What Yellows and Mexicans Think of Christians (Whites)

We’re all European descendants, hence Christian value ancestors. Presbyterians built 450 churches in one Chinese city, and the Yellow Commies bombed and destroyed them all. Many Whites unknowingly have destroyed our Christian values. Worse, they made themselves slaves to Jews as their “Messiah.”
My deceased veteran husband grew up in the Presbyterian Sunday School. He named himself, “Michael, the Deacon, Duncan.” He’d get on a box and preach to the sinners downtown on Chicago’s Rush Street. 
I  contacted the church of his youth about help editing, publishing, or providing leads. I took a screenshot of what the brown Mexican thought of the church. Jews were “actors” when they came to America; they taught the other races the same. They deceived the White people. To think the USA is now nearing 50% non-Whites, it’s alarming. Let’s see how they deceive us on the 2020 Census as I discovered in 2008. If the Census doesn’t promote Whites, it’s worthless. Jews have a worldwide Census. Yellow Chinese. Hindus? The USA has one for Hispanics. Categories for Reds. Nothing for Whites. I found my figures about 2042 being the year we’d become -48,000,000 but found it on a Hispanic part of the Census. It’s time like this I thought of tanning my skin. Black women can make twice as much as I can since the Whites trained and mentored them and deluged them with favorable laws. This Chicago area is near the Temple and shrine they are building for Barack Hussein, his wife, Michelle, and their 3/4 Black offspring.

If no one will read a 1000-page bible, certainly, no one will read my 730-page book. I’d still like to document it and send it out to the universe. It’s original information. Perhaps aliens can help!

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