This email is only for those that are religious, and although I do not pray the rosary, God hears all prayers. We just need to hear Him. I know there are those that don’t believe, so you may not want to read this, but it was an extraordinary miracle from my childhood. It was March […]
Tag Archives: Gun Show
Eddie Funeral, Wife and Family
Here is what I wrote a Polish male friend of the family, also studied for priest. He went to the wake but I was delayed and didn’t get to see him. He is a retired French Teacher. I was distraught worse of all when my brother’s eldest son went to step on my mother’s grave, […]
White Brother’s Funeral
Here’s what I requested to sing at Eddie Funeral. His wife and their German family and their German family didn’t want me his sister there nor my poor family there, because of our poverty and our idiosyncrasies we suffer from it. She certainly didn’t want me singing. Do you think God will reward her with […]
TSA Agents: White Suicide
I have added media emails to relay my story of my protest against the illegals and why are TSA agents at Chicago Ohare but not on the borders of Mexico, since our worse danger is from them. This information will also reach Europe, and hopefully will be forwarded to other White countries since statistics at […]
“Watch You Bleed” Jewish words to Whites on Tee Shirt
As if the last tee shirt I sent you that the Jews use to “torture” us, here is one that says “Watch you Bleed.” And yes, Jews are not only watching us on their private TV, but they are “watching us as they suck every drop of blood from us both in labor and $$$ […]
Jew Jesus Tee Shirt Axl Rose Guns n Roses
I was sent this video on my new website: queenofkaraoke1 ……… I already have subscribers and am getting emails. If the Whites knew that I started American Idol, perhaps I would get one or two more. But Jews get 400,000,000 with their Lady Gaga creation. It made me cry, which I’m glad to have my […]
Pt. 1 German Sister-in-law
She is more of a White “Outlaw” than a White “Inlaw.” There’s much to write about my brother’s funeral, and my sorrow and loss. But I was the only one crying. At first. Later others did, but not before I dropped at his casket and wept. Most were “laughing.” Is “this” what the Jews have […]
No Jewish Hairdresser for Elvis
Here is Elvis’ best friend from his God-loving gospel group that clearly and adamantly confirms that Elvis had “no hairdresser.” As you know the Jew Larry Geller, which J D Sumner calls “Gallagher” was “not” Elvis’ hairdresser, but more like a Jewish spy to relay to Jews everything Elvis was doing to have Jews “sell […]
Kosher Killer Krimes
While Jews invented the myth of the horrors of the KKK for trying to maintain law and order in the South after Jews and their imps gouged the Southerners, the true monsters are the Jews. Remember what the Jews reduced Poland to, “a land without laws,” and a “land of how they enslaved the entire […]
George Wallace and Elvis
As I said in last email, Wallace, gunned down for Jewish propaganda showing him a monster for not wanting separate schools for Whites. Today, we desperately need separate schools for White boys, not even both boys and girls, for it is the White boy that is in danger. White women, thanks to Jewess High Priestess, […]