.  He was the only man to love me and support me.  No matter what I suffered with him, there was no other man that would stand by my side, even if silent, just his US Marine presence, when I wanted to breastfeed, natural childbirth, spiritual healing, organic gardening, sports with the White sons, and to live with a woman who couldn’t talk enough to say “I Love You.”  But then again our marriage was one of ‘works’ and never, never words.
The Anniversary song also reminds me of Mama’s and Daddy’s anniversary on November 22, 1930, (33 years later John F. Kennedy our President would be killed by the Israeli Mafia because of his stand against their warring nuclear weapons.)
I was conceived on Mama’s and Daddy’s anniversary. I am their only ‘present’ to each other, from the penetration sex on Nov. 22, 1946!