White German Cartoons Unmasking Jews

From German newspapers showing the evils of the Jews. Since a Jew doctor raped me in Chicago, 1968, and threatened me for life, I am free to warn society of this predator on the loose and unpunished. I read the Germans had programs to teach the girls to report these rapes to the police. The first Jews “deported” (there were no gas chambers) were the rapists. Germany will be first of our White Race to succumb and die from Jew genocide. Most ancestry of America is German who don’t even know and taught to be afraid as Jews named me “Dumb Polak,” “Dumb Blonde” defaming us.
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Sadly, this is exactly what the drunken Jew-led Communists did to Germany after they bombarded the capital and found the starving German women. They raped them. Worse, the White German women were educated with culture and refinement to keep our Race pure not even mate with Russians. I agree. If we have mere dogs, cats, and horses pedigreed, humans are supposed to be the highest. All the other races believe it including Jew race, but we’ve been brainwashed by them and “believe” them. Their Lies.
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Notice the sea of women. I have relatives who were lifelong sex slaves for Jews, underpaid, and overworked in their companies but hid it for no one except me ever had the courage to come forth and talk about it.
Image result for der sturmer cartoonsThis sadly reminds me of crying over the suicide of my US Marine Purple Heart Hall of Honor who fought the Jew-led Communists of both Jewry USA/Israel and Yellow China and lost. We see that all over the world today. White race living on debt. Jews made sure the Germans were heavily in debt and then forced them to pay or else in a moment’s notice. What would happen if Jews did that to the White Race even Christians indebted to them. I have a costume with a cape and a hood like that. I wore it to the traveling Vietnam Veteran wall in Vegas as a tribute to my husband whose ancestry goes back to Mayflower, 1620. My womb, sacredly, and lovingly carried two descendants from that Mayflower line. Since my husband was the last one from that line if I didn’t have his children it would have died off. Replaced by Jews and all the other races 92% of world. Whites only 8% if that. Poor Germany first to go extinct from intentional genocide now plagued with more problems: Muslims.
The German women taught not to be moved or seduced with “beads” for Jewish obsession with White Race sex to bring us down, impregnate us as the doctor who raped me ejaculated me even though a professor at the University.
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All Jews of the world united into one Race against the White Race: Image result for der sturmer cartoons
Image result for der sturmer cartoonsThe Jews who started Federal Reserve Bank and destroyed our US Treasury bank so they directly get all our White tax money since 1913. Janet Yellen, Jewess, heads it today and has been headed by Jews for practically my entire life. I worked at one of the 12 branches autobiographically speaking so was one of first to write about it.
The Curse in the Jewish baby’s blood. They weren’t kicked out of European countries 106 times for nothing. Plus they had their secret Jew empire in my Poland ancestry country from 1025-1945. The entire Holocaust was about Jewish emigration into the prosperous #1 country of the USA when our White politicians wisely put immigration quotas against them in 1924. They had to trick us somehow and won World War II.
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Nothing Jews like better than forced race-breaking since they stole White Thomas Alva Edison’s movie machine and made Hollywood 1927 until now. All movies we have ever watched were Jews for bringing us down and elevating themselves into 40% of billionaires in USA are Jews, yet only 1.8% of population.
Image result for der sturmer cartoonsThe Blacks rape 37,462 White women each year and ruin the White women for life. Jews prey on White women who never report it and I know 10 who have confided it to me. They think since Jews are “White” which they are not, and “rich” which they became off White money the rape is “good.” They then became sex slaves some as long as 47 years plus work as their secretary, assistant, vice-president. Always the beautiful ones, Christian ones, smart ones to deplete our White Race gene pool.
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In the Jew’s “Holy?” book they can rape White Christian girls even under the age of 3 and boys after age 9.
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Stalin, Roosevelt, Church execute peace for the world on a Jewish chopping block. The hammer on the Communist Stalin’s arm stands for Jewish man who started a Revolution against White Russia, 1917, and his Jew henchmen proceeded to kill about 100,000,000 White Christians only from then until they forced suicide on my Vietnam Veteran Purple Heart.
Jews stab whatever country they parasite in the back. My Poland for 1,000 years, USA, Russia, Germany, Scotland, England, (those are the only ones I’ve studied. The other countries have to speak up and write also.) To me this is the Communist Jew dressed as a woman with cleavage stabbing the Veteran in the back. That man represents my US Marine Purple Heart Hall of Honor husband.
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Their Jew business tactics bleeding the entire White Race dry around the world. Removing the Jew mask. It was the same for me after the rape and ran out and didn’t go back. But I thought I was pregnant and went for one more appointment. His really nice, friendly, smiling demeanor turned into a monster like this one when he said, “If you tell anyone I will have you committed to insane asylum for life. I have a Jewish wife and kids and this would ruin me.” He didn’t care if he ruined my life or drive me to suicide and despair, just his precious lazy conniving Jewess’.
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Jews in court don’t care if they put their hand on the Bible. They can lie up a storm and their devil-god from their holy book, The Talmud, not the Old Testament, will forgive any and every crime. All our dead White Veterans at their feet.
Stopping the Jew’s crimes, standing up, and saying “No,” to their illegal laws, illegal aliens, illegal banks, and illegal monopolies.
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This is rather bizarre but it won a contest showing Jews’ crimes against Christians and Muslims both.
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Sadly, Jews kill off Jesus and his mother Mary each day and moment with their destruction of Christianity through their laws, media, and monopolies. After Jews got through with Europe after World War I and II Civil Wars, only 1% of the people of Belgium where the European Union headquarters is located even knows who Jesus Christ is. Perhaps none knows he had a mother who loved him and bore him in her womb and birthed and breastfed him naturally as I did. Her name was Mary. They ripped Mary off the pedestal of contemplation and in her place put a Jewess American Princess on a Pedestal, JAPP, for White Christians not just to contemplate but for us to worship 24/7 through entire Jew media of our minds, bodies, sexuality, souls, finances, entertainment, art, etc.
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