Please spread the word. The White Aryan YouTube maker is afraid he’ll be next taken off the net if not a worse punishment.
Jews spread viruses and news about cyber attacks simply to sell their $9 billion technology. They then become like Jew doctors, lawyers, and bankers Whites (Christians) can’t live without. When will the USA change to have “all laws for the advantage of the White Race?” All Jewish laws, even in Poland, repealed? When will the laws change to demand our White boys get special classes, segregated even from girls, to be able to do advanced math and science, reading and writing. The Jews have dumbed us down terribly and intentionally.Think of their term for my people who hosted them for a millennium: Dumb Polak. Talk about “hate.” Jews are the master haters of history. I didn’t turn them into slaves and the agony of wars. That’s hate what they did. And they are so used to getting off Scot Free, it’s child’s play.
I pioneered computers in high school so I take a keen interest in cybersecurity. Plus being hacked since 2002, I’m learning much through the pain and suffering like child birthing without drugs at home. I worked for a Jewish machine shop in 1968, which had a Nazi manager, Helmut Zahn, and all Polish immigrants, just like in the Auschwitz Poland camps. Jews had no problem with Germans and Poles for them to be their underpaid slaves, overworked, treated badly. Plus they gouged the US steel companies who were our customers. They gouged their vendors by not paying them and continuous Chapter 11’s. The owner had a mansion with high wrought iron fence for security in ritzy Chicago suburb. When I worked there, they saw I had computer experience at #1 US Steel. (founder Andrew Carnegie) They brought in IBM to work with me. It wasn’t a good setup, but tried to work with it. IBM told the Jew president of the company in 1968 that we will be able to shop on the Internet. Jews stay ahead of us, don’t train us properly, replace our high paying jobs with any other race if they don’t take the jobs, get the best homes, and White women like money and power. Think Ivanka Trump, Caroline Kennedy, Chelsea Clinton married to Jews who chose them for high breeding, money, fame, and power. Our White women need to change if we are to end the World War III between the White male and White female.
Jews have this “doomsday” prophecy theory they terrorize Whites with. They ferment the “Rapture theory” that Jesus is going to come back and save them from the Jew-induced misery. Jesus isn’t coming back. It’s Jewish hypnotism over superstitious Whites held in bondage. A woman started a religion with her husband back in the late 1800’s. She also claimed the Rapture and had places set up around the USA to be taken away from this planet (misery) and into heaven. Jews in the USA and in Poland for 1,000 years already admit both countries for them living off Whites has been “Kingdom of Heaven,” “Paradise” “Golden Age.” They deluge us with a false non-stop sense of the word, “Love,” simply to make the word, “Hate” make Christians attack other Whites if we tell the truth. It’s so bizarre, that in the year 2018 we’re caught in a scheme and reality that takes us back 6,000 years. When the day came for the Rapture, Jesus didn’t show up. The Christ is a Spirit and can’t be seen but felt. He’s not coming back in a mortal body. Whites have to unite. When humans first lived separately, they found they could survive better if in larger groups. What they realized was that as they bonded and put away their fears and differences away they found love or survival which they named God. To divide and conquer Whites is the devil. And Jews are the haters using reverse psychology on us.