See the other posts earlier regarding this book “The American Jew, An Expose of his Career” I also have posts today 10/13/12 on, Barbara Ann Nowak. “The Jew Summarized.” “The word given to a Christian need not be kept.” The Talmud “Herbert Spencer compared and industrial society to a living organism, but it had […]
Tag Archives: Viet Vet
Jews and Journalism
“Physical degradation follows closely on moral degradation. This is strongly remarked upon the Jews who of all races is the most depraved.” Lavater The book, “The American Jew” Expose… tells a story of a Jewish boy growing up in Austria Hungry. Schools were expensive in Europe but found a really good one. (Jews will use tax […]
Bible: Jews, United Nation, Treason
I came across this website, and much of what is written I have already “reasoned” out by analyzing different writings. But never has it been written so forcibly, how the Jews have used Treason through the United Nations! The same place we are issuing our White Genocide to! We have already established that […]
Kick the White Man's Ass While he is Suffering and Suicidal
[youtube=] [youtube=]Does this look like my son, that I nourished so deeply, even before he was born. When I could have taken cocaine for it was offered to me at parties, unlike the coward black President that we have, I stood up to the drug dealers and to my husband and his friends and said […]