Skull Chappel, White Poland, and Jewish Wars.

White Poland, 30 years war Christian chappel. 3,000 white people’s skulls, There are several pictures you can forward to right from our own Smithsonian Institute. Better get it for Jews will eventually close down any negative reference. Odd but I see Christians slammed and hated on internet chats, God abused as well as Jesus, but […]

Jew Crimes in Israel, America and Russia

Chicago… Jew “Israel: The Promised Land …. of Organized Crime.” As I wrote a few days ago, about Black Commie Obama releasing the #1 criminal spy against the USA of all time, Jew Jonathan Pollard, Obama gives him freedom and send him back to Jew Israel, where all the Jew international mobsters are and their […]

Pt 7… con'd

Pt 7: Jew murderers in new movie: Synagogue of Satan by Andrew Carrington 1992: Jew Bankers drive interest rates up 5% driving White Britain into recession. Market crashes, right on cue for Jew Rothschild’s banking empire. Housing market crashes, as in USA recently. Enslaving White people. 1993: Jews buy up England, pennies on the pound, […]

Protocol of Zion (Jew) #6

Jew Protocol #6: These were written perhaps a century ago and on the Henry Ford “International Jew” site also. Note just as I wrote from my common sense reasoning and writing I said we have not advanced as Whites. When I was young, my husband bought home, cars, we had babies, home cost $22,000, car […]

Jew Holohoast at Schools

Jew Holocaust Brainwashing? Where’s the debate? No one is denying it, but Jews are not admitting they lost way less in war than my Polish White Christian people. The “work camps” were in my country of “Poland” not Germany. Germany deported all their Jews so they could create an all white society, not bothered by […]

Pt. 1 International Jew by Henry Ford

Henry Ford: “The International Jew.” Just some comments. It’s said that Queen Isabella kicked out a whole slew of Jews from Spain. Obviously they gouged the people and were rich enough on White $$ to get on the ship with Columbus. Also smart enough for Jews “kick out” the Whites from our universities and take […]

When are "Jews" going to apologize to Whites?

Jews apologize to Whites? Blacks apologize to Whites? Browns? Reds? Muslims? Yellow Commie Chinese? Did you ever hear a Jew say “I’m sorry” for the genocide of our species. It is more like “I’m ecstatic” the Whites will soon be dead or degenerated into 4th world humans and then we will really be the “cattle” […]

Black Colin Powell, Jew Yiddish and 9/11

Black Colin Powell and 9/11?! Colin Powell was selected by White George Bush as Secretary of State… which coincidentally… was during the 9/11 conspiracy against Whites. Colin Powell, at the highest level during 9/11 tragedy which I’ve already demanded an investigation thru Facebook (Whites can’t get to talk to the top as Jews can for […]

Dr. William Luther Pierce on Jews in America

9/11 and Is the White Race committing Suicide or Jews genociding us? Did you know White President Bush’s Secretary of State during the 9/11 Tragedy of 7 buildings collapsing with 2 small airplanes, was Black Colin Powell. Do you find it strange that Powell speaks Yiddish (or Jewish?) Just as Michelle Obama’s uncle is top […]

Communism or Jewish?

Communism? “There is no such thing as communism in the world! It’s proper name and only name is JEWISM, AMERICAN JEWISM!”- H. Wallace Butterworth