More Hank Sr. the true balladeer legend from the South, that sang of our real White pains and our hope in God, and hopefully in ourselves and each other. It brought tears and weeping as did the other Hank songs I just sent, and this one sings that he wanted to say “I Love You” […]
Tag Archives: Robert Redford
Jewess Calls Me Today
I always say that Jews and I have a lot in common, although from opposite points of view. I wrote to you about Whole Foods top 1000 list, comparing dark leafy greens, like kale, watercress, mustard-turnip-collard greens, as being the 1,000, compared to fruit averaging 150, meat, averaging 75, etc. Although we still need the […]
Hank Williams Sr. Getting Closer to the Grave Each Day
Jews have split the White Race as their Jew scientists and doctors developed and dropped atom bomb which is the “splitting apart” of atoms. Jews have also split the White race into fragments and genocide. And although I seem to have little in common with the White people I meet. One thing all 700 million […]
St. Mary Magdalene & Dolly Parton
What do the two women have in common, Mary Magdalene spoke and lived along side Jesus, and Dolly the Great, sings about him. I found this song where Dolly sings as if she were St. Mary Magdalene. It was wonderful and answer to prayers to see St. Mary Magdalene gain such prominence along side Jesus […]
Mama’s Got her Boobs Out
Here’s a country and western song that might warm you heart. If you think boobs are piggish or dirty, the delete, for I think they are sacred, used for nursing, made by God, and cute. When I got on a mission to stop hating myself, and being suicidal, I wanted to love “all” of myself. […]
More Historical Changes for Veterans in Today’s News
As I wrote before, my 20,000 pages of emails, visits to Sen. Harry Reid and John Ensign, making phone calls, letters to schools, teachers, churches, relatives, friends, and yes, even wearing my homemade costumes, and flamboyant military hats….. has helped account for several historical changes for the Veterans. A Viet Vet Parade, scorn removed off […]
Black Queens and Eunuch Castrations
I often called Oprah, the Black Madonna, and after minutely writing and watching the KKK Birth of a Nation, I see that Whites have been “overawed” of Blacks for a long time, and holds true until today. First worship Jews, 24/7, then blacks, then fight for rights of brown Mex’s for citizenship, then send White […]
How They Insult a Good White Woman
I have had my youtube broadcast describing the Jewish doctor’s rape against me. To show you how much “love and sympathy” there is when a White woman is raped, especially by what we consider the highest that we worship “the Jews,” here are the only messages sent to me. And it looks like some are […]
Nuremberg: Lynch Law
The “Birth of a Nation” emails along with free movie, is probably the best way to spend “Independence Day,” for perhaps someday Whites will be free. I found this movie for the next topic in “Nuremberg” is called “Lynching” and wanted to study the crimes the blacks were committing that resulted in beatings, (my father […]
KKK – End- Birth of a Nation
Best Movie Ever! 2:27:54 in movie. Try to be briefer. Although Hitler’s Himmler wrote 75,000 pages, and Mary Baker Eddy, 50 pages, although they were not typewritten, but we live in a different age. I will try not to think in whole sentences or entire thoughts. Blacks getting vicious and violent with Whites. History […]