New Movie: Princess Diana Murdered?

Heard on news that a controversial movie is coming out about Diana’s death. Odd but it coincides with the Royal Wedding. Perhaps even her sons want revenge for the bad treatment of their mother. I wonder if my son’s will ever do the same for me. Anyway, I wrote before that when I worked for […]

Hiring All Whites!

While the rest of Chicago, the USA, and the World was bent on destroying the White male and spending 24/7 (led by Jews) to figure out ways to “employ” jews, blacks, browns, reds, and yellows, I was hired by George Jewell Catering to hire HETEROSEXUAL WHITE MALES AND FEMALES.   If the police want to […]

Prince Harry, Blacks, Beatings

[youtube=]  Here is the article and note how the Board of Jews of Britain drove Prince Harry the Royalty to his knees. Yes the Royalty better watch themselves or they will be thrown down the well after being shot by the Jews there as in Russia.  Better get down and say “I’m Sorry.” Do you […]