President Trumps Executive Order: Freedom of Speech on Campus. How Mine was Denied

As a Conservative of sane and real progressive values to save our White people, both college experiences have been like cyanide to my brain and your future.
My comments below video on President Trump’s Executive Order:
  1. 2006: Vegas. I attend College of Southern Nevada to study husband’s last words, “No help for the White man.” Everything in me thought he was bizarre. And then then my reality shattered, like a glass window smashed in slow, slow motion. The teacher threatened to expel me. The students liked me and my essay I read at podium. Every poster, essay, teacher’s word, book, student union, was anti-White. Especially White male. Only 2 essays on White male and hateful. 
  2. Missouri State University expels me. I begged for mentorship. In a calm, quiet, intelligent manner. Refused. The two essay assignments were about worshiping black Haitian and Black people attacked in riot. The two teachers stirred up class like a witch’s caldron. The only audible remarks by White students in the class were anti-White. They hated Dr. David Duke and glad a movie was about to assault him. The girl said her two sisters married blacks but the evil Whites in her small town disapproved. The teacher I asked my opinion. I calmly told them of my Veteran husband’s last words on being White and our son’s 1 1/2 % High IQ in nation’s 4 suicide attempts. The next class was cancelled. The following class the teacher said she could see me afterward for a meeting. I thought in my innocent and loving heart, she would mentor me. Instead, she took me to Linda Moser, head of the English department where they calmly expelled me! It was ok when my teacher’s essay on her blog was about how she held in her core while moving a heavy table and murdered her unborn child. When I explained that the editing the teacher’s assistant gave me on my first essay was valuable and changed my book to include a reference. I asserted my family had the worse domestic violence reports and depression in Chicago’s history. She said I had to use a reference. I was able to locate it at the University of Illinois, where Dr. Elizabeth Dorus did a 2-year study on my family in her “Family and Depression” series. Alcoholism, Depression, Worse Domestic Violence, suicide attempts, Infanticide. Never wonder why Poland’s birth rate is 196 of 196 countries, women refusing to have babies with incentives, and President bringing in 2,000,000 Ukrainians to use those birth incentives, interbreed. End of my Polish people.

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