Katrina and Sandy

Hurricane Katrina: It’s strange hearing about the horrible damage of Hurricane Sandy. I am at the point in my autobiography that I make the transition from “typing” long emails to anyone and everyone to going on talk radio in Vegas, 50,000 watts of power, which Jews eventually bought out, fired all the White radio jocks […]

  An essay I wrote at College English 101 about the 24 hours on Thursday March 28, 1957, the events surrounding the day I saw Elvis Presley in the Gold Lame Suit! Barbie Patton   English 101 Ms. Laura Mc Bride Story about myself when I was under 10 years old September 19, 2006 The […]

Polish Ukraine Uprising Jews

Jews ban on “merrymaking.” It is no wonder I had to practically pull teeth to get White people to “Merrymake”  with singing and dancing.  And the people couldn’t dress in “costumes” or “masquerades.” No wonder had such a hard time wearing costumes in many places singing karaoke or called “crazy” because I did what my […]