Theodor Fritsch Exposed Jews

Fritsch says what he means so if you are easily offended please do not read further: if you do so then you risk being rather offended if you are of a philo-Semitic disposition. Here are the 10 White Commandments protecting our people:

‘1. Be proud of being a German and strive earnestly and steadily to practice the inherited virtues of our people, courage, faithfulness and veracity, and to inspire and develop these in thy children.

2. Thou shall know that thou with all thy fellow Germans, regardless of faith or creed, hast a common implacable foe. His name is the jew.

3. Thou shall keep thy blood pure. Consider it a crime to soil the noble Aryan breed of thy people by mingling it with the jewish breed. For thou must know that jewish blood is everlasting, putting the jewish stamp on body and soul lasting until the farthest generations.

4. Thou shall be helpful to thy fellow German and further him in all matters not counter to the German conscience, the more so if he be pressed by the jew. Thou shall at once take into court any offense or crime committed by the jew in deed, word or letter, that comes to thy knowledge, lest the jew abuse the laws of our country with impunity.

5. Thou shall have no social intercourse with the jew. Avoid all contact and community with the jew and keep him away from thyself and thy family, especially thy daughters, lest they suffer injury of body and soul.

6. Thou shall have no business relations with the jews. Never choose a jew as a business partner, nor borrow nor buy from him, and keep your wife, too, from doing so. Thou shall sell nothing to him, nor use him as an agent in thy transactions, that thou may remain free and not become a slave unto the jew nor help to increase his money, which is the power by which been slaves our people.

7. Thou shall drive the jew from thy own breast and take no example from jewish tricks and jewish wiles, for thou shall never match the jew in trickery but forfeit thy honour and earn the contempt of thy fellow Germans and the punishment of the courts.

8. Thou shall not entrust thy rights to a jewish lawyer, nor thy body to a jewish physician, nor thy children to a jewish teacher lest thy honour, body and soul suffer harm.

9. Thou shall not listen nor give credence to the jew. Keep all jewish writings away from thy German home and hearth lest their lingering poison may unnerve and corrupt thyself and thy family.

10. Thou shall not use violence against the jews because it is unworthy of thee and against the law. But if a jew attacks thee, ward off his Semitic insolence with German wrath.’ (1)

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