George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation Godly

I  happened to catch this on the Rush Limbaugh Show while baking cookies yesterday.   It is the 1789 George Washington Proclamation, who once had his own holiday on our White calendars – now we only have a black man that hated and beat White prostitutes in Vegas.   I’m “grateful” to these White men, […]

Whites: Your Children: Jew, Red, Brown, Black, Hindu, 1/2 breed, Yellow

If anyone asks “How many children do you have, White person?”  what would you answer? No children, or 2 children?   Think carefully about this.  For whatever taxes you have paid, or even excessive doctor’s, lawyer’s costs, even tickets for a Jewish movie, you are paying for “their” children.   A parent pays for the […]

Code Orange

Another answer to prayers. You know how I wrote 3 years ago, and just recently, that I’m sick and tired of going into airports and having them declare a “Code Orange.”    Code “White” I would appreciate, but I’m not “Orange,” and I resented that.  The first time I realized that the Code Orange over […]

Jacque Hollander Radio Justice

There is an internet radio show this Wednesday: see below.  Jacque Hollander is the gal from Chicago who was raped by the black thug, called the “hardest working man in show business.”  (Ask the Southern men if the blacks were the “hardest” working at anything. I know for a fact that being a Polish White […]